I used to be big on League of Legends. I desperately wanted to main anivia but was struggling to do well with da bird. I got good later on with it, but I had become really good at Poppy even though I didn’t care much for her aesthetics.
I pretty much stopped being super active in late 2011 with a few low effort games in 2012 here and there.....and I accidentally went off topic haha.
K/DA is a fictional kpop band using a quad female cast of League champions. They dropped a music video advertising new “skins” (aesthetics) you could purchase for these girls. The song is called POPSTAR and it’s lit. The song alone makes me want to jump back into LOL and give Quinn or Xayah test runs now that I see the updated champion list. (When the f*** did it get THAT big lol) Oi, but I was too addicted to leagues but idk if I wanna do that to myself again.
Even people who have NEVER played or heard of Leagues LOVE the music video.
Have you seen it? What do you think?
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