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"My thoughts?" She couldn't help repeating the words quietly. He wanted to know what she thought about the book .. How did she even describe her thoughts? Or where did she start? She did shake her head lightly when he asked if she'd read it in a few years. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't wait that long to read it again." She replied with a grin. "I really enjoyed it. It had a mixture of my favorite genres and they were out together really well. I mean, I wouldn't have guessed that her classmate was actually a werewolf and even though they had a thing between them, she was dead set on helping her ghost friend." Maddie explained to him rather easily for someone who think of what to say at first. She blushed, now feeling like she was rambling.
Clint smiled, listening to how she spoke about the book. She had really enjoyed it and the way she was speaking showed him that much. "So you'd read it all again tomorrow if you wanted to?" He asked. "I usually read books again in a few months so that I forget what happened that way I can enjoy the book again. If I read it a week after, everything is still fresh in my mind so I don't enjoy it as much." He explained, taking a seat across from her at the table. "I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Oh my god, I know right? I was pretty surprised as well. That's good writing though, when a simple book can cause so much emotions in you." He said to her and smiled at her. "No need to be embarrassed. You enjoyed the book and there's nothing wrong with talking about it."
She nodded lightly. "I would actually, if I didn't have so many other books to read." She teased, taking a bite of her breakfast. Maddie smirked some as he spoke, and blushed when a thought occurred to her. Ghost friend and main character actually kind of reminded her of them, in a lot of ways. They were friends for a long time, since childhood, then something happened and they were separated only to find each other again years later. Only, it was the girl doing everything she could to help the boy instead of it being the other way around. Oh jeez! Why did her mind even go there?
Clint nodded in understanding. "Right, right I forgot I swamped you with so many books." He joked, going along with it. He cut into his breakfast and took a sip of the milk and continued to eat happily. He had a feeling it would be pretty busy today. But if it was raining, chances were they'd close early because of the rain. "I may or may not be home early today." He thought he should at least let her know in case he did or didn't show up early. "What book you planning on reading next?" Clint asked her. It was always nice having someone who shared a common interest with you. Made talking to them a lot easier since you had some common ground.
Maddie chuckled as he went along with her teasing, and cut another piece from her breakfast and happily ate it. She'd save the milk for after she finished eating. Maddie blinked and nodded when he mentioned not knowing if he'd be getting home early or not, and smirked some. "Well if you do, we can watch the second Transformers." She said with a hopefully look on her face. Maddie shrugged at his question. "I don't know yet.. I'll have to look at the titles again." She answered casually.
To be able to watch the second Transformers with her would be really nice. "I'd like that very much Mads." Clint said to her, continuing to eat his breakfast and occasionally glancing at the time. He kept telling himself to grab the raincoat before heading out. He loved rain as much as the next person but he didn't need to go getting sick right now. "Well, whichever book you do end up reading, I'm sure you'll enjoy. Well..hopefully." He admitted. She hadn't really changed much from when they were kids. Except now she was older, maybe a little more shy, but she was still the same girl from before.
Maddie honestly smiled when he seemed to like the idea of watching the movie with her. She continued to eat her breakfast. She smirked when he mentioned the books again and shook her head. "I'm sure I'll like whichever one I pick up." She poked at him, noticing how he was checking the time, but she didn't bring it up. It'd be time for him leave for work soon and she'd be off in her room reading, or taking a nap until he got home. That's how it had been going recently anyway. Maybe it would change today though.
Clint smiled, "You haven't changed a bit Mads. You're still the quiet girl from that side of the fence. The shy girl who kept to herself and would miraculously only talk to me." He said to her and finished up his breakfast happily. It was good and would hold him over until lunch hopefully. Maybe he should actually pack his own lunch this time that way he wouldn't have to keep buying it. Standing, he took his dishes to the sink and washed them, then washed his hands and dried them. "I should go get the rain coat now before I forget." He told her and excused himself.
Maddie's eyes widen as Clint spoke to her while wearing that smile of his. He didn't think she had changed in all those years? Even after some of the things she had told him? About her personality shifts and everything else? She sighed quietly and shook her head some. This guy.. She finished her breakfast as he excused himself to get his rain coat. She drank her milk, then got up and took her dishes to the sink, rinsing them off before setting them down in the sink. Her thoughts fell to kitten they found the other day. She really, truly, hoped that woman wouldn't anything to the little ball of fluff. The more she thought about it, the more she worried and tried to shake off the worry at the same time. That woman..was a lot of things..but how'd they know if she would actually hurt him or not? She then zoned out for a moment as if having one of her 'visions', and by the end of it, she ran to the bathroom in her room, closed the door rather hard and locked it.
The nightmare she had seen.. She had to try and stop it! But how? Stopping a vision from coming true, wasn't something she often tried..
Clint grabbed the yellow raincoat and put it on now just in case. It was then that he heard the sound of a door closing. "Mads?" Clint said, but there was no reply. She probably left to her room to take a nap or to read a book. He figured he'd let her do her thing. In the meantime, he walked to the kitchen and began to prepare himself some lunch. Nothing fancy, just a couple of wraps with some turkey, feta cheese, kale, spinach, tomato, and siracha sauce. Packing his lunch in a metal box. He still had some time before he had to leave so he figured he'd say goodbye now before he forgot. Walking to Maddie's room, Clint looked inside and noticed she wasn't there. The bathroom. She was probably in there. "Umm just wanted to say I'm heading out to work now. I have my raincoat so don't worry, I'll be fine and hopefully I'll be back early so we can watch the movie. If..y-you still want to anyway.." He said nervously. Was she okay? He didn't hear anything, hopefully she wasn't sick. "My number is up on the fridge if you need anything okay?" Clint informed and knew he had to get going now or else he'd arrive a little late. Clint didn't wait for her to answer and just left her room, then the house and hopped into his car to drive off to work.
Maddie heard him, but she didn't respond. She was scared and feeling a little 'sea-sick' without the 'sea' part. It almost felt like a wave of vertigo hitting her. Sometimes visions could do that, if they were straining or forced. Had she forced this one? No.. But it certainly did catch her off-guard. She had to do something.. Even if it meant facing that devil woman. She'd be back in time to see Clint home, hopefully, and she'd leave a note just in case. She came out of the bathroom and went and sat on her bed, thinking hard about this.
Maddie waited about an hour after Clint left before getting changed and slipping on her hoodie. She took a deep breath and walked out of her room and towards the door, opening it. It was raining, just as she thought. and the clouds were dark. Which meant a storm was coming. Finding a spare key, she locked the door behind her and hid the key once more before running off into town, her hood tightly pulled up over her head.
Maddie waited about an hour after Clint left before getting changed and slipping on her hoodie. She took a deep breath and walked out of her room and towards the door, opening it. It was raining, just as she thought. and the clouds were dark. Which meant a storm was coming. Finding a spare key, she locked the door behind her and hid the key once more before running off into town, her hood tightly pulled up over her head.
The pitter patter of raindrops splashing down on the roof of his car was soothing. However, not soothing enough to calm his worries he still had. Maddie hadn't said anything and Clint couldn't help but worry that something might be wrong. However, right now was not the right time to worry. He had to have a clear head for work. If he was too distracted, he'd end up getting himself hurt or someone else. Clint parked his car, killed the engine and stepped out before heading into the garage to be greeted by his co-workers. Boss wasn't in today, apparently he wasn't feeling very well. This was fine, it just meant that Clint had to lock up at the end of the day.
Maddie continued to run, her feet splashing in any puddles she went through. She turned down an alley to take a quick breather, then sighed. She forgot to write the note! Maddie groaned quietly and leaned against a brick building. Shaking her head, she started down the alleyway. It was short cut to the church she was looking for. How hard could it be to find it? She knew what it looked like, and where about it was. When she did spot the newly rebuilt, old cream colored church building that looked like it built in the early centuries, when witch hunts were a big thing, she stopped running and stared at the building for moment. She slowly began to approach it, and went up the staircase leading to the front doors.
She didn't even have time to reach out to open the door before it began to open. The devil woman herself, stood beside the door with a sinister smile. "Madeleine, welcome.. Come to be forgiven?" Aurelie greeted her. Maddie stepped back, before thinking twice and then pushed passed her in the next minute, her eyes scanning for the kitten. Where was he?
She didn't even have time to reach out to open the door before it began to open. The devil woman herself, stood beside the door with a sinister smile. "Madeleine, welcome.. Come to be forgiven?" Aurelie greeted her. Maddie stepped back, before thinking twice and then pushed passed her in the next minute, her eyes scanning for the kitten. Where was he?
Did this mean they could leave early? No. It meant they had to work until no more cars were being brought in. And with the rain pouring down as it was, chances were not many people would be showing up today. When a few cars started being brought in, it was time to get to work. The men shared jokes, from time to time while they worked. They talked about their days and Clint snickered. It usually wasn't so lively when the boss was around. Probably because the boss was such a serious guy and would scold them for goofing off on the job. They weren't though. Just because they were cracking jokes at each other, didn't mean they weren't focusing on the jobs they had to do. Clint only laughed and shook his head, focusing on checking the air in the tires of one car that was brought it. One of the tires looked a little low though, was it punctured? It was time to check.
Aurelie rose eyebrow as she watched Maddie, who was dropping wet from being out in the rain. "At least let me offer you a towel before you get sick." She voiced. Maddie ignored her words as she searched the chapel, being sure to look under the benches. "Here kitty.." She murmured softly when she found him, unharmed. One of Aurelie's followers came up behind her with a towel wrapped her tightly with it. She yelled, which scared the kitten and he scurried off to find somewhere else to hide. "Let me go! I came for the kitten, I don't have time for you idiots!" She said with a bite, squirming around in his hold. Aurelie smiled coldly. "Now, now.. There's always time to be saved, child.." She spoke casually, her words dripping in bitterness as she approached the two and allowing the door to close. "Bite me!" Maddie bit back.
Well it didn't look like it was, it was getting the air he was putting in just fine. It did look a little worn though. They all did. Would be dangerous to drive around in the rain with worn tires. "Tires look pretty smooth. Not very safe to be driving around with them in weather like this." He informed the older couple. They looked at each other, debating on what to do. "I'm not saying you have to buy new tires. I'm just saying that if you're tires look the way they do, it could be very easy to get in an accident." He explained, looking at them. " sell tires too?" The woman asked. Clint nodded. "At the back, one of our guys can help you choose depending on budget." He explained, then there was the loud sounds of thunder in the sky and the cracks of lightning could be seen as well. A storm was approaching. Maybe closing early wouldn't be such a bad idea. The woman nodded and convinced her husband to look at the tires. "So you'll change the tires as well?" She asked Clint and Clint nodded. "It won't be a problem Ma'am." He answered.
Maddie glared at Aurelie, her multi-colored blue eyes widen as the woman slapped her, just as the thunder rumbled and the lightning cracked near by as if striking the ground. The entire building suddenly lost power. Shaking it off, Maddie forced herself free and stumbled around some to get away from them. She could hardly hear the woman telling at her follower as the rain drops hitting the rooftop frowned her out. If she found the kitten, she'd leave before the lights came back on. She listened for any hint of mewing until she could faintly hear one. That's where she went. She did stumble a bit since it was pitch black, but she soon felt the fuzziness of the kitten and carefully brought him into her set clothing. However, as she left for the door she felt hands on her.
While the couple was picking tires, he decided to help a co-worker. Suddenly the lights flickered off for a moment before flickering back on. Yeah...this was bad. "Let's finish this up, correctly, and then let's head out. I'll stay behind and close up though." Clint instructed the others who agreed with his decision. Whether it was due to lack of interest or honest concern for their safety was unknown. "Oil's fine." He pointed out after checking. "The light just needs to be replaced." The other male explained. "Is that the only one that's fried?" Clint asked and asked the man to turn on the lights of his car again. "Have a look around." Clint instructed then walked back when the new tires were brought to him. "Alright. I'll change the tires and my friend here, he'll ring you up." Clint informed. The couple nodded and walked with the other worker to the inside of the actual shop to pay for the service. Clint busied himself with changing the tires then.
About fifteen minutes passed before the lights came back on, and she had earned herself some bruises, at least she managed to get away from whoever ha d her without getting too badly injured. Or so she thought.. She didn't Aurelie come at her just before the lights came on. Maddie still had the kitten in her arms, and left the church with the kitten as fast as she could. It was still raining, and still pretty dark out.
The men were hard at work, trying to finish quickly but also making sure that the jobs were getting done. The customers all left slowly, one after another until finally it was time to close. "Go on, I'm going to lock up and head out myself." Clint explained and started to shut off the lights and close up the place. He made sure the doors were locked then quickly made his way to the car where he hopped inside, buckled up and started up the engine. Time to head home. Backing out of the parking lot, Clint started making his way back home. The high lights were on at this time, the windshield wipers were on as well, continuously wiping the rain off the windshield so Clint could actually see where he was going.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.