Seasons greetings Volties, it’s your boy Spark here reporting in! I gotta say, at first this cold weather really ruffled my tail feathers…but honestly now… I don’t mind it so much! I have successfully acclimated and am enjoying this beautiful diamond dust we call snow! I tried keeping a pet snowball named Chilli (get it? Like chilly, but the hot pepper instead?! Brilliant, I know!) but unfortunately he had other plans! I kept him in the freezer but he still poofed on me! Now he’s gonna miss everyone’s favorite common surge!
Gah! Oh well, can’t be helped I guess.

Hotter than the fashion I’m about to drop here, we hit a new milestone this week! You know what that means…AN EXCLUSIVE ITEM FOR YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! Our head chef Fozzy has cooked up for you
The Enchanting Guardian!

Every user will receive one for free that can be found in the Misc tab of your inventory. If you would like to purchase extras head on over to OMG Imports by clicking the shop picture below. The Enchanting Guardian is listed at 1.5k volts or 75 ohms. It will leave shelves after New Years day! Congratulations guys! Warms my heart we can always talk to each other.

Oh, hold up! I have a call coming in…hello? Why, it's my darling little sister Frizz! How unlike you to call me mid show, is there something you need me to say? Put you on speaker phone? Well, okay! Why not?

Hiya! Just wanted to let you guys know that Static and I are officially implementing our store’s first Community Leveling Milestone Items (MIs) soon! Well, how soon depends on you guys of course.

That might seem a ways a way, but with our events and upcoming secret projects, we trust that time will zip by. So stay tuned! Back to you Sparky! Oh by the way, sorry about your snowball. I didn’t know what it was so I tossed it back outside…..

(Stay tuned for exclusive sneak peaks at the unlock-able MI and it's poses.)

What?! How could you Frizz!

Alright folks, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for!

Let's not forget to thank our Item Technicians for uploading:
Lilypoo, Hadsvich, Saeyra, and Yixing!

We’re bringing in the big guns folks. Presenting our
newest pixelist, we warmly welcome…*drum roll*
I was incapable of flying when holding this guy’s HEAVY portfolio.
Safe to say we’re stoked to see what he can bring to the Voltra team!

If you've been to Voltra's Discord, chances are you've run into one of the Community Discussions! If not, your chance to tune in and get all the latest news about our beautiful city is coming on December 29th. The discussion will start promptly at 7 pm Voltra time (Central)!
As always, there are fun raffles to participate in!
Raffle 1
Submit a questions pre-discussion for a chance to win a rare set of your choice!
Questions must be submitted by 10 am (Voltra/Central Time) on 12/26 to be eligible.
What do you want to know!?
Raffle 2
Join us for the discussion on our Discord server and post your username in our attendance channel.
At the end of the discussion we will raffle off prizes!

:crate: January Crates + New Rare…..[01/01/19]
Psst…hey Volties! What do you call…..a Vampire Snowman?

And that’s it for today folks! I love your faces and can’t wait to see you
at the event! Time for me to hopefully go find where Frizz tossed poor Chilli!