She was silent as she made her way down the street. She didn't know how far she could go, how far she could manage to travel before her body gave out. She knew that there was good chance that she couldn't get too far, but she hoped she could at least get far enough. She had to get away from those that had caused the damage to her, and she knew that there was quite a high amoun tof damage, and it was kinda amazing that she was still able to walk off. Or limp/hobble that is.
As she felt like she was about to collapse, she noticed that she was on a street with a line of townhouses down it. She hoped someone was home as she made her way up to the door of one. She paused before knocking on the door. It was a weak sound, but it was at least a sound. The question of it was an empty house or not. For all she knew, no one was home. It was the middle of the week, and around dinner time. For all she knew it was a case of there being people living there and having gone out for dinner. She was seriously hoping that wasn't the case though, admittedly.
She knew she needed help, and she needed it ten minutes ago. If not longer than that. This was quite a horrid situation and she was fully aware of that. All she could do now was try and fix it.
Ideally, she would have been able to just make a phone call to get some help, but of course, those that had caused this had destroyed her phone, and her glasses too.
She knocked on the door, and waited, hoping someone was home.