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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/28 04:27:53 )
Maddie ran until she couldn't see from all the rain, and ducked down under some shelter. She was exhausted, soaking wet, and freezing, as well as the kitten who wasn't even mewing. Now would be a great time to have a cell phone! Maddie huddled together with the kitten in hopes of giving the little guy some warmth. She wasn't far from Clint's house, but it sure felt like it'd take her forever to get there. After a bit of resting, she got up and started down the sidewalk once more.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/28 07:10:59 )
While driving, Clint wondered what Maddie was doing. Hopefully she was still home. In this weather he didn't expect anything else really. At least she was warm, he was freezing in this weather. Maybe once he got home he could ask her what was wrong. But, would she even want to share that information with him? Maybe he was just over reacting. Regardless of if he was or wasn't, he was still going to ask when he got home. It was up to her if she chose to tell him what had been bothering her. Clint continued to drive in the dark and knew he was getting close now. He noticed someone was walking down the empty sidewalk. Who would be outside at this hour without an umbrella or raincoat of any kind? It was too dark to see who it was but the lights from his headlights did light up the area in front of him so if he looked at the person long enough he would see it was Maddie. Maddie?! What the heck was she doing outside? "Mads!" He called out after opening his window. Well, so much for not getting sick right?

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/28 14:32:53 )
Maddie had her arms loosely folded together as she held the kitten securely, making sure not to squish him. She was thinking about what to tell Clint if he made it home before her. Oh, hell. She paused at hearing an all too familiar nickname and glanced at the man who called it. Busted.. "Um.. I can explain?" She called wearily as more of a half-question. Well, what now? Meet at the house or...? She began to wonder.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/29 06:29:19 )
"Yes, yes you can. You can explain when we get home. Get in the car." Clint called back, reaching over and unlocking the passanger's side door for her from the inside. Quickly, he closed the window and waited for her to get inside the car. There was no doubt in his mind that she was most likely going to be sick because of this little stunt she pulled. She seemed to be holding something, but he wasn't sure what. Whatever it was, he'd find out about it once they were back at the house.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/29 19:38:42 )
Feeling much like a child being scorned, she lowered her head and hurried over to the car, and slipped inside the car. She set the shivering kitten onto her lap and closed the door. She carefully put on her seatbelt before moving her arm from covering the kitten, so she show Clint. "I.. I had a vision.. Aurelie was going to hurt him. She's a devil woman.. " She said quietly, lowering her head as the kitten mewed quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/1 05:06:42 )
So that's why she had been so quiet. "That's why you didn't say anything and instead decided to run out in the rain and risk getting hurt or worse?" Clint asked her. He glanced at the kitten then looked straight ahead. "At least it's not dead. You weren't followed were you?" He asked. They reached the house after a few more minutes of driving and he pulled into the driveway then killed the lights and the engine. "Come on, let's get you both dried up and warm again." Clint said to her quietly, grabbing his things and unbuckling himself before stepping out of the car. He went around and opened the door for her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 02:46:23 )
Maddie bit the inside of her cheek. She was expecting this from him, or worse, right? She knew he'd be upset with her.. She shook her head when he questioned her, keeping her head low. "No, I wasn't followed..." She murmured quietly. How could she explain her actions? Why did she feel the need tom anyway? Because, Clint was important to her and she didn't want to lose that friendship. She didn't have time to explain before he left for work.. When the engine died, and Clint had opened her door, she held the kitten in her arms and got out of the car before walking towards the front door. She felt awful- but she didn't regret saving it. Not for a moment. "i didn't have time to tell you.. When I came out of the bathroom you had already left.." She murmured quietly, only once he was close enough to hear her, "I didn't know what else to do.."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 05:19:30 )
Making sure the doors were closed and locked, Clint followed Maddie to the front door. He fumbled for his keys and then unlocked and opened the door for her. After she had walked in, he did as well and closed the door behind them. "I see." He muttered and locked the door then hung his coat on the rack and sighed. "Jeez Mads, you could have gotten hurt though. That woman is crazy. I don't trust her and even you don't trust her." He said to her honestly. His eyes landed on the kitten in her arms. He knew it needed to be warmed quickly. "Let me get some blankets for you both." He grabbed some blankets and tossed them in the dryer just so that they would be really warm when they were done. Clint set his lunch on the table and then took the blankets out. They were very warm, hopefully they would help. He carefully draped one around Maddie and then draped another over the kitten. "Have a seat Mads..just try to warm up for now."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/4 01:02:11 )
Maddie kept her head down as he spoke, and quietly followed him inside. He was right, and she had been reckless but he didn't know what she had seen. It sent a shiver down her spine along with being cold. Once he had gone off to get some blankets, and then came back, she say down like he had said and gratefully pulled the blanket closer to herself. The kitten started to purr as it nuzzled against the warm blanket. "I couldn't nothing. All I wanted was to get him before she could hurt him.. The things I saw her do.. I had to do something to stop it from happening."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 04:08:08 )
"So that's why you didn't say anything..." Clint thought he understood now. She was probably in the middle of the vision when he called out to her. He watched as the kitten nuzzled into the warm blanket. Guess they had a cat now. Well, at least it would be safer here than with that lady. "You did what you had to do. I can't hate you for that, really." He said to her and decided he might as well eat his lunch. "You think it's hungry or thirsty?" He asked, wondering if that kitten had been fed at all since they last saw it.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 04:18:29 )
She felt a little better after hearing him speak, and lifted her head a little. Not much though. She shook her head lightly at his question, in a way of showing she didn't know. "I don't know.. Maybe we can try to give him something after he dries off?" She suggested quietly. There was really no telling. He didn't look hungry, but she didn't exactly look for a food or water bowl while at the church. The main concern was getting him dried off though. Maybe afterwards she'd take a nice warm shower before going to bed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 07:02:18 )
"Yeah, let's allow the poor little guy to dry off and relax first." Clint said, opening his metal box and took his lunch out then began to eat it quietly while getting some water on the stove to boil. He was freezing, some coffee would be great right now.Movie night would have to be postponed. He was too cold and it was already really late. Maybe tea would be better actually that way he could get some sleep. He'd have to take a hot shower too before bed.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 21:54:07 )
Maddie nodded lightly when he spoke. After a while, the kitten had dried off and was peacefully sleeping in Maddie's lap, still wrapped up in the blanket. Maddie had dried off as well with the help of the blanket, and was feeling pretty tired from the events of today. She wasn't even hungry. It had been somewhat quiet between Maddie and Clint, but she couldn't think of anything to say. When the kitten woke, it mewed and started trying to naw on her fingers, gaining her attention. What did you feed a kitten as little as this one? MIlk, yogurt, or something soft? As much as she liked cats, she'd never had one.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/7 21:20:00 )
Clint was enjoying his lunch, he didn't need to really talk right now. Meanwhile outside it was still pouring really hard. He wondered if it would continue tomorrow. It wouldn't surprise him if that were the case. They needed rain, so he wasn't going to complain. When he heard the kitten cry out, he looked up like a worried parent and stood up. He grabbed some bologna and cut it into really small pieces and put it in one bowl. Then in another he poured a little bit of milk. "Alright, come get your food little dude." He said, setting the bowls down on the floor.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/9 00:07:50 )
The kitten watched him curiously as Clint got up and stopped chewing on Maddie's fingers. He hoped down from her lap, dragging the blanket with him, and scampered towards Clint, mewing curiously. Once the bowls of food and milk were set down, the small kitten sniffed at the cut up bologna before slowly started to eat it. Maddie wrapped the blanket around herself more so since she lap was vacant.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/14 22:51:43 )
@Boss Rimi: *poke* :p

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/14 23:46:01 )
@xnovax: Sorry, tired af lately. Dunno why.
Everything is going slow. Bleh.

At least the kitten was actually eating. "Well clearly the little dude was hungry. Glad he's eating and isn' know, dead." Clint said, glancing over at Maddie. "Cold huh?" He asked her and chuckled. "Maybe you should dress warmer next time you decide to run off into the rain. You know, you're probably going to be sick. I should check and make sure that I have medicine around in case you do." He said, going to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen and looking inside.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/15 00:00:24 )
@Boss Rimi: it's okay, I was mainly just bumping it lol
I still to reply to blood in roses, but I'll get on it tonight <3 and oran is yours as well :3 if you're up for it <3

Maddie nodded lightly to his comment as she watched the kitten eat. Then she rose her eyes to Clint when he mentioned her probably getting sick. She'd be fine after she had a shower.. All the years she lived in the streets she didn't ever get sixk, so she was doubtful about getting sick now. "While you're doing that, I'm gonna go take a shower." She said before getting up and wandering down the hall to her room and closed the door. She picked out a dry pair of clothes and then went into the bathroom , turning on the water and undressing, she stepped into the warm shower, closed the curtain, and just let the water run over her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/15 00:10:33 )
@xnovax: It's fine. Take your time.

"Just you and me little dude." Clint said to the kitten who was enjoying his food. There was medicine, good. He took this time to do some light cleaning around the house since he didn't have much else to do. He could work on dinner but he wasn't really hungry right now. Just tired. He could check the mail, but there was no way he was stepping outside again. No way. It was too cold out there. He needed to shower too, but for now he'd just look after the kitten while he waited for Maddie. What would she name the kitten anyway? They were going to keep it clearly. So he had to buy it the stuff it needed.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/28 00:40:55 )

Maddie was quick in the shower, once she had warmed up. She easily washed her long hair and only winced when she went to scrub herself down. Man, she took quite a beating from those guys.. All for one tiny fuzzball of a kitten. Well, in her eyes is was worth it. They were both alive, right? God only knows what she would've done to the poor thing, just by going off her vision, That proved she could stop the vision from happening though, with a little effort. So in a way, this was necessary. This would be one think she and Clint probably wouldn't see eye-to-eyes on.

After her shower, she turned off the water, dried off and got dressed. She then dried her hair and brushed it before going back out to the living room.

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