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Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 10:14:41 )
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You open 9 beanie orbs and pull 4 toy soldiers, 2 toy boxes, and 3 music ballerinas... And you really wanted Porcelain Doll....

Guess my luck with the last orbs also ran out my luck with these orbs. I was pulling serene royalties like nobodies business XDD


eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

Donator — He Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 11:07:31 )
I feel you..
I opened like 13 common orb to get 8 plaid thights

Thankfully i m a bit lucky in opening the beanie orb, somehow manage to get 2 beanie doll in 3 tries lol

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/27 11:48:37 )

i managed to get 3 snowman and 2 toyboxes :vanora_sweat:

but i did get lucky and get a beanie doll and candy cane lane.
(Avatar Closet)

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/28 11:31:51 )
@Luffer Nutter: I always have to open orbs and crates on my mules just to try and get lucky, here on my main as Unicorn I just ain't so very lucky. and i am earning my volts back.
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