@Unicorn: Most / All "Messengers' " that I had tried to download / Install, My Anti-Virus goes berserk and Red Flags Them. It even Red Flagged IMVU; so, I just don't try to download / install anything anymore. ._.;
@Unicorn: A long time ago but I could not afford it nomore; so, I don't have It anymore.
I have Window's Built-in Anti-Virus; however, That does not mean that I am going to go around and start downloading things that the Ole Norton Anti-Virus Flagged and whatnot.
Gaiaonline will not let Me Login ALL Fuxing Day. ReColor.Me's Halloween Game #8 is BullFuxing5hit and will not let Me do Today's ( #9 ) until I Pass It. Yep, I am NOT in a really good mood. UU#;
@Unicorn: No, I do not have the CC Cleaner. Did look into That awhile back but not paying that much $$ for It. No, I don't know how much It is now but do recall it being around $29.99.
@Death: Just found out that Caedon is being Sold. If there is no Buyer by the end of January 2019, the Site is gone as the Monthly Server Fee/ Service would have expired.
@Zuzu: I am doing alright.
It appears that the rest went to Discord but probably are "lurking" too.
Caedon got Sold to some of the Ole Members' but They do not want to be known until the Transition is complete sometime in December 2018 or January 2019.
:spreads the Love and Hugs:
Donator — They/them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 00:22:17 )
@SkyKat: I don't really go onto the voltra discord all that much so i'm a lurker there too i guess XD
Been posting a but more here lately cause of the event. ovo
@Zuzu: I am pretty sure that the Events' are "Fun" but I haven't done any. ^^;
Well, It didn't take long like They "Hinted" but the new "Owners' " of Caedon are Urbeth and Flux.
Donator — They/them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 02:58:40 )
@SkyKat: the current event has alot of story to it, i've participated a bit but skimmed alot. :vanora_sweat:
the event items are cool, i like how there's dark/evil poses got unlocked.