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Forums Winter Solstice 2018 Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore)

Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:05:09 )

The weather outside is so delightful~ NOT! I hate the cold, brrrrrr! Spark on the other hand is having the time of his life…rolling around and making snow birds er whatever!...Which I guess is kinda cute, but still! We all need to huddle up and come together and share the warmth. Yeah, you too Virgil! Don’t need you becoming a brooding ice sculpture. Though I’m sure that would sell for a pretty penny, wouldn’t it? Haha, I tease, I tease.

Alrighty, now that we are all here it is story time! This is Voltra’s first Solstice so I have a duty to EDUCATE! Frizz passionately raises a fist to the sky, as she flashes a bold smile of determination. Who knows! Maybe after this, someone will want to hire me part time as an audiobook narrator. All the cute books I could read…oopsie off topic!

The creation myth, told in all of the realms with the slightest of variations.

First, let’s talk about the magical fun part of this holiday! Now, this isn’t factual to our knowledge… it’s just a good ol’ fashion bedtime story that all the realms share through out generations. Although…. all stories have a root somewhere so who knows? But shhh, don’t take the fun away from the kids! Parents need some method of getting the kiddo’s to behave throughout the year!

Once Upon a Time, this planet was devoid of anything but water, and no life was sustainable. You see, every planet has something called a “core” and those remain hollow until a galactic spirit possesses them! Once said spirit takes the core as its host they THEN can begin the process of epic creation! In homage to their efforts, the planet is named after the spirit hence our planet, Panthalassa! Spirits have no personality, nor typical identity. They all operate in a non bias, give and take fashion. What little desires they have, what motivates them to create what they do; is a total mystery!

Panthalassa can only bring forth a limited number of creations before its energy is exhausted. Which is why when anything dies…we solemnly accept it. Every tree, creature and person will someday return to Panthalassa. Permitting new life to be made from the energy given back from the deceased.

Why do we celebrate Solstice yearly as a tradition?

Several things really!
*The success of the reaping ritual, permitting the seasons to change…
*Appreciating those closest to us, usually giving something back in return for enriching our lives.
*Commemorating lives no longer here. It is tradition to decorate every tree and bush outside, with red ribbon and bells. We do so in hopes that when spring comes, the life energy that Panthalassa sends back out, can return to their homes and flourish green again come Spring. You might write a name of a loved one on these ribbons, so that a small piece of their energy may return to the tree you designated their name on. When their bell starts ringing out in the wind, you know they are there, saying thank you for remembering them! They made it back safely… Warms my soul right up.

Is there a genuine history behind any of this?

Yes….there is a historical reason for us coming together. Presently the realms are at peace. Even if we don’t see eye to eye on some things, we are all at the very least cooperative and respectful of each others cultural differences. It wasn’t always like this though…..and an unforgivable act of destruction was made a long time ago. By who? We don’t know, there is a big ol’ blank in that part of history. A lot of what we have learned has come from the occasional artifacts and relics that come a drift to the realms, filling in small pieces of the large and complex puzzle.

We the realms have all committed to trying to find the truth so to ensure history will not repeat itself. We need to hold each other accountable, and help even our least favorite neighbors in times of desperation. Long before Voltra’s conception, there was actually more realms than just Ice, Sound, Metal, and Electric. I mean, even today it is still entirely possible there are other realms out there undiscovered! Let alone life on other planets!

Based on what the realms have collected throughout time, we can all universally agree there were at least two other realms during the war in addition to the realms we know today. We’ve yet to even understand what the motivation for this war was. Countless lives were lost, and two realms were met with merciless annihilation. Why? How? Well…unfortunately this also ties into Entropy as well(You'll find out soon)….so much is still unknown. But I am grateful for the other realms each sending Voltra a variety of artifacts from their own historical museums so that we may enrich you with this necessary but controversial history. Based on preserved documents, we know this war took place right around this time at Solstice. Perhaps leave a few unnamed ribbons out on the trees for the soldiers of solstice to return home to…

Event Currency and Items

Click on our advent calendar every day @5pm Voltra Time to claim a free item! Extra's purchasable at the Joyful Jamboree.
Our event currency is your very own collection of bells. Let's ring in the New Year together!

In honor of our first Solstice, myself and my friends here
have made a holiday carol just for you delightful volties! We hope you enjoy! Come back daily to this thread to watch us perform!
You may also use this thread as an event discussion if you like! Feel free to ask any questions or leave comments,
I absa-tootely love to help!

Also, there will be lots of activities going on! Keep your eyes peeled for anything featured.

*How VK Ruined Solstice: [Daily update games] Dec. 21- Jan 1st
*Ribbons of Rebirth: [Ongoing raffle & contest] Dec. 21- Jan 1st
*Ask the NPCs: [Q&A with your favorite people] Dec. 21 - Jan 1st
*CROPPED: [Avatar Contest] Dec. 23rd - Jan 1st
*Warmth at the Animal Shelter: [Help Vivi choose which animal to Rescue] Dec. 28-29
*THE UNDERCURRENT NEW FORUM! Jan. 1st -forever and ever! For all you naughty kids who need a place to let it out.
*?????? bonus item and how to get it TBD :)

OKAY, it's time to sing and present modern and olden history pieces. PLACES EVERYONE!!


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:13:45 )

We have put together an advent calendar for all of you that will have daily claimable EI’s!
The dates run from December 21st - January 1st, the new year!
Don’t worry, if you miss a day you can still claim the items at the Joyful Jamboree using our event currency: Bells!
Currency will continue to accrue, and items purchasable through January 12th.

These items center around our creation myth: Panthalassa
and are a solemn reflection on the history of the realms from a war that should have never been..
This thread will be updated daily with the journal entries you'd see from the advent calendar.
Any questions concerning the event should be placed here.
Keep your eyes out for other activity threads run by all of our lovely Shopkeepers.

Enjoy the holiday carol we all put together for you:


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:25:59 )

Day 1: Static breathes in but gives a faint smile. He sings his line softly but still manages to enunciate so that you can hear him.
On the first night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Land Separating ocean and sea!

Feeling gratitude that you listened, Static gives a polite bow before retreating his lips back into his scarf.

(Land Separating Ocean and Sea)
NAME: Sheila Camomile DATE: 12/19/2018
Today in school I learned about the legend of
Panthalassa. It goes like this: Before our planet got
a ghost to go into its belly, the planet was entirely water!
There wasn’t any land for people to walk and stuff.
When Panthalassa got cozy it made land so
that different types of animals LIKE KITTENS AND
PUPPIES could live here and not just fishies.
Even today our planet is mostly water. But that’s ok
cuz that means we have plenty of seafood to eat so
That we don’t have to eat the kittens and puppies.
These lands over a bunch a years became the realms!
Like our home here on the Sound Realm. I like it
here very much. The kittens and puppies like it too.
Can I stop writing now?
Good work Sheila! Make sure not to include after thoughts such as
“Can I stop writing now?” in future assignments, okay? ☺ Enjoy your vacation!


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:29:49 )

Day 2: You can’t tell if Frizz's smile is shaky from the chill in the air, or the excitement
to sing her part.
On the second night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Many Children to Love!

Frizz gives a wink and a giggle as she is pleased with her own performance.

[Found in a dusty old box stored in the attic of a hotel being renovated, alongside a bunch of lab coats. Dated post War on Realms but not exactly recent either.]

My therapist said I should keep a “journal” which is just the less girly way of saying diary. Sorry to whatever poor sap comes across this and actually takes the time to read it. My name is Dr. Kane Mardgeer, I was born and raised in the easternmost part of the Metal realm. I’m kind of a ‘big deal doc’ so I actually travel all around.

The only realm I hadn’t been to yet, was Ice. Guess where I am as I write this? Heh. If I may be so blunt in the privacy of these pages; Ice is a stuck up, independent, purist realm where Hell froze over. The chances of them asking for help from an outsider- are slim to none. Not that they usually need it, they aren’t exactly prone to illness…not too many infections can survive that frigid place. With all the magic they have pumping you’d think they were a different race entirely, you can tell they find themselves superior. So what do these scowl faces want from the rough doc from Metal?

Don’t get me wrong, when I showed up everyone was respectful. I didn’t feel outward prejudice- at most skepticism. Which I can respect! They were very to the point and lead me straight to the children’s division of a hospital. I was presented in a room with about a dozen unconscious kids. I asked for all medical charts and they seemed reluctant. First I was suspicious as they weren’t giving me much info, and this is some kinda cover up operation. But I was wrong, it was shame causing their hesitance. Their charts had all the essentials but they had absolutely no direction to tackle this case. Watching them seem genuinely perplexed and embarrassed at their own lack of answers definitely helped humanize the Ice realm to me.

Allegedly the children were on a field trip, ice fishing. “Something” lurched out and yanked a boy under. His classmates held onto him for dear life and the adults gave the final pull. Officials have since investigated the area but no fruit to bear on any more clarity. The first boy’s body is wrapped in black markings that are spreading. No adult has caught the infection, but every kiddo that came in contact with him has this ‘infection’ spreading too. First symptoms are painful tightness, followed by numbing of the extremity and within 12 hours the kid passes out unconscious, slipping into a coma. Get a load of this, if you try to take a needle to it to extract, the black marking MOVES away. So my first inclination was parasitic, but there’s not a underwater creature presently known to do such a thing? Disturbing case indeed.

Back to medical basics, since only the kids are infected and not the adults it’s obvious only a weakened immune system is susceptible. It took about a week of trial and error before I learned the only way to extract a sample was to unfortunately burn it off. It took several weeks thereafter to let it “bake” in the chemistry lab and from there we were able to determine this substance is a living venom. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to produce an anti venom. Within 24 hours of the dose the kids all woke up. I started physical therapy with them and we started to bond. They were back to good health in about a month with the exception of one thing….they can’t control magic anymore.

It was then my initial disappearing bias came back full throttle. I was politely informed these kids are seen as useless and doomed to be the lowest tier of society here. Instead of living out life bullied and forgotten, I did the irrational thing and adopted all the ones the families didn’t ‘want back’. Thankfully was less than half, at least a majority of them seem to care about their offspring. Now I got me five kiddos to take home to the gal. She can’t have kids and we were going to adopt a baby but…well…Surprise honey! I know we discussed one baby…but um. Five aged 8-9 works? Right? I make enough money, this will be fine. I have already bonded so well during treatment and waiting for them to walk again. I’m nervous. They’re nervous, a couple straight up heart broken. But I’m going to show them my awesome dad stuff. That doesn’t include ice fishing with whatever the heck THAT thing was. Hopefully if they run into this sea monster again, getting the anti-venom sooner will prevent this. Me and the boys set off for home tomorrow, there’s so much stuff to pack, I hope I don’t forget anything.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:32:15 )

Day 3: Vivienne prepares herself and lets out a sigh to calm any nerves that would impede her ability.
On the third night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Quenching of Thirst

She turns to Vanora with a relieved smile, and Vanora gives a thumbs up.

[Found in the hollowed shell of a helicopter, in a container of emergency supplies that never made it to their delivery. A journal belonging to Ginger Mavis of the Metal Realm from the war on Realms.]

If you asked me when I was a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you assertively: “A teacher!” Full conviction. No doubts. I wonder how many adults remember what their ideals as children were? Why and when did we stop pursuing those dreams? Were they impossible? Did you prioritize money? Perhaps your family pressured you out of it, much like mine. They were happy that I was educated but preferred me to play a more domestic role, and find a rich husband. I was lucky they were accepting of me even obtaining employment, but it was by the job of my father’s choosing.

I grew up to be commercial model for the machine shows. The latest gadgets paired with a beautiful girl is a guaranteed seller. I was very high up in my field thanks to my parents genetics….and to be honest, I was on a conceited high. Strong, independent and beautiful. Smart to boot! I didn’t have a care in the world back then. After I had so effectively silenced the passionate child within, all that mattered was pleasing the folks and pleasing the customers eyes..that is...until one day... I noticed a shift in my profession. What went from a multitude of gadget varieties and the occasional weapon….eventually phased into exclusively only weapons. Why?
Such a naive question I asked myself back then. Had I maintained my passions I wouldn’t have felt so jarred and smacked at what was to come...

At first I carried on my job like nothing. Touting all sorts of poses with the newest, fastest and deadliest weapons. Mechanical and magical worlds synthesizing into a competition of casualties. I was a very selfish person at the time…and reality didn’t truly sink in until my own family was impacted by this war- my brother…. who was studying in Electric at the time…was a casualty of combat on the way back home for the holidays...his loss...was great. He was the only person I ever went to. The thought of hanging a ribbon up with his name and calling it a day? Disgraceful. I needed to do better. I needed TO BE better.

I quit my job, and I enlisted to volunteer emergency humanitarian services. Wanna talk about humbling? Go from being an elite weapons model, spending the morning making sure my lip liner had as sharp an edge as my eye liner and then switching it up to holding a bottle of water up to the mouth of a struggling to survive child. War is ugly and knowing I ever marketed for it makes me sick to the stomach. Metal was a show horse without loyalty. Gave weapons to the biggest spender, not those who needed the most help…

Every day I risk my life on this job,delivering water and food to stranded families in combat zones... and I wouldn’t change a thing. The overwhelming sense of duty to these children reminds me so much of my passions to be a teacher. Turns out my greatest teacher would be my brother. Whoever gets the pleasure of someday reading this; don’t wait to change. Don’t wait for something awful to finally shake you up enough. Get that momentum...before it is too late…. On a planet mostly water and plenty of resources to purify it, there is no excuse for any human being to be thirsty! GINGER MAVIS here! I got my choppa, and I got your watta! Haha! Gotta make myself laugh in these trying times somehow...


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:34:44 )

Day 4: You are surprised to see Spark so relaxed right now, and not his typical "hype". Until you
remember that he is used to the spotlight and this simply him focusing.
On the fourth night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Messenger Birds!

For someone who is typically loud and excited, his smooth honey voice was warmly welcomed.
Who knew he'd have so many talents?

[A resignation letter, stored in a file cabinet of an Electric realm military post of the coast. A sticky note on it reads: “The bird didn’t stay so that we could reply, it flew away as soon as the note was retrieved.”]


Now that Crabby as well as Tula have not returned home…I Olivia Gilfeather, as well as Prissy, Kachoo, Limey, Shiva, Minty, Ping, Pong, Big Mouth, Angel, Kia, and Ovu resign from providing the Electric Military any further services. I am not sure if this qualifies as desertion or not-considering my rank and foreign blood- and frankly I don’t give a flying frank anymore.

I’m older now, and I’m much more wise. I appreciate Electric’s assistance in helping my home realm but after migrating and observing how you treat your own citizens, I find myself left skeptical of your lawful integrity in this alliance. I’d like to assert that’s the reason why I’m calling it quits but truth be told, the real reason is because my birds, are all that I have.

I grew up harassed and bullied, called a “bird brain”. Abandoned by my own family who dabbled to much in pleasure of varying questionable ethics. All I had was the birds I befriended outside. There was freedom in homelessness. Peace within myself I had not had the entirety of my childhood. Your enlistment officer noting the talent of my flock gave me such a naive sense of joy and pride...not for myself but for the tearful validation that my flock FOR ONCE weren’t seen as just “stupid birds”. I was naïve, and what I thought would be proving to the world how amazing my feathered family is, has become a sacrifice that I cannot swallow.

Every night I pray for my falcons Tula and Crabby’s return. I believe Tula to be dead and Crabby is out there looking for her. I saw him fly off course and I dread him finding her. I can’t sleep. This was a mistake and I am fixing it now before any more of my family goes missing or is killed! My pigeons weep for their missing falcon brethren more so than I! I am, no WE ARE losing our minds!

You need not be concerned about classified Intel, I never opened a single letter you had my pigeons and falcons deliver. I just feel no need to continue serving a land that arrogantly claims they are the best, they are the most just, the most free yatta yatta, loyalist ignorance. An inside look has opened my eyes and far later than I should have permitted. It was never right for me to enlist my birds not knowing what they would think if they were human. I did not anticipate they would be casualties traveling between home and this realm. The war is full fledged now, my birds are messengers. Not soldiers. Shame on your military for all its false promises and rehearsed lines. I’m still young and there is obviously a lot left to learn, but as for my relationship with you- it’s over. Void.

The blood feather brigade, is no longer handling your letters. Any letters sent to us as of yesterday sit at the roof of our base, go get it yourself. Good luck in your war. Hope this letter didn’t ruffle your tail feathers too much.

Eat dirt.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:37:38 )

Day 5: Vanora’s eyes are determined, she knows her line is one of the bigger ones in the song
and she has spent many nights perfecting this part.
On the fifth night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:

Before she can say anything, Vivienne snuck up and jostled her with a surprise hug.
Vanora pecks Vivienne's lips and the two happily giggle as compliments flood in about
Vanora's singing voice.

[A fire safe was one of many things found floating in a sea of debris, making its way ashore ages after the fall of the forgotten realms…inside a report by a gentleman named Edgar Von Dryden]

Introduction: This will be my final report in which I describe the real tide changer in this war. It is my duty to sit here and bear witness to this catastrophe for the sake of objectively informing future generations of the truth. I’m sure the realms that are aware of this monstrosity- would want it buried forever. By guardians luck, this reaches the proper hands..someday.

The change: When the the southernmost realm collapsed back into the sea, most of humanity was shocked. My and my brethren more so. They had about as many resources as Metal, and prioritized defense among all else. All of their governments taxes during this war was poured into protection, even cutting off socialized emergency services. Had I known my home would plummet I’d never have enlisted to serve an ally realm. For years it has haunted me, wondering my sturdy homeland could plummet overnight. Everyone I love and knew swallowed into a black abyss. The reports came back saying a gun did it. I call bull. Today, I think I am witnessing the real answer. Today, I see out my window, the ugliest guardian I have ever seen.
That’s right, you read that correctly. A guardian...of sorts anyway.

The Guardian: His true form is a flying reptilian species. Dare I say dragon? What realm he protects I have no information to confirm, but must be from one of the enemy territory. Five wings, scale colors of midnight tinted with a shimmering reflection of prismatic colors off the rays from dawn. Looks as if he had a sixth wing at one point, torn off perhaps? Some of his bone is exposed exposed from what would be the joint connecting the sixth wing to the body. Good. This verifies to me, he isn’t invincible. Don’t get me wrong, I know our death is secured. The guardians in this land have fallen. The statistical likelihood of survival would be similar to our ability to verify the existence of Panthalassa- improbable.

Discharge: Lieutenant Commander Obritch sent me here on discharge after news of my home. Guess I couldn’t hold a weapon the same after knowing my family is missing and most likely dead. Now I fall with our ally. I am honored to have served both realms, and may future generations not make the mistake in assuming that the guardians we so heavily rely on bear any more morals than us humans.

My darling daughter….gorgeous wife...whose pies I still smell and whose smile I still see out the corner of my eye….I was won’t be...for me.

I’m already chugging the bottle, deliriously laughing. Can’t wait to see you cuties faces again.....soon.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:39:51 )

Day 6: Velvet appears a healthy mix of nervous and excited, she mumbles herself a quick pep talk then sings her line as if it was a holy duty.
On the sixth night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Fleece for warming!

Her cheeks flush a little red in concern that she may have over-done it. After scanning the crowd and seeing
nothing but smiles she let her shoulders slump down to release the last of her pent up nerves.

(A letter addressed to 17 year old Wil from their mother, who is currently taking care of her mother.)
To Wil,

First and foremost, Happy 17th Birthday! I hope you like the scarf and hat I’ve sent with this letter. Please wear it! I know your style doesn’t always work with hats, but please—I know how cold it gets over there. If it’ll encourage you more, your grandmother and I had them specially made for you by one of her friends. He works only with fleece and wool! We know how much you like hand-crafted and natural items.

She misses you. She’s recovering from surgery well and feels up to more things with each passing week. I’ve already explained your pronouns to her. Whenever she brings you up, she’s extra sure to say “they” or “them.”

And I miss you too! I hope you decide to stay with us this time next year. We’ll plan so many fun things to do. We’ll go to a bunch of new, hip places, see some independent movies, find another plant or two for you to take back to your father’s. Mother should be feeling much better by then and can join us on the fun.

I know you didn’t want me to move… And I didn’t want to ruin this letter talking about it… But she’s my mother, and this is her home.

Anyway, I hope you can visit soon. I love you.

Tell your father I say hello!
Your Favorite Mother


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 17:49:49 )

Day 7: Apparently wanting to 'up' the cheer, Vontell summoned a gentle swirling wind to let the snow fall over him as he sang his part.
On the seventh night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Pawns a marching!

He sang well and the snow was a nice touch, but he sneezes having caught a chill which pulls a laugh out from his friends.
Leo stands upright prompting Vontell to pick up the heavy but warm capybara, and they snuggle up.

[Blood-soaked pages found in a safe belonging to Walter Glenn, a corrupt military commander serving the forgotten realms]

Today I go on the front lines.

My squad mates are hesitant thinking it's hopeless and we'll all die. I'm kinda inclined to agree, if I'm bein' honest here. We haven't made a successful push back against Electric in... well, since the war started? Which makes it even more surprising when we were given this order.

Charge forward, the commander said. Serve as a 'vanguard for the glorious turn.' Do ya know what that means? It means my squad and I are decoys, good as men and women who've signed a death warrant. I only stop to think, why now? Why waste our time?

Well, they ain't wastin' mine. I have a little girl at home, y'know. She don't really know what her dad does, but sends him some uh, heh... heartwarmin' letters. Embarrassin' to say I cried even if I'm just talkin' to a book.

Got her this little somethin' at a frontier town. Electric folk were in some trouble, so I got 'em out. Gave me this, uh... plush toy? Somethin' like that in return. Told 'em I didn't want nothin' but they wouldn't take no for an answer. Real stubborn, the prime realms!

Anyway... I just wanted to say I'm gettin' out of here and coming back to you, Lizie. And Gray? You'll always be the only man for me. Look after our little one, alright? Love ya.

We may just be pawns, but I'll see you both again... even if I have to fall out of line.

[Minutes before the Pawn's confrontation with Commander Glenn]


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 18:02:13 )

Day 8:Even Violet's wheelchair has been decorated with ribbon.She smiles at her scowling brother who averts eye contact
and pouts, but his eyes come back to her as she begins to sing her part with grace.
On the eighth night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Braids soft n' silky!

Right after her line she reaches politely out to Virgil’s jacket tugging at it, as a gentle reminder that there is no escape.

[Present day Sound]

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since I’ve wrote in you, huh? I try to reserve this for my utmost happy memories to reflect back on. It’s not that I haven’t been happy lately, but raising four girls since the departure of my husband….well it’s a handful! But I’m grateful every day for my wonderful girls.

I admit, guilt had been pinching at my heart lately. At this point in time, my eldest is off studying abroad in that melting pot realm named Voltra…and the youngest are twins who finally have started kindergarten. From having no time on my hands to a open schedule, it’s quite hard to adjust!

Before I relish in as much freedom a work at home job offers, I realized there was something I desperately had to do first. I informed Elaine’s school that she would be needing the week off. My second eldest daughter Elaine, she’s worked so hard the past few years helping me with the twins. I know her older sister moving away took a toll on her heart…She doesn’t deserve the cliché “Middle child” treatment. I love her just as much as all my children. I knew I needed to remind her of this!

So every day we did something different! I’d have to say my least favorite, was the arcade. I’ve never really played games, that was very much so up my husband’s alley! She is definitely a spitting image of her father…right down to her glorious , thick, ashen hair. Which brings me to my favorite activity of the week.

Cuddled up by the fireplace…under a giant fluffy blanket. Twins already put to bed and sleeping peacefully. She asked me to braid her hair just as when she was younger. Bless her for forgiving every yank and snarl I failed to mercifully extract without pain! The “ouches” and “mooooom that hurts!” aside, we both were filled with hearty giggles. She looked beautiful with her hair done. She ran to the mirror, flipped her hair side to side to watch how the braids fell. Beamed a smile at herself and then at me….then took a thorough twenty minutes taking selfie’s in the bathroom….teenagers I swear! But when she came out, she asked to do my hair…

Well. Hairdressing is certainly not in her future, not unless she wants to make a comedy tour out of it! Haha I hadn’t laughed so hard in so long…My little Elaine will be leaving the nest in a couple years too…I wish her father could see how much she has grown. Little does Elaine know, that the way I braided her hair was actually how I wore my hair when I first met her father! He loved it! I think that’s a story I’ll share with her at a later date…. You know what? Why wait? I’m going to tell her right now!
I’m sure she’ll be smitten at the fun fact! I'll update this journal right away!

[Well I’m back. All she said was “Ew, that’s weird. I don’t wanna imagine me dating Dad.” That’s not what I said, she knows it. She’s just being a pain in my butt….but I love her anyway.]


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 18:05:18 )

Day 9:Virgil's face is not one of amusement. His clear disdain and intolerance
for the entire occasion leaves his voice sounding rushed and careless but at the very least on beat.
On the ninth night of solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Candies glazing.

Immediately after, he returns to scowling and hiding his face into the collar of his coat
"Can I go now...." Violet smiles warmly and thanks him, and he leaves brooding about
holidays being unnecessarily commercialized.

[A wrinkled up page, found next to a mossy well which decorated a forest iin the sound realm. Stained and bug bites all around it, where there was once dried up candy stuck to it.]

October 20
There's word that war's broken out, I'm worried for my daughter. I'll do what I can to prevent her involvement.

December 02
It's hard to see ahead of the hardships of times like these. Stuck at home while my child is out there, facing possible horrors. I'm deemed too old to offer my hands and my skills for the realm.
I should have pushed more, it should be me out there.

December 14
The guilt of staying home had been consuming me, but my daughter knows me well. She wrote to me, and reminded me that not all battles are fought with strength on a battlefield. The most important thing is that everyone can stick together in times like this, help each other and find the happiness others are fighting to protect. I've been a fool. Although I wish I had been able to be in her place, simple moping won't help. I should play the part I was given.

December 29
I haven't had much time to write lately. I’ve began to use my time to make all sorts of flavorful candies. Fudge, cakes, sweet little hearts made of chocolate, round delicious mints and gummies amongst other things! A simple joy like mere candy can brighten up a child whose parent is out at war, and that joy gives me hope that my own children are doing the right thing in protecting this happiness. As long as the children remain happy, then we will never truly lose. We'll wait for our loved ones and offer them a sweet welcome home someday.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 18:09:39 )

Day 10: Vyc rubs his hands together to warm them up while raising a skeptical brow at Vreg who just ran away up a hill
promising to come back. Vyc shrugs his shoulders and let's his verse naturally flow.
On the tenth night of solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Chords for singing!

Vyc couldn't help but laugh at himself for the effort he put into his verse but becomes quickly distracted by a thud
and crunching sounds behind him. He and the others turn to see Vreg... stumbling down a hill, rolling something large?

(Typed entry found left open on 15-year old Micah’s laptop.)

Year 15
Entry 59/? of this journal experiment

Somehow my dads managed to rope me into caroling with my Oakfield Scouts troop. As if forcing me to join the choir wasn’t enough, they’re taking full advantage of my “good” singing voice and making me carol through the SNOW AND COLD to sing for strangers.

I tried my best to get out of this… thing. But I can’t stand to see Dad sooo disappointed while Dad glares at me over his shoulder. So here I am, thirty minutes from what will be the worst two hours of my life.

Against my better judgment, the ensemble has picked four annoying pop covers and the same ten boring traditional seasonal songs. The ones I hear about twenty times each shift at work. So I know the words, yes, but do I want to know them?


I think my Dad just attempted to invite himself to this thing? Oh no. Oh no nononono. NO. He hit me with those puppy eyes, but I put my foot down.

Pause to change into insulated clothes because it’s COLD.

I am bundled up against my will, about to head out into freezing weather to falsify merriment to complete strangers.

- Micah

P.S. Okay, so it ended up being somewhat kinda fun. Whatever. It was still lame.

Lame things can be cool, sometimes.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 18:11:27 )

Day 11:Everyone is eyeballing Vreg confused on why he had to run away and returned with a giant barrel.
Their judgmental gazes making him increasingly nervous, Vreg begins mumbling his lines shakily,
as he attempts to set a fire to the inside of the barrel.

On… and lassy... gave me: …....what she give me? Only got VK gift?

Eugene buried himself in Vreg's hair to keep warm. A sympathetic pat on the shoulder from Vyctor only furthering Vregs confusion.
Frizz is devastated Vreg didn't practice his lines. Her tangent soon interrupted by an ecstatic Velvet cheering out and
being the first to graciously warm her hands by the fire. Everyone huddles and gathers in a jovial laugh and eventually Frizz
lets out a surrendering sigh and is also appreciative for Vreg's efforts in helping them all be comfortable.

(Entry found in 10 year-old Mesa’s diary.)

Hey diary,

It’s me, Mesa, like always. So remember how I was going on and on about Tiff’s Uber-Fun Holiday Sleepover?! It was going really great at first! We had s’mores, decorated cookies, played games, and drank lots of sparkling juice! (Tiff almost peed herself LOL!) So much fun! ...but all before 10:30.

And now?!! I’m the only one awake! And it’s not even midnight!!!!

I mean, it’s a sleepover—like, this is unheard of! There are 11 kids here (Janie had to go home early cause her mom’s protective) and they’re ALL asleep!

I get it, it gets kinda cold in Tiff’s family room at night, and it’s a lot more comfy to get under the blankets, but we could’ve like played another game or watched a movie! You know? Something! I was looking forward to a midnight snack with everybody! D:

And cause it’s so hard for me to fall asleep at night, I’m legitim legit just laying here! Watching everybody else sleep! And writing in this dumb diary! (Sorry you’re not dumb, I’m just mad!!)

Ren’s snoring right next to me, no lie. I’m about to go crazy cause they just rolled toward me, so all the snoring is right in my ear. How are they sleeping so. hard. that they can’t hear themselves snoring like this?

Okay, now they’re drooling…… That’s it, I’m moving! Hopefully I’ll be able to fall asleep just like everyone else. UGH. If I don’t have a good dream, I’m just gonna give up.

G’night diary,
I’m glad someone listens!


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 18:13:40 )

Day 12: Everyone is silenced by the unintentionally intimidating presence of Valentina...
Arriving fashionably late she is armed with a giant gun.
Brazenly aiming towards the bonfire as everyone shouts out begging her to reconsider.
On the TWELFTH day of SOLSTICE Panthalassa gave to THEE:

She shoots her snowball launcher and it maliciously tackles Vreg’s bin and collapses it into the ground.
The fire goes out and a mixture of laughs and groans leak out.

A snow ball bashes off Valentina's head, and she realizes she is now faced with an onslaught of
shop keepers ready for a snow ball fight of a life time.

Gotta run! But keep ya eyes peeled cause' I got one more surprise for you Volties. BAHA!

[A very old recording recovered from the depths of a partially destroyed laboratory in the old territory of the forgotten realms. . .]

This is Dr. Valmiki commencing experiment number 9. The premise is as follows.

When we walk or talk, hold up a hand or kick the dirt beneath our feet, we exercise an innate and subconscious control of "life" around us. We breathe "life," we exhale "life," and every day, we USE "life." To better understand what "life" is in this experiment, consider what activity generates.

"Volts" would be correct, yes. It is this mysterious energy that all life exudes, big or small. We see it in the air, the sea, the land, insects, creatures of irrelevance, and in the masses that exert their dominance on the realms proper. Humans.

If volts are everywhere, then it would be no stretch of the imagination to state that they're everything. What could we do with everything? Anything, in theory. We could shape the earth, part the ocean, cure the incurable, or even rid ourselves of entire destructive colonies. I note the possibilities are endless.

Now we begin delving into one experiment in particular that follows this introduction. What happens when we prod a concentrated bundle of volts? Stimulate it beyond ordinary bounds? Failure. Life cannot exceed life even with the help of outside means. It merely pops.

However, we have found success in using a catalyst. With a catalyst, there is no pop until the moment of decision. What's decisive? That depends on what we want to achieve. For granting an end to the war, we'd most likely want the decisive moment to occur at a point of impact.

Enough volts were gathered for the catalyst. Host demonstrates remarkable ability to withstand temporary loads. Once the catalyst fires, the target has been declared non-functioning. Inert energy. Satisfied that the catalyst will render the prime realms unable to retaliate.

We will call this catalyst… no, it’s no longer a mere catalyst. This weapon shall be known as Entropy.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 18:14:56 )

Places, PLACES everyone!

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 23:21:55 )
Awww, this is so cuute!! And the lore is intriguing. O:
Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Donator — Easterbun Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 23:24:06 )
*notices Virgil and Vyc being cute* >V>

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/22 00:14:28 )

Loving the story so far. Only managed to read two threads so far though xD

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/22 02:00:14 )
    Yaaass winter solstice celebrations!

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/22 02:34:24 )
Happy Holidays everyone!
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.