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Forums Role Playing Kimmi x Selikait A Royal Tail

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 16:44:04 )
You can die anytime...

Full Name: Sayuri Marie

Age: 21

Race: Kitsune

Height: 5’9

Weight: 135lbs

Hair: Red, curly, long

Eyes: Green, clear

Occupation: She was the Prince's pet; Now she is a seamstress

Parents: Unknown

Hobbies: Horseback riding, reading, sewing, drawing

Likes: Enjoys time outdoors in the sun (particularly the gardens), horses, reading, sewing new clothing ideas when possible

Dislikes: Inequality in the kingdom, tomatoes, having to leave behind those she cares about

Strengths: Loyalty, honesty, very caring and kind to those around her

Weaknesses: her emotions can get the best of her at times and she can be hardheaded

Wants: to reunite with the Prince, who she was close to, just to see how he was doing.

Problems: Because of her race, she is considered lower class to some people, and the fact she is in love with someone she can't be with

Character Background: Sayuri was a gift for the prince when he had turned eight years old. She and the prince spend their childhood playing games and reading together. As time went on, they grew into their expected roles in the castle, he as the heir to the throne and she as his pet and closest friend. Shortly before his 18th birthday, the prince married a princess from the neighboring kingdom. Sayuri, heartbroken, fled the castle during the ceremony, leaving him a short note confessing how she truly felt about him. As she sat in the train that carried her away from everything she had ever known, she had wondered if she would ever see him again.

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 15:53:39 )

Full Name: Cristobal Antonio Galleran

Age: 21

Race: Human

Height: 6’

Weight: Average, slightly athletic build

Hair: Dark blonde

Eyes: Cobalt blue

Occupation: Prince of Sephria

Parents: King and Queen Galleran

Hobbies: Horseback riding, reading

Likes: Enjoys time outdoors in the sun (particularly the gardens), horses, history

Dislikes: Inequality in the kingdom, tomatoes, haughty/pompous attitudes

Strengths: Charismatic, excellent public speaker and horse rider

Weaknesses: Can be selfish and impulsive. Tends to get cabin fever in the castle.

Wants: Improve the quality of life for his subjects. Reunite with his former friend and companion.

Problems: Culture and interest conflicts with his wife, Princess Mav’ra.

Character Background: Prince Cristobal, growing up as heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Sephria, never wanted for much. He was showered with gifts and pampered with praises. But as most children are wont to do, he rebelled against his parents and his role in life. When he finally got too much for his parents, they surprised him with a pet on his eighth birthday. Sayuri quickly became his best friend and closest confidante. They would spend many hours out in the gardens and horsebacking, enjoying the fresh air and each other’s company. But princes must grow up and become kings. As Cristobal came of age, a marriage was arranged to a princess of a neighboring kingdom. Cristobal was devastated, for over the years, his friendship with Sayuri turned to fondness, but Cristobal knew that he must do what was necessary for his kingdom and his people. On the eve of his wedding, he found the goodbye letter from Sayuri. Fighting back his tears, he faced the assembled nobles and began the next chapter of his life with his new wife.


Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 15:54:02 )

Full Name: Mav’ra Eillana Loraqen

Age: 24

Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)

Height: 5’8”

Weight: Slim, athletic build

Hair: Deep brown

Eyes: Forest green

Occupation: Princess of Sephria (formerly Princess of Oakenrock)

Parents: Rinimir and Belwolian Loraqen

Hobbies: Collecting and breeding snakes, singing

Likes: Deep, shadowed forests, fruits, visiting the menagerie and greenhouses

Dislikes: City life, horses

Strengths: Natural resistance to poison and disease. Able to navigate through thick forests safely. Excellent perception and tracking.

Weaknesses: Proud and short tempered. Suffers from a limp when it rains.

Wants: To track and capture snakes for her collection. To have her daughter brought up with Elven traditions.

Problems: Feels out of place in the culture of Sephria and its city. Clashes with her husband over horses and how to raise their daughter.

Character Background: Mav’ra was used to dense forest canopies, sunlight trying to break through the leaves. She was not used to the hustle and bustle of city living, but the capital of Sephria would be her home now. Princess Mav’ra, formerly of Princess of Oakenrock, had begged and pleaded with her parents to reconsider the arranged marriage, but the alliance had to be sealed. Mav’ra, with her head held high, accepted her fate... under a few conditions of course.


Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 18:27:19 )
You can die anytime...

That summer evening would be one Sayuri would never forget. She had spent the day, or as much of it as possible, with the prince of Sephira, her 'master' but closest and probably only friend in the castle. It would be the last day she would have that chance. Later that evening, he would be getting married. She was invited to attend of course, but she couldn't go. She couldn't watch him marry another woman; the thought broke her heart.

It was a secret to everyone, but over the time the two had spent together, as they grew into teenagers, she found herself falling in love with him. Of course, she was considered his pet and nothing more. After all, she was a kitsune. Kitsune, nekos, and those like them were considered pets. Nothing more. So it would have been against laws if she had ever wanted to be with him. And, she had thought to herself, he would only see her as a kid sister. He wouldn't have any interest in her anyway...

After the prince had left to prepare for the wedding, Sayuri acted fast. In a small bag, she stowed away her few possessions, her clothes, things that meant something to her, and of course, a special locket he had given her just a week before for her birthday. Inside it had pictures of them together. She quickly wore him a note, confessing her feels and explaining to him why she had left. She didn't want to cause strife between him and the princess after all. After finishing her note, she sneaked out of the castle and hurried into town. She took midnight train going anywhere. As she searched the dark landscape fly by, she wondered if she would ever see him again.

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/13 02:28:58 )
If only he found the note earlier, he thought to himself. But what would it have changed? The law and his role prevented him on acting on his feelings, but he could have told her. How could he not have realized?

Ever since his marriage to Mav’ra of Oakenrock had been announced, Cristobal had withdrawn into himself. He knew this alliance was so very important to the kingdom and that he had a duty to uphold, but his feelings for Sayuri had grown over the years into love. He had always assumed she would not return his affections after the way his kingdom treated her. He knew their friendship was genuine. She was his closest confidante and partner in crime. Oh, the frights they would give the poor groundskeeper when they would hide in the thick bushes of the garden then jump out yelling.

But if he hadn’t been so wrapped up in himself, he may have noticed Sayuri had also withdrawn into herself. Maybe he could have said something that would have made her stay. Maybe she would have left anyways.

Since the wedding, Cristobal thought of Sayuri often, wondering where she was and if she was safe. As he thought of her more and more and why she left, he enacted laws freeing those formerly kept as pets, in the hope that others like them would be able to love and live freely.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/13 15:04:42 )
You can die anytime...

'It had been three years...' Sayuri had thought to herself as she disembarked from the train station in Sephira, 'Three long years... I wonder if anyone would remember me...?' She took a breath and started to walk through the town, looking around, as the place was really a sight for sore eyes. She had noticed that a celebration was in the works. She passed by a pair getting a banner hung up, draping high over the main street ,"Excuse me," She called out to them,"But what is the celebration for?"

One of them smiled at her,"It's a wonderful day indeed, especially for newcomers to the town," He had said,"Our new king has changed the laws, granting those like us, as in Kitsunes, Nekos, and others, the freedom and equality we had wanted for so very long."

"Thank goodness," His friend had said, tying the banner securely to a light post," Rumor has it he did it to honor a close friend of his who had left, shortly before he married the queen." He shrugged,"But that's all rumor."

Sayuri thanked them and let them get back to work, slowly heading down the street once more,"He did it to honor me...?" Sayuri wondered to herself softly.'It would be wonderful to be able to see him.'' She thought, 'Just to know he was doing alright. But I doubt that will happen during this visit.'

Little did she know, rumors would spread through town that Sayuri, the king's old pet from childhood, had returned to the village. It even worked it's way up to one of the maids that worked for the king. And being the gossips they were, anyone could easily overhear.

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/17 17:13:32 )
Today is the day, Cristobal thought to himself. His stomach was twisted in knots and it wasn’t from the thought of talking in front of his kingdom. Cristobal prided himself on being able to speak to the masses with passion, confidence, and sincerity. It was the subject of his speech that gave him panicky butterflies in his stomach.

Cristobal knew it was the right choice for his people despite what his advisors said. There would always be people against change, but he would just have to show them the good this change would bring. Kitsunes, Nekos, and other so-called “half-breeds” (the derogatory term used in impolite company) would no longer be considered lesser beings, kept as pets and slaves. They were to be treated as equal to the other races, true citizens of Sephria.

It took many discussions, council meetings, and public forums to get the masses on board with the change, but they did it. It was finally happening. Today would be the proclamation of equal rights in Sephria followed by a extravagant festival to celebrate. Cristobal shook his head to shake away the remaining doubts floating in his mind and went to find his wife and daughter. His speech was to take place at noon at the central commons. They would need to leave soon to allow time to get through the crowds.

Mav’ra fussed with her dress and tiara for the umpteenth time, straightening and re-straightening them. She didn’t care for the flashiness of public speeches in Sephria, she much prefered the subdued, restrained deliveries of the people of Oakenrock. But it was her duty to attend as Queen.

Belliana should be ready by now, Mav’ra thought to herself, hoping that her daughter would be able to distract her anxiety and worries. Walking along the normally busy corridors, it was surprisingly quiet. Most of the staff had been given the day off to enjoy the festival. Her footsteps echoed softly on the tile. As Mav’ra approached her daughter’s quarters, she could hear Meryl, an older women with a warm smile and a propensity for stories, chatting excitedly to Belliana. She paused outside the door and listened.

“Your father is a great man, my sweet Belle. He’s making life better for so many, but do you know why your father is doing this?,” asked Meryl to Belliana who was trying to stick up straight while the tangles were brushed from her hair. Not leaving a second for the toddler to respond, Meryl continued. “Your father had a Kitsune best friend growing up, but the laws and his duty prevented them from being more. They may never have said as such, but old Meryl could see what they had from across the garden. That’s why he has worked so hard to make things right. And if rumors are to be believed, that very friend is back in town today. What a sight for sore eyes she will be.”

Mav’ra knew about Cristobal’s old friend and pet. She knew the close bond they had before she left the day of their wedding. It definitely left an impression on Cristobal and affected their already strained marriage. And now she might be back in town? Mav’ra had been arranged to marry Cristobal to secure an alliance between their kingdoms. She knew any love between them would have to grow over time. It had already been a difficult time between the two of them, but she knew what this alliance meant for their kingdoms and would do her part. Would he continue to do the same now, despite the reappearance of his old friend?

Clearing her throat, Mav’ra pushed open the door. Both faces turned to her, Belle’s face lighting up like the sun shone through her. Leaving Meryl and the hairbrush behind, Belliana ran toward her mother, her dress and ribbons fluttering behind her. Mav’ra carefully crouched down to receive her daughter in her arms, hugging her close.

“Will you be joining us for the ride over, Meryl?,” Mav’ra asked without taking her eyes off of Belliana.
“Thank you, your grace, but I will along shortly. I have a few more things to tidy up before I’m on my way.” replied Meryl.
“Very well, Meryl. Now my sweet Belle, let’s go face our kingdom.”

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/17 21:01:16 )
You can die anytime...

Sayuri saw the crowd gathered near the castle, where a large platform had been built for the occasion. She joined the crowd of villagers, some like her, some full human. All were excited for this day.

As she stood with them, she wondered if being here was a good idea. She still loved her old friend to this day, but she didn't want to interfere with his life. She knew she would have to slowly accept that they could be nothing more than close friends.

Soon, it was announced they they were arriving and that people had to make way so they could safely climb onto the platform. Sayuri carefully pulled on her cloak, using the hood to conceal her ears, hoping to be somewhat hidden. She just wanted to see him again...even if it was brief.

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 19:05:01 )
As their carriage approached the stage, Cristobal looked out over the crowd. It was quite the turnout. It looked as if the entire city had come to hear the proclamation. The carriage had slowed to a crawl as the crowd parted to make way.

The carriage shuddered to a stop and the door was opened from the outside. The bright summer sun shone in. Cristobal stepped out of the carriage and turned to offer Mav’ra a hand. In public, as a couple, Cristobal and Mav’ra played their roles with dignity and grace. Behind closed doors, their relationship was formal and almost business like. Knowing the expectation of the crowd, Mav’ra formed a small smile and accepted Cristobal’s help out of the carriage while balancing Belliana in her other arm. The surrounding crowd cheered at the sight of the royal couple and young princess.

They climbed the stairs to the platform stage. Mav’ra stood to the side of the podium, standing straight with Belle at her side, holding her hand. Cristobal went to the podium, surveying the crowd until their cheers dulled to a quiet murmur.

“Citizens of Sephria! We are gathered here today…” Cristobal and his counsel had prepared this speech for months in advance, but it was Cristobal’s charisma that worked the crowd into a frenzy. “Now let’s celebrate!” With that conclusion, music started playing from a band to the side of the stage. A joyous, happy tune. The crowd began to move out to the bazaar where vendors of all sorts were selling their wares next to jugglers and minstrels entertaining the crowd.

Cristobal turned away from the crowd and went to Mav’ra and Belliana. Belle was rubbing her eyes and yawning.

“The speech went over well.” Mav’ra said without much infliction to Cristobal while lifting the tired Belle into her arms.

“I believe it did.” Cristobal replied. “The crowd was in great spirits. Our little Belle is looking a bit tuckered out. Would you like me to have Meryl take her back to the castle?” He knew that Mav’ra did not like the hustle and bustle of the city crowds, but could not say such directly to her.

Looking only at Belliana, Mav’ra said “I gave Meryl the afternoon off to enjoy the festivities. I’ll take Belliana back in the carriage. Take care among the common folk.” With that, she walked off the platform and back to the carriage that brought them here.

Looking after his wife and daughter, Cristobal sighed a breath of relief. This was one day he could do without an argument. The days of proclamations, particularly positive ones, were very important occasions where the royal family would join the people in their celebration. Gathering his small entourage (which he hated, but was required by his counsel in public), he made his way to the bazaar, following in the wake of the crowd.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 23:13:26 )
You can die anytime...

In the middle of the bazaar, a large space was cleared for those who wished to dance. Sayuri removed her hood, getting warm with it on, and accepted an invitation to dance from an old friend, one she remembered who worked with the Baker. They were one of the first pairs out to dance. She smiled and was twirled around by her friend, enjoying herself for the first time in a while. She soon noticed people were moving out of the way for a small group. She almost froze when she realized Christobal was among them. She tried to focus on dancing with her partner. She figured he wouldn't even recognize her.

(Merry Christmas!)

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 20:06:01 )
Everywhere Cristobal turned, he could see smiling, laughing faces. Many citizens were crowding around Cristobal’s security entourage, thanking and cheering him on as he made his way through the festival. The band was already in full swing, drawing people in with a lively tune. He could barely see past the waving hands, but Cristobal could make a few people already dancing along. A quick glimpse of fox ears caught his eye, but the crowd around him kept him moving along, like a leaf carried away on a river.

Those ears… Cristobal thought, Could they be Sayuri’s? No, no, he crushed that dream down quickly. It couldn’t be her. Sayuri was long gone. It must have been someone else’s. I’m bound to see a lot of familiar looking ears today. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Cristobal continued through the bazaar to the food stalls. The smell of smoked meats and fresh bread permeated the festival and made Cristobal’s stomach growl. Letting his nose lead the way, Cristobal started his journey among the food stalls, greeting the vendors and sampling the fantastic assortment of dishes.

[Happy New Year!]
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Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/1 01:52:43 )
You can die anytime...

(Thanks! You too!)

Sayuri took a break from dancing, her stomach growling. She left her friends and wandered towards the food vendors, getting a little something to eat. As she turned to go back to the inn where she had gotten a room for a few days (until she decided what she wanted to do), she knocked into someone. Or what felt like a large group of people. She ended up tumbling onto the ground, not realizing she had run into Cristobal and his security group,"I'm so sorry!" She said, somewhat in a daze,"I didn't mean to knock into..." She looked up and he eyes widened in shock, seeing who it was,"Oh dear... I'm so sorry Your Highness." She said, hurrying to get to her feet,"I hope you are alright." She wanted to hug him and cry to him how much she had missed him. But she didn't. She doubted he would even remember her and she didn't want things to be more awkward than they already were.

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/9 13:44:42 )
You can die anytime...

(@Selikait: Is all okay?)

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

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