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Forums Hangouts The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:01:41 )

@Mortician: oi hope ye hath been well.
imvu huh that brings back memories, i had an account from 2006 but i think it got deleted.
kinda miss the crystal wings i had.

@Salem: hi there -waves- your hangout reminded me i haven't been in this hangout in awhile,
it also made me realize i never created my own hangout lol

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:28:22 )

. . . . : ∴ . ☽ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .

@zuzu: Haha. I’m glad I could help you out! If you make one, let me know! I’d chat in there, too! :)

. . : ✧ : . .

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:30:28 )

@Salem: i shall let ya know if i do make a hangout.
i'm just being lazy about it cause i want to re-create a hangout i had on sapherna called zuzu's zoo,
where i drew my friends as animals XD

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:32:33 )

. . . . : ∴ . ☽ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .

That’s super cute! I’d totally hang. I get being lazy. I’ve been mush all day. Hahaha.

. . : ✧ : . .

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:41:00 )

@Salem: i'm cold mush XD
oi don't really feel like doing much when it's cold, would rather nap while wrapped in blankets lol
i just wanna hibernate this winter.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:42:02 )

. . . . : ∴ . ☽ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .

I feel like I could hibernate for an entire week. My sleep schedule sucks!

. . : ✧ : . .

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:46:52 )

ya same, my sleep schedule sucks as well.

i stay overnight at work, babysit/nanny.
and cause i am a night owl i am up late every night.
i also have anxiety about sleeping through my alarm,
and not being up in time to get kid ready for school,
i end up with like an hour or two of sleep per night.
and then just nap while kid is in school.

tho i babysat sat/sun this week, so no nap.
and i still didn't go to bed on time >.>

on days off i stay up late, but luckilly can sleep in.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:49:15 )

. . . . : ∴ . ☽ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .

Oh my goodness. You have a super busy/hectic schedule. I’m so sorry to hear that. :( You deserve the sleep more than I do! Blanket mountains! Haha.

. . : ✧ : . .
. . . . : ∴ .☽ ⍟ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .
Basic Witch
. . . Dance with the C⍟ven . . .

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:55:38 )

eh it's not too hectic, just the one kid and he has school.
i just count myself lucky that i can usually nap during the day XD
also they have two chihuahua pups here, they are adorable and like to curl up with me when i nap. >w<

my day off is wednesday this week so i will catch up on some sleep then,
tho i know it's not healthy to always be 'catching up' on sleep. :vanora_sweat:

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/22 06:26:13 )



Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 00:09:19 )
Yes, it was alright. There was several things I couldn't eat since I just became a vegan but I had some fun with family anyway!!! So I'm quite thankful for that!!!
@Zuzu: those pups are the most adorable ever!!! They look so cuddly and perfect!!!

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 03:27:10 )

@Inspire: chica loves cuddles. she's a very fluffy adorable pup
she likes to climb. XD


Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 03:43:37 )
@Zuzu: Chica is the cutest ever and her colors are so gorgeous for her!!! She sure does look as if she has a lot of adventure in her and in a very good way!!! Dogs and puppies are extremely special to me and definitely become family, just like cats!!!

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 04:24:54 )

@Inspire: you're right about adventure, she's a feisty pup full of energy, i think she's about 2 years old now.
the other pup at the house i babysit at is older, he's probably 5-6 years old.
his name is carlos

i am a cat person tho, i has two cats at home. i don't really like dogs but those two chihuahuas are sweethearts.

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 22:02:39 )
@Zuzu: Ahhhh feisty and full of imagination for life sounds so amazing for a dog or any other animal, such a sweet thing!!! Oh, you babysit animals?!?? That's such a dream job and sounds so fulfilling and great for others!!!! I'd love to do that as a side job after I get my one or two ahhhhh!!!! Such perfection, eeeeeeeeeeek!!! Carlos is such a cutie too, he looks happy and interested which is great, you must take amazing care of these cutie pups, they so deserve it!!! I'm a total dog person, I always preferred them over cats... They're just way more excitable and easier to train, which is great for no time people so, hahaha. I have none myself, I don't plan to get any pet either until I have a stable job after this job hunt really.

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 01:17:11 )

@Inspire: i babysit a 8yr old kid, the pups are a bonus XD

chica is my faverite, i tried not to get attached to her when they got her,
but who can't fall in love with this cutie :vanora_sweat:

^that was her when she was a puppy.^

g'luck on your job hunt. tis a good idea to have a stable job so ye can properly take care of ye pets. ^u^

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 02:48:13 )
@Zuzu: Ahhhhh that's so cute!!! I babysit seven kids with varying ages and I'd love to be an actual paid babysitter, that'd be so cool... If a daycare was looking for employees, I'd apply there in a heartbeat. Kids have always adored me and wanted to do things with me... They tend to ask me to do stuff with them when they get to know me, ahhhh such a life. I love kids so much and I so plan to have at least two of my own in a long time. I want to really live and get things ready for kids first, hahaha. Chica is my favorite too, she's far too cute and she's so perfect and lovable and omggg, her owner is SOO lucky, eeeeeeeeeeek!!! Thank you so much, I can't wait to help change the world with kindness more by doing it more permanently!!! Mentally I really can't wait for this to be over, I want to do everything and help out sooo bad!!!

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 04:09:50 )

@Inspire: do ye not get paid for babysitting those seven kids? o .o
7 kids is alot of kids, i remember back when i was babysitting 3 kids i'd get more money.
tho i like my current job of babysitting just the one kid.

Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 05:10:54 )
@Zuzu: No I don't but that's okay. I get paid with I love yous and random hugs so I'm all good, hahaha. They're my siblings by the way, haha. I stay up every night with the baby and do everything for him and he always wants me and says my nickname and omg he's sooo cute!!! I taught him how to clean his own hands and face and he even throws trash away!!! My mom did not raise her kids like that but I raised a baby like that and that's how I know I could handle many kids and be daycare employee, hahaha.I do agree that you should get more money for more kids, it's only fair.. especially for the noise levels and having to run, hahaha.

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 05:22:20 )

@Inspire: too bad you don't get an allowance for babysitting your siblings,
but if they're that cute then hugs and thanks yous are good pay too XD

i have a younger brother, but he's not cute anymore since he grew up lol
i don't remember ever having to babysit him but then he's only 2 years younger than me.
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