Friend and I went out to do some Christmas shopping and just have a girl's day out and about town. There's this really neat occult/crystal shop at one of our malls, so we went inside to give it a looksee. Lol turns out my friend was trying to subtle coax me into saying what I wanted as my Christmas gift. I'm dense and don't think about me at all. Anyway I get a pretty blue obsidian stone, and one of those spiral things you can put stones into for necklaces. I put it on right after it was finished being ringed up and paid for. Everyone saw me put the necklace on. After that quest we went over to Bath & Body Works. By the time we're up at the check out line, I realize that my necklace is gone. Just gone. My friend and I look all over Bath & Body Works looking for it. Then some kind employees helped us, but it was no where. We backtrack all the way to the crystal store, going along our exact route. Nothing. One of the crystal shop's employees was super kind and helped us walk the route and look again. I leave my information with the mall stores in case it's found somehow. The crystal shop employee felt so bad that I'd lost my Christmas gift, my new protection stone. So she decided to try and give me one of her stone bracelets. Ended up just buying a new stone, this time it's in a mesh bag in my purse. I didn't take her bracelet. But we did have a pretty awesome conversation about stones and crystal magic. I will def shop at the crystal shop more often.