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Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 05:43:37 )

"Thank you." Kalin said, and he could hear the gratitidue in her voice.

"Seriously.... now don't let me keep you. Go do what you need to. Thank you again."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 05:56:07 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Rene just smiled, and bowed slightly to her.

"At your service." he told her.

"Just not at the moment." he chuckled, before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

When he did, he sighed, and looked down the hallway.

'Guess it's time to get back on schedule.' he thought.

'But can she even go back to the dorm?' he wondered. 'Won't she just be targeted again? And she literally has NOTHING there waiting for her.' he thought further.

"Hm." he mumbled, as he started to walk away from the door, many thoughts and jumbled plans racing around in his mind.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 21:37:42 )

As he went about his business for the day, he felt as if he was being followed. Every time he looked over his shoulder though, there was no one there.

He was alone, as far as that was concerned, and as far as he could tell.

But he couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone following him, no matter what he did

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 21:55:15 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

As the day progressed, Rene felt himself growing more and more concerned and nervous.

Nobody seemed to be there, and nobody else had seen the woman he mentioned, whenever he brought her up with colleagues.

As he sat at his desk, her words echoed in his mind.

"I'm either the best thing you could hope for or your worst nightmare."

"Which I am, depends on how you act, what you do."

"I know who you are, Rene..."

"Just remember, I'll be watching..."

He was silent, before leaning forward, his hands in his hair.

"Oh, is my past coming back to haunt me...?" he mumbled, as he found himself looking at Kalin's file again.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 22:02:46 )

He was left wondering about that, and continuing his work, for a few days before there was a knock on his office door. He was just about to head home for the night, and couldn't help but be a bit annoyed by this little development. After he'd manage to get his temper in check, he called for them to enter.

In walked a rather delicate looking ... girl? She looked young, and had long blonde and silver hair. She had dark shades on as well, which seemed odd, but at the same time seemed to fit her perfectly.

"Ah, you are in." She said, her voice light, almost whimsical.

"Dr. Calder, I won't take up much of your time." She then said, a soft smile to her voice.

"I know how you'e been haunted - literally - for a few days. I'm merely here to give you some protection from an overbearing mother."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 22:15:55 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Rene was silent as the 'girl' said all she did, starting to piece a few things together in his mind... but also, more questions were starting to crop up for him.

"Eh?" he asked.

"Overprotective...? Wait, how do you know about what's been happening to me?" he asked her.

"I'll address the first part after, but how do you know about it?" he reasked.

"I haven't really told many people about this..." he said, trailing off at the end.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/10 22:26:08 )

"I know her." was the answer he was given.

"She and I work together, so whether you told anyone or not is completely not part of this conversation." She added before pausing.

"I know that someone being overprotective is... well, rather uncomfortable. I'm merely here to give you something to repel her, essentially, for the next two weeks. If you'll accept it."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 03:16:52 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"Right." Rene responded.

"I would give ANYTHING for some peace of mind right now." he told her bluntly.

"I really would." he lamented, sighing deeply.

"Also, overprotective?" he asked. "An overprotective and overbearing mother?" he asked further.

"Why would she suddenly be haunting ME?" he inquired even further, before pausing.

"Unless... she's Kalin's mother..." he said, his tone that of realization and enlightenment.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 03:21:15 )

The young woman just chuckled lightly.

"That's exactly who has been haunting you." She told him.

"While Madison is not truly a threat, she is... quite overbearing when one of her children are in poor shape for one reason or another" She then added as she reached behind her neck and undid a clasp.

"But here." She continued as she pulled her hands away, revealing that she'd undone a necklace. The chain was barely visible, so thin and small that he only saw it as it shimmered in the light.

"This pendant will keep her from haunting you for 72 hours."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 03:48:12 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Rene was silent as he was offered the necklace. When she offered it to him, he accepted it, and immediately felt a feeling of comfort wash over him.

"" he said.

"That is... amazing." he commented.

"At least I'll have a little peace now." he mumbled.

"And she's not a threat, you say?" he then asked. "I wonder about that. From how she spoke, she seems to know of... my past." he said quietly.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 04:03:03 )

"Madison knows more than you would realise." The young woman told him honestly, simply, and plainly.

"It's not something that can be denied, but as long as you don't actually do anything to make her think you don't care about her daughter, then you should be good." She then said.

"I have no control over the situation after the effects from that pendant fade though."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 04:18:31 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"........well, still, a break's a break." Rene responded.

"And I thank you for it." he told her.

"Granted, I now have more questions than ever, but something tells me that they will go unanswered, even if I were to ask them." he went on.

"...mostly because they're all about you." he mumbled.

"Still... thank you. SO much." he said again.

"Now I can focus."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 04:39:37 )

"Questions about me?" She asked before chuckling lightly.

"Let me answer them as best I can." She stated.

"My name is Emelie. And Madison and I am Madison's... boss I suppose you can say." She answered.

"And I am helping you because I know that Madison can be overbearing."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 05:08:22 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Rene's eyes widened when she said what she did.

"Ah... I..." he stammered.

"But those were..." he said, before shaking his head.

"Wow. You're good." was all he told her.

"I just hope Kalin's mother realizes I don't mean her daughter any harm." he sighed.

"But 72 hours, huh?" he then asked.

"Guess I better make the most of it."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 05:12:47 )

Emelie just laughed lightly.

"My name is Emelie, and did I mention I'm psychic?" she asked. It was the usual explanation she gave for simple things like that. No one would believe what she truly was, how she truly knew all she did.

"Is there anything I could help with while I'm here? Trust me when I say I can help with almost anything." She added, wanting to stick around for a few at least to make sure the charm was working. For all she knew, Madison and Gregory had worked to get through that one already, since it 2was one she'd used in the past.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 05:24:17 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Rene was silent for a moment, before crossing his arms over his chest.

"All right." he said.

"If you can help with almost anything, let me see if you can give me information about the future." he told her.

"Will Kalin be returning to trouble if she returns to the dorms at University?" he asked.

"And if so, how dire will the trouble be?"

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 05:32:56 )

'Yes she will." Emelie stated bluntly.

'And it will likely cost her, her life as well." she then said.

"Those that put her here in the first place have their influence all over the school, and into the dorms. There is a very good chance that she will be seen as the one that caused the problems, and thus she will be in danger." She paused a moment before sighing.

"It may not even be smart for her to return to the school this year, for that matter."

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 05:54:43 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

".....that last part complicates things." Rene mumbled.

"But I don't know if Kalin will accept that statement." he told her.

"No matter HOW it's phrased." he went on, thinking hard for a moment.

"I can help with the first parts of those, provided she's willing and comfortable with my bubbling thought of a suggestion..." he went on, sighing heavily.

"But this is a very delicate and sticky situation..." he mumbled further.

"Just... damn it."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 05:57:28 )

Emelie nodded.

"Kalin may be more willing to listn if it's a case of her being able to be a student off campus." She commented.

"Much as she is now." She paused a moment, letting him digest that suggest.

"We both know that the dean would allow it."
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/11 06:11:26 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

".....indeed." Rene agreed.

"I suppose I should talk to Kalin about it, then speak to Charlene." he said.

"Work this out before she's allowed out of the hospital." he reasoned.

"" he then mumbled, before sighing.

"Thank you, again." he said to her.

"This information's helped me make a decision I was VERY unsure about."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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