Bernard scurries up to your feet and seems to be concerned. He nudges you and points his antennae towards Val’s shop.
What could be the matter? Let’s follow the poor little guy!
As you enter the shop, you notice it sounds quieter than usual. There’s much less clinking and clanking; and those high pitched steam noises are no more.
Ggggg… GGggGg… ughhgg.. “No, got to keep..” ggg uh whhooo “working..”
Is that... Val? She seems to be half asleep.
Bernard hurries over to Val who’s hunched over at her workstation. He lightly taps her head to get her attention, her eyes now completely shut.
“Huh..?” Val’s eyes slowly peel open.
“Oh, Bernard, did I fall asleep again!?” She quickly gets back to work on what appears to be a snowglobe. “I really need to focus. Bring me a quadruple espresso shot latte, stat!"
You walk over to Val and express that maybe she should get some rest.
“Ah, I’ll be alright! Plus, I enjoy creating these little surprise gifts. They really help keep our spirits up during these dark, cold months. I’d be done by now if only that darn Amagamaterial-5000 didn’t decide to blow a fuse.”
It seems like Val’s glued to her project and far too busy to speak anymore, so you walk on over to Bernard who has some papers and blueprints layed out.
It’s an assembly line! Looks like Bernard wants to recruit some part time workers for Val’s shop - Voluntarily of course!
The documents contain blueprints and the necessary materials to create the unique gifts Val has been creating.
You look at the concerned bugger, wanting to help. “So, all we need to do is gather some crafting materials?”
Bernard hops up and down joyfully. “Well let’s get to it then!”