sips coffee
Community Discussion 
Hi everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that Voltra Staff and I will be hosting a discussion on discord @ 6:30 PM Voltra Time.
If you haven't joined our discord server yet, do that now:

And please review our Raffle rules if you want to be eligible to win some prizes!
1. Make sure you join our Discord Server
2. Message "(username) is here!" once in our server channel #comm-disc-attendance
3. Join the discussion in our server channel #community-discussion at 6:30 pm Voltra Time today, Sunday 11/18/18!
And that's it! Now you're eligible to win one (1) October Crate!
One prize will be raffled for every 5 volties in attendance. (ie. 10 volties = 2 prizes raffled, 25 volties = 5 prizes raffled)
Winners and Prizes will be raffled after the discussion.
No mules. Use of a mule account will disqualify all associated accounts.
Talk soon!
If you missed the discussion or would like to review any content that was discussed:
Discussion Outline
Recorded Discussion

Hi everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that Voltra Staff and I will be hosting a discussion on discord @ 6:30 PM Voltra Time.
If you haven't joined our discord server yet, do that now:

And please review our Raffle rules if you want to be eligible to win some prizes!
1. Make sure you join our Discord Server
2. Message "(username) is here!" once in our server channel #comm-disc-attendance
3. Join the discussion in our server channel #community-discussion at 6:30 pm Voltra Time today, Sunday 11/18/18!
And that's it! Now you're eligible to win one (1) October Crate!
One prize will be raffled for every 5 volties in attendance. (ie. 10 volties = 2 prizes raffled, 25 volties = 5 prizes raffled)
Winners and Prizes will be raffled after the discussion.
No mules. Use of a mule account will disqualify all associated accounts.
Talk soon!
If you missed the discussion or would like to review any content that was discussed:
Discussion Outline
Recorded Discussion