Omg her eyes are beautiful, and she looks like she has little bunny ears over each eye!!

I love her.
Also thank you! I'm mostly freezing my lil' bum off this time of year, so puddle is more metaphorical at this point
Thank you, I definitely feel like I'm in good company all around
Unfortunately I do not have a kitteroni of my own at the moment, but I am contemplating fostering kittens in the near future. Pretty excited
Thank you! Awwwwww, your Princess Charlotte is so cute. Love her and her pink nose. I have an extra soft spot for calicos because the cat I grew up with for more than a decade was the sweetest squishy calico blob (Her name was Zelda and she liked to kill potted plants by falling asleep on them).
Wow thank you, that's extremely generous of you! I am glad I have found cat people
Yeah, Kiwi was definitely more sassy than smart. She would often fall asleep on top of doors when were ajar, and subsequently fall off of them when some unsuspecting soul tried to open said door to enter a room.
Thank you so much! Liking it here very much so far
Thank you! What do you like reading and drawing? I really love drawing humans and monsters and surrealist inspired stuff.
Also I totally appreciate doggos too— unless they are attempting to impregnate my feet/legs (no ty puppers that's rude)
Thank you! I am getting fuzzies from all the welcoming
Thank you, and no worries! I'm late coming back to my own thread because life. Also I love your cat gifs, and I do the exact same thing when I get sad