I just want to make a thread for everyone to get into the Christmas spirit and look back on the year 2018 and say what you appreciate about it. Maybe its the new friends you've made or the improvement you've made in yourself.
I started working as staff for Voltra this year and I just wanna thank QT and Fozzy for taking me on. I was completely new and have never been staff on any avvie sites before but they gave me a chance and here I am. I feel like part of a team, something bigger than myself. I get to do art which I love and I get to see all the user's enjoying the stuff we create. It is certainly a very rewarding feeling and I am grateful to experience it. I made lots of new friends this year too Lily, Kozi, Hazer I am glad I met you guys! *hugs* I know forever is abit much to ask for but I hope we are friends for a long time.