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Forums Mini Shops ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed]

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 03:52:14 )

@Hachi: Also, question!
.... I dunno, I may have asked already, oops. If I did sorry, I can't remember your answer ^ ^;;

Do you want to see WiPs of the cheeb or do you want to wait til it's done to be surprised?

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 04:58:07 )
@Apollo Im Burning: Whoa it's so cool that you go to libraries to research this stuff! Accuracy 10/10 wow
Are you looking at places/periods from history or modern locations?

I don't want to look at it again HAHA I think it might be cellphones but I'm not sure, it's been too long
Oh yeah it is the same! I remember watching an x-men cartoon when I was way younger though, maybe I did that subconsciously hmmmmmm

@Amber Lynne: I realized that I haven't accepted the trade yet oops
Thank you so much for the items!! And you're definitely getting this freebie haha
Oh but I'm wondering what the other side of his hair looks like? Is it symmetrical? And if you could give a few words about his personality, just so I can give him a proper expression

And you can skip the WIPs, I like to be surprised! haha

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 05:10:16 )

@Hachi: Cool on the WiP answer.
Do his fringe however you wish! Whether it's all on one side, split in the middle, favouring one side, whatever. Honestly, it goes various ways various times. Sooooo just go with whatever you wish (Assymetrical might look better, I think? Maybe? I dunno you use your better judgement)

Also, personality? Hmmm
Quirky, smug, Quiet, Reserved, Playful

Hell, if the mood strikes ya, you can draw him without his hat. He's got stupidly long blonde hair. XD

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 08:24:35 )

@Hachi: Pssssst

There MAY be a part two to this....
If I can get it to work out. XD

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 18:50:20 )
I love it thank you!! I'll get to your request soon, I promise!!

?? part two?? there doesn't need to be a part two what

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 20:21:36 )

@Hachi: To be honest, I could probably do it all online, but sometimes it's just better on my eyes to read a book instead, lol.
And so far I've only done modern locations, but I like the idea of delving into another time period! Thanks for the suggestion!
Honestly, if I could afford to, I would like to visit these locations myself to see what they're actually like. For the most part I like experiencing things myself so I can understand how they work. o:

I was thinking that's what they were, but I was also thinking walkie talkies. x)

also i saw your order in the wonderland shop and i am super interested in it o v o

@Amber Lynne: omg she came out super cute! > w <


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 20:57:43 )
@Apollo Im Burning: Nah I totally understand! I feel like I spend most of my day staring at a computer screen, and if not that, then the TV screen or my phone screen or a video game console screen... It's nice to do something off-screen haha. I also just really like the feel of physical books, and libraries are nice places to be!

Ahh yeah, there's nothing like going to the place itself! I feel like there's an atmosphere that just can't be conveyed in writing or pictures. I'd love to travel the world!! But yeah, that takes a lot of money. And time! There are so many places to see and experience I don't even know if I would have enough time for it.

Haha walkie talkies are essentially low-range cellphones amirite

oh my god BLESS I'm actually so scared that no one is going to join rip

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 21:04:05 )

@Hachi: I'm glad you like!
She's cuter on paper though. > < Scans always eat some of the quality.

But yessss
Part two!
I was gonna do them both, but I couldn't get the boy to actually... y'know... work. XD
I just do better with females. Lol.

And no rush on your end~<3 I'm patient ^ ^

@Apollo im burning: Thanks!

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 21:44:50 )

@Hachi: A little update.
I managed to get it to scan properly and KEEP the blue. DX
You'll see once you click the spoiler

there really isn't much different, just the blue. =)
I wanted to get it to scan right, so I was playing with it. Post whichever you prefer wherever.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 22:04:29 )
@Amber Lynne: Oh man I know what you mean, scanning is the struggle of traditional artists everywhere rip

aww it's okay, you really don't have to draw another one this is way more than enough, I love it so much!
and AHHH the background makes it even better i'm cryin THANK YOU

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 22:18:22 )

@Hachi: You're quite welcome~<3
(And to battle how pencil crayon seems to... not scan the smoothest, I actually have a blur layer underneath the top XD)


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 22:14:17 )

@Hachi: omg, formatting my post for the art exchange took way longer than I thought it would.
like legitimately 3 hours it's insane
I definitely need a break from the screen now. xD
But I agree that libraries are enjoyable. :) As long as there aren't too many rowdy children. I don't blame them much, but the library closest to me is pretty small, so you hear everything. x.x Might start going to the one downtown since that one is way bigger, lol. Plus it houses the The Genealogy, History & Archives Unit of the city, so that could be pretty handy in my research. :)

What are some of the places you want to visit? o:


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 17:49:08 )
@Amber Lynne: I ended up drawing the freebie first, it was a good warm-up haha
I'll start on the other one today!

Also... how exactly do you do the blur layer for your colored pencil drawings? I might steal that trick for... future reference

@Apollo Im Burning: me and late replies whoops
Yeaahh I know what you mean. I'm the person that gets really bitter when the library isn't quiet oops

Oh man... too many... everywhere? haha tbh I haven't been to very many places in the states either. Someday I'd like to visit the east coast when the leaves change colors in the fall.
My friend recently went on a trip to Iceland and wooow the pictures are beautiful. I'd like to go someday and suffer in the cold
And a trip around Asia. I feel like that one is long overdue haha

Where are the locations that you want to visit for your research?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 19:12:57 )

@Hachi: It's all good!
And lol, that made me snort, sorry x)

Aaahhh I've always wanted to check out fall foliage! There's apparently some really nice spots in Texas for that, but I've yet to go check it out. ; o ;
Makes me want to go hiking again in general, and although I generally would be fine going alone, I realize that's probably not the best thing to do, so I need to find a friend that's available. x)
A trip around Asia sounds like it would be neat, btw! o:

And those locations would be Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; Cleveland, OH; Columbus, OH; and maybe Detroit, MI.
I don't think I mentioned it, but those places were chosen for their rainfall, lmao.
So if I feel that they don't fit due to some reason or other, I'll probably make another list.
I was also considering Salem, MA lol


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/18 19:51:38 )

@Hachi: Oooooh, awesome, thanks!

And the blur trick? lol.
That's done in Clip after I scan it.
Literally 3 layers.
The basic scan layer
A copy of the scan that is multiplied with Guassian (or whatever) blur. I usually use around 10, but use your preference.
Another copy of the scan layer. Just turn the opacity down to about 80% or so.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:29:06 )
Charcoal is all fun and games until it gets all over your paper and then your hands and then your face rip
My art teacher used to keep a mirror next to the doorway of her classroom just so you could check your face before returning to the real world hahaha

@Apollo Im Burning: I've never experienced seasons my friend!! Over here it maybe drops or increases 10 degrees and THAT'S ABOUT IT
ahh I'd love to go hiking and see all the nature around the world tbh... but I'm also definitely NOT an outdoors person so I would for sure need someone to go with me who knows what they're doing (and can tolerate me) haha

I've never been to any of those places! I wanna visit Seattle... it seems like a fun place to live. Coffee shop during rainy day aesthetic (this is all I know about Seattle whoops)
Aww that sucks for Jordan because there's so much rain hahaha poor soul

@Amber Lynne: Thank you for the tip heheh

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 04:35:52 )

@Hachi: Not a problem =)
It's just a little thing I do to soften it a bit. XD My scanner scans it kinda harsh. ^ ^;;
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/20 15:53:19 )

@Hachi: Hmmmm, that actually doesn't sound bad? xD Though I might just be thinking that because I really hate the cold, lmfao.
The only thing that worries me about hiking is getting lost. After that it's twisting or breaking an ankle. x.x
It really doesn't help that I've read quite a few hiking horror stories. <.<
Which reminds me that I actually have to find places to hike now since my friend said she'd come with. :3

I don't know too much about Seattle, but after playing Infamous: Second Son I fell in love with it. :) Maybe I'll actually put it on my bucket list. c:
Their gum wall is definitely something I'd like to see. x) I was so bummed to find out that they were removing the gum in 2015, but looks like people started putting gum again, so maybe when I eventually visit(?) it'll be restored to its former glory. xD
Crap, just checked, and looks like they actually cleaned it again in September. x.x
But honestly, it seems like people won't stop putting gum, so tentative hope. xD

And yes, I'm making him suffer. <w<
Also, finding out if there are any areas with a large or decent concentration of witches is hard. >n>
Though apparently witches are saying to avoid Salem, so there goes that thought. xD

pls don't

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/21 01:00:50 )
"art room...mirror...real world"
this is so poetic. also really smart of the art teacher to do that!
when i worked with charcoal in class, it was only on self-portraits with short face mirrors. i can attest to the mess. that's why we got to use the special kneaded erasers. ✨👀 life changers ngl

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/22 05:24:52 )

My favorite thing about my art teacher was her "Sketch of the Week" assignments - like Inktober, but once a week and all year round. The themes were SAT vocab words, which tbh was the best way to learn them.
When I graduated, I gave her my set of 2,000 SAT vocab cards so she could torture her students literally until retirement. This is perhaps my greatest life achievement.

@Amber Lynne: Sameeee I hate scanners... Sometimes I feel like taking a photo with a nice camera is better but lighting is hard

@Apollo Im Burning: Ahh Infamous! I remember watching my cousin play some of the first one, I thought the concept was really interesting.

I haven't heard of the gum wall (I looked it up just now) but wow... so much gum... like... layers of it... a true piece of modern public art tbh. I totally forgot that gum keeps its color when stuck somewhere because I only ever see it on the ground when it turns dark and ugly haha
I think you'll be able to see it though! I don't think people will stop putting gum on it, it seems like too much of an important part of Seattle.
It reminds me of the Pont des Arts in Paris (looked it up because I didn't know the actual name haaa), where couples attach locks to the bridge and then throw the keys into the river. It's insane how many locks are on that bridge

Ahh I keep thinking Oregon when you say Salem but it's not that one haha
Is that the Salem with the witch trial history?
or am I remembering history wrong oops (not my best subject)

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