The weather outside is so delightful~ NOT! I hate the cold, brrrrrr! Spark on the other hand is having the time of his life…rolling around and making snow birds er whatever!...Which I guess is kinda cute, but still! We all need to huddle up and come together and share the warmth. Yeah, you too Virgil! Don’t need you becoming a brooding ice sculpture. Though I’m sure that would sell for a pretty penny, wouldn’t it? Haha, I tease, I tease.
Alrighty, now that we are all here it is story time! This is Voltra’s first Solstice so I have a duty to EDUCATE! Frizz passionately raises a fist to the sky, as she flashes a bold smile of determination. Who knows! Maybe after this, someone will want to hire me part time as an audiobook narrator. All the cute books I could read…oopsie off topic!
The creation myth, told in all of the realms with the slightest of variations.
First, let’s talk about the magical fun part of this holiday! Now, this isn’t factual to our knowledge… it’s just a good ol’ fashion bedtime story that all the realms share through out generations. Although…. all stories have a root somewhere so who knows? But shhh, don’t take the fun away from the kids! Parents need some method of getting the kiddo’s to behave throughout the year!
Once Upon a Time, this planet was devoid of anything but water, and no life was sustainable. You see, every planet has something called a “core” and those remain hollow until a galactic spirit possesses them! Once said spirit takes the core as its host they THEN can begin the process of epic creation! In homage to their efforts, the planet is named after the spirit hence our planet, Panthalassa! Spirits have no personality, nor typical identity. They all operate in a non bias, give and take fashion. What little desires they have, what motivates them to create what they do; is a total mystery!
Panthalassa can only bring forth a limited number of creations before its energy is exhausted. Which is why when anything dies…we solemnly accept it. Every tree, creature and person will someday return to Panthalassa. Permitting new life to be made from the energy given back from the deceased.
Why do we celebrate Solstice yearly as a tradition?
Several things really!
*The success of the reaping ritual, permitting the seasons to change…
*Appreciating those closest to us, usually giving something back in return for enriching our lives.
*Commemorating lives no longer here. It is tradition to decorate every tree and bush outside, with red ribbon and bells. We do so in hopes that when spring comes, the life energy that Panthalassa sends back out, can return to their homes and flourish green again come Spring. You might write a name of a loved one on these ribbons, so that a small piece of their energy may return to the tree you designated their name on. When their bell starts ringing out in the wind, you know they are there, saying thank you for remembering them! They made it back safely… Warms my soul right up.
Is there a genuine history behind any of this?
Yes….there is a historical reason for us coming together. Presently the realms are at peace. Even if we don’t see eye to eye on some things, we are all at the very least cooperative and respectful of each others cultural differences. It wasn’t always like this though…..and an unforgivable act of destruction was made a long time ago. By who? We don’t know, there is a big ol’ blank in that part of history. A lot of what we have learned has come from the occasional artifacts and relics that come a drift to the realms, filling in small pieces of the large and complex puzzle.
We the realms have all committed to trying to find the truth so to ensure history will not repeat itself. We need to hold each other accountable, and help even our least favorite neighbors in times of desperation. Long before Voltra’s conception, there was actually more realms than just Ice, Sound, Metal, and Electric. I mean, even today it is still entirely possible there are other realms out there undiscovered! Let alone life on other planets!
Based on what the realms have collected throughout time, we can all universally agree there were at least two other realms during the war in addition to the realms we know today. We’ve yet to even understand what the motivation for this war was. Countless lives were lost, and two realms were met with merciless annihilation. Why? How? Well…unfortunately this also ties into Entropy as well(You'll find out soon)….so much is still unknown. But I am grateful for the other realms each sending Voltra a variety of artifacts from their own historical museums so that we may enrich you with this necessary but controversial history. Based on preserved documents, we know this war took place right around this time at Solstice. Perhaps leave a few unnamed ribbons out on the trees for the soldiers of solstice to return home to…
Event Currency and Items

Click on our advent calendar every day @5pm Voltra Time to claim a free item! Extra's purchasable at the Joyful Jamboree.
Our event currency is your very own collection of bells. Let's ring in the New Year together!
In honor of our first Solstice, myself and my friends here
have made a holiday carol just for you delightful volties! We hope you enjoy! Come back daily to this thread to watch us perform!
You may also use this thread as an event discussion if you like! Feel free to ask any questions or leave comments,
I absa-tootely love to help!

Also, there will be lots of activities going on! Keep your eyes peeled for anything featured.
*How VK Ruined Solstice: [Daily update games] Dec. 21- Jan 1st
*Ribbons of Rebirth: [Ongoing raffle & contest] Dec. 21- Jan 1st
*Ask the NPCs: [Q&A with your favorite people] Dec. 21 - Jan 1st
*CROPPED: [Avatar Contest] Dec. 23rd - Jan 1st
*Warmth at the Animal Shelter: [Help Vivi choose which animal to Rescue] Dec. 28-29
*THE UNDERCURRENT NEW FORUM! Jan. 1st -forever and ever! For all you naughty kids who need a place to let it out.
*?????? bonus item and how to get it TBD :)
OKAY, it's time to sing and present modern and olden history pieces. PLACES EVERYONE!!