Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/16 17:40:45 )
Wheee. Good afternoon~ I'm going out for Indian food tonight... but for now I kind of feel like doodling. :3
Thought I'd pop in and say hello first. Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 14:48:01 )
@Kozi: Aww hehe. Well I can sometimes understand that.
I look forward to my own weekends but at least in your case it was shorter than waiting all week for it to end. :x
Donator — Fluffywuff
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 15:07:29 )
@Selaphi: Very true! At least now I have a couple of days off.
I have a new headset to play with finally, so that might be fun. Might play some games with a couple of friends.
..... And talk to my grandma on Skype. XDD;; She is 86. That will be interesting.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 15:24:17 )
Sounds like fun! I didn't get to game as much as I wanted to over the weekend but maybe I can squeeze some in this week...
Reminds me I ought to call my grandma sometime soon, it's been a good minute. @.@ She just turned 80!!!
Donator — Fluffywuff
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 19:46:48 )
@Selaphi: Yeah, the one I had before got left downstairs in the Boggy Pit.
The USB plug must have gotten wet or something.
It sounded like the gates of hell. XDD;;;
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 19:50:15 )
Oh god. The one I used to have would make this funny buzzing sound when I was talking and everyone would joke at me like "Are you getting a text?" because I guess my cellphone was actually interfering with it for some reason.
Donator — Fluffywuff
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 20:01:46 )
@Selaphi: Haha, pretty much.
I'm running on around 4 hours of sleep over this whole weekend.
And way too much coffee. XDD;;
But it seems I haven't died yet, so I might as well listen to music and post. lol
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 20:06:22 )
I sleep entirely too much.. If I lay down for a 'nap' it ends up being a few hours.
I will easily sleep longer than 10 hrs if something doesn't get me out of bed...
Kinda wish I could find a happy medium between your 4 and my 10 lol.
Donator — Fluffywuff
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/18 21:10:58 )
@Selaphi: Yessss!! Me too! Lately, at least.
Then I wake up super stiff and sore.
...which makes me tired and needing to lay down. XD;;
Super vicious cycle.