Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/20 13:20:14 )
@Lilypoo: I did!
they didn't end up together.
How she dealt with Nick's mom was so badass and her walking away felt SOOO GOOOOOOOD XD
There were so many satisfying moments like when Astrid left Michael. So satisfying XD
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/20 14:13:17 )
@Lilypoo: I've only watched it once XD
Same! I wanna fly first class ;___;
Apparently things happened very differently in the books. I might try picking those up when I've worked through a bit of the stuff I wanna read XD
I heard there's a high chance that there'd be a sequel
apparently Michael doesn't actually have an affair! XD
And Astrid is gonna date that guy from Glee who appeared at the end of the movie.
@Tuijp: Then we'd probably have enough time for a movie or two :D