I feel so exhausted all of the time. I spend 40 hours working each week (more if you count the drive to and from). Feels like I don't have any time to do anything. There are so many sites I want to be on to post in. Trying to do so many things at once, but no time in the day. I also want to spend time with my husband and kids and cook and bake, but I just feel too tired.
The company will be closing the store down about the end of January, so I guess I will have a bit of a break coming up. Still, not having income from a job is rough. Gotta re-apply to all kinds of things now. That's always such an annoying process. Plus I have to worry if one of the things on my background will show up on there. With me being manager at the store currently, I am hoping to find something else within the same ranking and pay, but don't know if there is anything good like that where I am currently located. Plus, all the work from it is pretty exhausting itself. So much to do and remember all the time. It feels like it is never ending.
And even with what I currently am making, we can't seem to be able to save up any money extra for savings. -sigh-
Life is just rough sometimes and adulting is hard.