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Forums Hangouts iggy's hangout - open [NEW CONTEST!!]

Donator — sheep Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 18:33:38 )
Sorry for late/no responses people! I've been super busy. A little overtime at work, then being sick and generally anxious, then having to bring my poor kitty to the emergency vet. Its been a rough week.

@Inspire: Rainbow Ties does sound pretty cute! Thanks for your entry! And thanks! I hope this hangout can grow and still be close. And I love chibis too. I think it's such a sweet style.

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 20:45:42 )
Batsy Says. . .


@Inspire: more of my art is in my art shop and gallery.
although i need to really update my gallery.
been really lazy as i don't finish art that fast or very often.

Donator — pancake Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 22:51:09 )
Hai, Wifey~~~
You look like you!

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/19 05:40:44 )
@iggy: I completely feel the overwork and anxiety issues, I'm trying to fix major depression and panic attacks myself, again... I feel so bad for your little kitty though, I hope they're alright!!! I bet they're extremely adorable!!! As far as work goes... I'm still job hunting at the moment but I'm quite hoping for two!!! Ahhhhh, thank you so much, I thought it'd be a good entry myself so here we are!!! Oh yes me too, that'd be so great!!!! It's amazingly sweet actually!!! I see it as full of love and hope and happiness and oh my, it's so perfect!!

@MoodyBats: I fully understand as when I did art, I'd take forever to do one piece because I had several ideas and it plainly took more time than I had, hahahaha. Ahhhhh, I shall look for them then, if I remember, thanks a bunch!!!

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/19 05:42:54 )
Batsy Says. . .


@Inspire: for me it's more like i don't know how to do a lot of things
like color, and anatomy i'm still fairly weak in.
so then i just take longer.


Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/19 05:47:11 )
@MoodyBats: Ahhhh, I could do things right away without really trying a lot!! I just have major attention to detail so I knew exactly how to get it done, hahaha. I'm an analyst also so I was just ready right away to do well, hahaha. Omggg, color was one of my favorite departments to work and do things in!!!! I always got really excited when it was time for it, hahahaha.

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/19 05:51:19 )
Batsy Says. . .


@Inspire: Since i got my new art tablet a few months ago.
its a bit hard to do my usual art since i dont want to waste the battery.
I normally turn it off if i have no clue what i am drawing or how to draw it.

I do normally do livestreams[but not a real schedule for it]
but hopefully since my new desk will be here wednesday, I am hoping i'll become more focused.
I do all my artwork in bed. it can be a bit annoying.

I get excited to color, but knowing what to do and how to blend, know color theory, etc.
Is not my strong suit. But i've been studying hard for months on my art to improve on everything.

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/19 07:04:10 )
@MoodyBats: Ahhhhh, I am so happy you got a new art tablet, that sounds super fun and as if it was quite enjoyable when you were given it!!! I wouldn't want to either, being safe and treating things nicely sure do show a lot of thankfulness!!! I think thats an awfully nice and sweet idea to conserve the tablet so no time is wasted or taken for granted. Ahhhh, that sounds amazingly fun as well, and helpful to others, oooooh!!!! It must be the most fun to show passion for your art like so! I would love to have a desk myself, but a vintage one I'd leave alone and just keep, hahahaha. I collect vintage, antique, and Victorian things so, hahahaha. I remember being a little younger and sitting outside in the summer writing poems on a blanket!! It was very uncomfortable but I didn't care, I was having the time of my life and that's all that mattered to me, hahaha. I generally took awhile to figure out color schemes and how to do it as well but I was just excited the whole time, hahaha. I LOVE that you're trying so hard for it, such dedication!!

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/19 20:22:41 )
Batsy Says. . .


@Inspire: I actually originally was gonna go with a cheaper tablet.
but then watched a review by an artist I admire and it was wireless, and I am bad with wires.
So figured I would buy this one. I had around $160 and luckily the tablet had gone on sale from $159 to $127 so I bought it
with my graduation money I got from family and friends who came to my graduation party.
It was my best investment ever. Because I do have art pieces I am now proud of. Finished or not.

Yeah, to me saving the battery is important. It is wireless so sometimes I'd have to charge the pen or tablet.
and charging the tablet takes 5-7 hours. :vanora_sweat:

Well, to me my livestreams are kinda boring. Cause you don't get to see me color yet.
I don't really have a very large or even small auidence. I think my audience for livestream is super small. like around 3-5 people.
But a lot of them work or are busy and picarto doesn't really let them know aside from email. So kinda hard to find a platform to where
I can announce I will be streaming as some of them don't follow me on twitter. So it's kinda hard to let them know.

I've wanted a desk forever and was kinda surprised my dad wanted to buy it. And it'll be here on Wednesday.
So I am so excited. My old desk wasn't a desk but a sewing cabinet. but it was very cheaply made and I am a tall woman so there was no place
to put my legs. So I had to sit in the most uncomfortable positions. And it's important to be comfortable while i work on art.
So I just did art in my bed instead. But i am super excited for this desk as it has a place to put not just my tablet but my sketchbooks, my other tablet that i go on instagram to view tutorials on there and places to put my art books. :vanora_heart:

Art doesn't give me joy all the time when I do it. However it does give me fufillment. But a lot of the time i do become frustrated when I can't do something or figure something out. But when I do figure something out, I am over the moon about it. :vanora_xd:

Well I want to open an online store and start a freelance art career so I have to push my limits and try harder every day.

Donator — sheep Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 01:08:58 )
@blinkini: Wifeyyyy <33 I have to have at least one rainbow avi on every site! ^w^

@Inspire: Thankfully I haven't fallen into a deep depression in a long time. I think I have that handled by now, but the anxiety suddenly spiking while I'm at work is annoying. And I hope my kitty will be okay too. She's incredibly sweet and loves everyone and just wants pet and cuddles. She has a dental disease that we didn't know about because she never seemed to have any problems eating. She's getting x-rays and possible surgery on Wednesday though. I'm going to be so broke. The emergency visit costed me $250, and this next trip is going be starting at $300 and subject to only go up if there are complications and medications. I'm just worried about my finances for the next couple weeks, but my baby needs to get better.
Good luck with your job search! I hope you find something soon!

@ me to get my attention or I probably won't respond

Donator — pancake Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 06:42:25 )
@iggy: Well it's perf. I love it.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 14:56:15 )

. . . . : ∴ . ☽ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .

I always like seeing your rainbow Avi’s, @iggy: !
I don’t know if you remember me, but I used to be known as Ritsuka on many sites. Either way, I hope you have a lovely day.

@blinkini: *huggles* I’m so glad you showed me this site!

. . : ✧ : . .
. . . . : ∴ .☽ ⍟ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .
Basic Witch
. . . Dance with the C⍟ven . . .

Donator — pancake Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/21 09:09:55 )
@Salem: Same. I'm so happy you're enjoying yourself! I'm loving the new avi~~~

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/21 12:45:08 )
@iggy: How about RainbowRiffic? (with or without a space between rainbow riffic) being the name of your hangout?

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/22 09:08:37 )
@MoodyBats: This reply is super late, as is most of mine, jeez, lol. I love how much rational thinking you used to come to the decision of picking that one, even if it was a little more!!! Luck and life really helped you out and lead you to a better choice with its way and I love that you got it from someone you seem to trust and adore, like a mentor!!! Ahhhhh, graduation... Something I didn't do past middle school, hahahaha. Can't wait to get my GED and improve my life though, it is fully my fault I dropped out and haven't went back for a couple years and now... I'm just too old and it's better this way while I have the chance. I know SEVERAL people who have a GED who at least went to college and did a little something with their life so I'm totally going for it!!! That does seem like a while for a single device to charge, I'd definitely wait and save it as well, pretty sure I would anyway because well... I'm me, hahahaha. I definitely imagine that wireless means a severe ease of access and that was a major plus to your life style, especially with how much you do draw!! Which you should keep doing for the rest of your life possibly, you're seriously so good at it, you don't need a mentor, hahahaha. You already have great skills and obvious high passion for it!!! I always feel that it doesn't matter how many or how little stand with you or see what you've done, the ones you have already influenced and made happy are good enough for anything or any day, now that's being grateful and responsible and well, adult-like, hahahaha. I highly doubt they're boring if you've got a growing fanbase to be honest, at least they try hard to be around, that's super nice of them!!! That sounds awfully sweet of your dad, I bet he appreciates you and your future choice of career very much then. I'd be extremely excited as well!! My younger teenage brothers actually have this old piano desk with the piano ripped out of it for desk usage and I'm so jealous of it, hahahaha. I'd keep it and store it as a collection item with the previous piano, broken up or not. If it's vintage, I want it!!! Oh myyy, I'm tall too so I DEFINITELY know the struggle of all that. Especially when jeans are too short in the ankles or shorts become much shorter than they are on most girls, hahahaha. Omg, you have art books?!?? I've always loved and adored those, especially when I did art myself!!!

@iggy: I'm so glad to hear that it hasn't happened to you in awhile, especially so!!! I wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially if it led to the massive panic attacks I had.. No one should ever have to suffer so hard, with people laughing at you and such.... Basically, it's a pet case of the best humans get the worst treatments then, that's so terribly sad to hear!!! All my previous kittens loved cuddling and getting loved too but all died as kittens from a stomach disease themselves besides one, I watched each one die and wither and it was so hard to take. I love that you're only a little bit worried about the money but more so for a creature that is literally family, that's so cute and full of perfection, I can only hope the rest of the world can think like you!!! Thank you so much for the good luck, no one has gotten back to me yet but it's only been a couple weeks and I'm still quite hopeful!!!

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/22 22:01:55 )
Batsy Says. . .


@Inspire: Originally wanted a display tablet but in my household it would honesty break so easily.
especially since the screen is glass. So figured wireless largest non-display tablet was safer route.
Though the person who did the review of it does not know I exist lmao. I've kinda made my presence in the art community
nonexistent as I am not yet ready to show my art to social media without making my account private because despite people say or like my art
I don't know all my fundamentals, so I am not at the skill level to say "i'm good at art."
I don't actually draw as much as you'd think. lol. I barely draw. I normally take several days or weeks off from drawing.

my skills honestly are not that great and need work. since art isn't just being able to draw. you have to know color theory which is something
I am still trying to learn. My fanbase doesn't feel like it's growing. and sometimes numbers do count because it's discouraging if it's a very low number.

Yeah i dropped out of school when i was around 14. I also tried to go to High school but it just didn't work out.
and I was in the GED program for about 2 and a half years until I finally graduated.

My dad doesn't actually know about i want to do art as a career and I know he wouldn't actually support it in any way.
If i'm not religious i'm already a disappointment to him.

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 00:23:27 )
@MoodyBats: I totally feel you there, I watch several kids day and night right now and the baby is always getting in my stuff, I could never have a glass tablet or anything, hahaha. I can completely see how it was, it's fairly obvious you made the correct decision and I applaud you for that, it was very sensible towards others and it was very grateful of you!!! Ahhhhh okay, I was thinking it was more on a personal level because you seemed so committed to this person and I applaud you for that as well, it's very cute and adorable!!! I never got a chance to draw because of the amount of kids I watch and other general things. I'd much rather read than draw anyway, I'm just that kind of person. I don't feel that the number going up and down is important. I feel that the amount of care the people show do, I think that's really shows how good of a person you actually are. It's like how some celebrities only have so many followers because of their looks and such, and that's no way to live and I know someone like you knows that's wrong. I dropped out in 10th because of pressure, guys being overly flirtatious, and because they used me for test scores. I'm trying my hardest to get signed up for GED classes myself, I'll probably get it within 3-6 months. That's my goal anyway... Ahhhh, I'm so sorry to hear your father isn't as influential as he could be. My real father and step dad definitely aren't daisies in a field either.... At least my step dad is much better than my real one in many ways and I ended up a lot better than I would have if I had been influenced from my read dad's side of the family. I keep getting told I'm the only good one out of that family, makes me question why me? Why am I the good girl?? I just would love to know life's answer to that question.

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 00:57:11 )
Batsy Says. . .


@Inspire: Plus...I also didn't have $400. :vanora_xd:
I wish. lol. I follow like over 300 artists. But i admire her work and she seems very smart and her paintings are just...Wow.
I wish I was as skilled as her, but i'll get there. I don't really know any artists on any personal level.
I wish because i need art i can pester them with questions 24/7.
But many artists I see them as inspiration. They kinda make me motivated to continue my art.
As well as a few bands i admire because of their determination and never giving up.

Numbers are just discouraging. But not only that, I get no feedback which makes me feel "How will I improve if I don't get feedback."
So I am just kinda...stuck it feels. I know numbers aren't everything, but it shows if people actually LIKE what they see.
Like of course I'll draw whatever I want regardless. But I'm kinda someone...who feels more motivated if the number is like....5 people liking it.
Also for my art blog, reblogging it is most important. Because that's how people outside of my circle get to see my art.
Same with retweeting it on twitter. It's how other artists get hired. So it's not so much the number, it's people kinda informing other people of the artist.

I got my GED through the library. Maybe check with any free library programs.

My dad is just...super religious. And I kinda...draw dark things like monster girls. So I think he would just assume I am into Satanism which I'm not. I just love fantasy. :vanora_sweat:

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website] | [Twitter] | [Instagram] | [Tumblr]

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/29 18:40:25 )
@8f55e803b8992e5820f7: I love the Rainbow Expresso name, it's so mature and nicely done!!!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/30 20:57:13 )
@iggy: I hope that you are doing well. haven't seen you around lately I really hope that everything is alright.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

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