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Forums Help & Support I can't seem to add ohms or volts or whatever currency into trades.

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 03:27:39 )
Developers Note:
For those who are reading this thread - please try clearing cache via mobile settings OR using CTRL & F5 shortcut on PC.
This should then allow you to add currency back in with no issues, as this is a caching issue and not an actual bug.

I'm clicking on what i'm supposed to be clicking on, and nothing happens :/

Donator — He Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 03:35:26 )
Its a problem with chrome..
I cant add anything using chrome,
It works fine on firefox tho

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 03:38:41 )

yeah like raxton just mentioned, it's chrome that's giving me trouble.
person i'm trading with, is also probably using chrome since they said they can't add volts to the trade either.

i cancelled trade, started new one, refreshed etc but i will try clearing my cache and cookies next.

and yeah i be clicking on the 0

Donator — He Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 03:39:54 )
@Hazer: i am on mobile tho, chrome 70.0.3538.110

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 03:40:19 )

ok before i just hit refresh but this time i did refresh via ctrl f5 and i was able to add ohms to a trade.
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