"I am all about freedom to decide what you should or should not celebrate, but there is an ongoing trend is being forced into it, simply because family, friends and loved ones enjoy it. Now, you would think people would respect your wishes in opting out of a holiday, especially Christmas but nope, they feel the need to make you feel bad. In my case, my folks make me feel bad because of my son. They expect me to celebrate, even though it goes against everything I believe in. Even the person I love (though understanding), wants to celebrate. I know people will say, "but its tradition and not that bad..." But what don't I get a choice in the matter?
Unless you live alone or have no one, not celebrating any holiday is hard. People will put you down, make you feel guilty and do the exact opposite of what most holidays stand for. For example, Christmas is suppose to be the day of Jesus's birth. It should be celebrated by Christians, but it became a consume based holiday. So, I want to opt out... I am neither Christian or a supporter of consume based holidays, therefore don't I have an option? Well, technically yes, but that also means I have to suffer through arguments, hate, guilt because of my son and possibly being kicked out simply because of my wishes.
The thing was, I wanted to create my own traditions and possibly ;do something different. Maybe, I will take my son some place and enjoy the free day.... Or maybe allow my son his happiness, and I will go on my merry way, taking another day to do something with him. Traditions don't always have to follow the same path.
We become so absorbed with holidays, we forget the important part of anything. I look at the place I work at and question why people even bother buying things that just end up in landfills. Do anyone even think beyond the normal excitement of a present? Have we become so self absorb that we forget about all the people around us suffering? Why not take that money we will spend on gifts and do something good with it.... Even for one holiday to teach the consumerism is not our lives and what the true meaning of a holiday means? Or have we forgotten that?
But then again, I will be called stupid for even stating such a thing.
I ask Christians a lot "What would Jesus do on Christmas?" And I never get an answer. I always get some strange response like its tradition.... Well, no its greed. Maybe take the greed and do something positive with it. Give to those in need and start finding ways to help others. Maybe for one x-mas people can actually do something positive. "
Unless you live alone or have no one, not celebrating any holiday is hard. People will put you down, make you feel guilty and do the exact opposite of what most holidays stand for. For example, Christmas is suppose to be the day of Jesus's birth. It should be celebrated by Christians, but it became a consume based holiday. So, I want to opt out... I am neither Christian or a supporter of consume based holidays, therefore don't I have an option? Well, technically yes, but that also means I have to suffer through arguments, hate, guilt because of my son and possibly being kicked out simply because of my wishes.
The thing was, I wanted to create my own traditions and possibly ;do something different. Maybe, I will take my son some place and enjoy the free day.... Or maybe allow my son his happiness, and I will go on my merry way, taking another day to do something with him. Traditions don't always have to follow the same path.
We become so absorbed with holidays, we forget the important part of anything. I look at the place I work at and question why people even bother buying things that just end up in landfills. Do anyone even think beyond the normal excitement of a present? Have we become so self absorb that we forget about all the people around us suffering? Why not take that money we will spend on gifts and do something good with it.... Even for one holiday to teach the consumerism is not our lives and what the true meaning of a holiday means? Or have we forgotten that?
But then again, I will be called stupid for even stating such a thing.
I ask Christians a lot "What would Jesus do on Christmas?" And I never get an answer. I always get some strange response like its tradition.... Well, no its greed. Maybe take the greed and do something positive with it. Give to those in need and start finding ways to help others. Maybe for one x-mas people can actually do something positive. "