Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/14 19:19:40 )
I need to play more this event, but between lack of time and the fact that it takes 10 years for the game to load up before it's playable for me (no clue why--literally the only game I have this issue with), it's a bit discouraging. Essentially, it feels like it only loads/downloads assets upon seeing them so every single time I load a new map or a different character or someone uses an attack they haven't, it's just constant lag. Once everything has been shown, it plays fine :/
I can't decide if I want Mercy's skin or not. She's my main character, but I have mixed feelings on the skin itself. I wish I had a Legendary skin for her (or even a normal skin) that I loved as is.
Mei is my secondary and she's had a skin I've adored since the start so it breaks my heart that I still haven't found one I like in every way for Mercy :/