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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/15 22:28:44 )
Maddie nodded lightly when he declined. Of course he had work, he had work just about every day..right? She wondered quietly. She watched him go to the kitchen and shook her head. "You're right about it being filling, I'm not really hungry.." She murmured. Maddie blinked and walked over to him. " Umm.. Could you show me how-to work the washer? " She asked curiously.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/15 23:23:56 )
"Oh, okay sure thing mads. Come with me." Cint told her and led her back to where the washer and dryer. "Alright so depending on mow much clothes you have to wash, that will be the size of the 'load' that you have to set it to. It's pretty easy. This dial here is what you turn to the size you need and then you will push it. When you do that, the machine will automatically start adding the water." Clint explained to her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/15 23:55:39 )
Maddie followed him to the laundry room and listened to him explain how the washer worked. So, it was as easy as reading the dials.. "Oh, okay. How much soap do I add though?" She murmured, then followed by asking him curiously. You had to add soap to the load, right? And what about the dryer? Maybe it was as simple as the washer..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 00:44:21 )
"Once the water is there, you add your clothes and you add one and a half scoops of soap. Then you add one little cup of fabric softener and you just relax while it does it's thing. When you add it to the dryer, just toss in one of these sheets and turn the dial to regular and push it. That's all there is to it Mads." He said to her honestly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 00:19:08 )
Maddie listened and nodded lightly. "Okay, thanks." She said casually. "I'll wait until tomorrow to do my load, since it's late." She said quietly. What to do now though? She was tired but really sleepy.. "I guess, I'll read some more of that book until I fall a sleep." Maddie said, mostly to herself before glancing at Clint. "Hopefully we sleep better than we did last night. " She said with a small hopeful smirk.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 04:10:44 )
Clint looked at her, it was pretty late now wasn't it? He just hadn't noticed how late it was, he had been too focused on the movie to notice the time. "Of course, let me know what you think of the ending." He said with a smile. Maddie then told him she hoped they got more sleep and he laughed softly, reaching out and ruffling her hair. "Yeah, I hope so too Mads. We really need it." Him especially. He coudln't just fall to sleep at work, that wasn't very safe.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 04:36:00 )
Maddie blinked a few times when Clint suddenly ruffled her hair and flushed some before quickly fixing her hair. "Well.. Goodnight." She voiced sort of shyly, not exactly expecting him to do that. "The movie was awesome, by the way." She stated more casually, then left the room and headed to her own room where she plopped down on the soft bed and curled up. Almost immediately forgetting about reading and just laid there for a few minutes, until she saw the book. Maddie sat up and picked up the book, opened it to the current chapter she was on and started reading.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 05:22:16 )
Clint was glad that she had walked away after saying she had enjoyed the movie. If she had stayed behind, he'd probably start rambling about it and she didn't need to deal with that. "Goodnight Mads." He said quietly. Clint made his way to the living room and cleaned up, washed the dishes, washed and dried his hands then started to turn off the lights and check that the front door was locked. The movie was put back in its case, TV turned off and he headed off to his room to sleep.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 05:37:47 )
Maddie eventually fell asleep at who knows when, the book resting on the side of the bed carefully. She had finished it, sort of, as long as she remembered when she woke again. She didn't sleep great though, due to her infamous nightmares and such. The woke a few different times, only an hour or two apart before giving up and sitting upright on her bed. It was early.. The sun was just starting to rise when she glanced out the window. Why did she even bother trying to sleep most nights? She glanced at her reflection and sighed, really hoping Clint was having a better night than she was.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 19:47:37 )
Clint had slept just fine. He had an odd dream though but he still slept until his alarm went off in the morning. Immediately, Clint went through his routine of showering, getting dressed for work, tossing his clothes in the laundry basket and heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. On his way there, as was habit, he stopped at Maddie's room first and looked inside. "Oh, you're awake. Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 23:36:40 )
Maddie blinked and turned around to glance at Clint. "Morning." She murmured quietly before walking towards her door frame, nodding lightly. "Enough to survive on, I guess." She said as an attempt to tease, but she just wasn't in a teasing mood. "How about you?" She asked hesitantly. She'd need to tell him or would rain later, before he left so he could take a rain coat or an umbrella, and that she finished her book.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 00:25:47 )
"That doesn't sound like you slept very much then." Clint answered. She didn't look too well rested, he wanted to guess that she slept perhaps three hours at the least. It was just a guess though. "Me? I slept nicely. Although...I had an odd dream. I have no idea what it was about though." He explained and gave her an apologetic smile. "Come on, I'll make us some breakfast. Or...I guess you can wait here. Either way is fine."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 00:56:57 )
Maddie shook her head lightly and smirked some. "I'll be alright." She said to him casually. She raised a curious eyebrow. "A weird dream? Care to share it while you're making breakfast?" She asked curiously before walking out of her room and headed to the kitchen, where she sat down at the table and waited patiently. Maybe she could help him figure out what the dream was about, if anything at all.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 01:07:07 )
Clint shrugged and followed her towards the kitchen. " was just strange. I was alone...I think? I don't know. All I know for a fact was that I was in some unknown place. Looked like some woods, and I was talking to someone but I didn't see anyone there. I don't even remember what the heck we were talking about. I think it had something to do with work. I'm not sure. But this person who was talking, I don't know who it was. They sounded harmless but well..." Clint shrugged again and began to get ingredients ready for their breakfast.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 01:47:08 )
Maddie rose another eyebrow as she listened. He was talking with someone in the woods, but he didn't see anyone? and the place he was in was unknown.. That was very wierd. Maybe someone would try to lure him into the woods, using his job as a topic to lure him? 'Ot maybe it's just a random ass dream..' Her thoughts murmured. Maddie shook her head and glanced at him. "Wow, random." She said, then lower her gaze to the table. "Maybe it doesn't mean anything, and it was just a weird dream. Nothing more." She suggested, somewhat to herself but loud enough for him to hear her. "Just.. Be careful.." She said quietly as she began to trace circles on the table top.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 02:23:48 )
Clint laughed and nodded, continuing to cook their breakfast. "Well we did watch a movie about talking robotic cars. So I guess it makes sense I'd have a weird dream no?" He said to her. He appreciated her worrying about him though, it was really sweet. "I should be okay though mads. I don't plan on walking into the woods any time soon. I have no business there, so you can rest at ease." He explained to her with a firm nod of his head. He had no business in the woods. He knew where the woods were, they weren't too long of a drive away from here but he'd never actually wandered inside. Nothing good ever happened in woods. He had seen enough horror films to know this.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 03:29:48 )
Maddie shook her head lightly. The movie had nothing to do with it, she knew better. "Nope." She said casually, hiding a smirk. "But you're right, and I'm probably worrying too much." She said, glancing at him briefly. He said he wouldn't be going into the woods any time soon, and she believed him. "Um.. Take a rain coat with you to work, or an umbrella. The sky calls for rain later." She said, trying to think about something else. Whatever he was making smelled really good. Of course, it didn't matter what he made, so far everything smelled good and tasted just as good. She also hoped he wouldn't ask her about how she really slept, because then he'd figure out she had a nightmare and that's why she didn't get much sleep. Then she'd want to tell him even though it wouldn't do any good.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 03:58:36 )
Breakfast consisted of vanilla cinnamon swirl french toast with some scrambled eggs with ground sausage in them. For drinks, he poured them each a glass of milk. "You're fine mads, I think it's really nice of you to worry about little old me. You worrying only shows me how much you care." There was nothing wrong with caring about someone. However he could understand that sometimes caring a lot about someone was seen as a bad thing. She wasn't being clingy though. Jesus no. She wasn't like Jess. No, he didn't want to think about that witch right now. Not when the day was just starting and he was in a pretty good mood. "Rain?" Was it really going to rain? "Well alright, I'll grab my coat before heading out. Thanks for warning me. Some rain would be nice though. The plants would really appreciate it I'm sure." He said. "How's the book going by the way?" Clint asked, setting some plates down on the counter so he could easily serve the food on them.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 02:32:40 )
Maddie felt her cheeks heat slightly with his compliment. Well, she took it as a compliment anyway. Clint always knew how to make her feel better when she felt like being a bother. "If I don't, who will?" She teased harmlessly. Of course she cared! He was probably the only one she cared about at this point, since she really didn't care about herself. Maddie grinned when he agreed to bring his coat before leaving, only to blink when he asked about the book. It took a minute to remember, but her smirk returned. "Oh yeah, the book.. I finished it last night." She said to him quite proudly. Breakfast smelled good like it always did since she started staying here.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 04:29:49 )
The male laughed softly at her teasing reply. She told him she had finished the book and he glanced her way. "Did you? That's awesome Mads! And what are your thoughts?" Clint asked her curiously. It was always nice to know about a person's opinion regarding books. You could always learn a lot by knowing that bit of information. "Would you read it again in a few years?" He asked and carefully began to serve their breakfasts on the plates which sat on the counter. He shut off the stove and then set the pans back down on the stove top. After that, he picked up the plates and set them down on the table along with their drinks.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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