Spark stands at a run down stage, clearly unused and not prepared for any sort of event.
He holds a microphone as usual, and bears an enthusiastic expression.
Facing towards a scattered crowd of volties, including Vanora and Vivienne holding up a camera,
he begins to share his ideas.
“Hello my favorite fans! Spark here to give you the—Oh! This is not a surge? Well it’s
expected to get praise on a regular day too, but I’m flattered!” He poses dramatically,
Frizz climbs up the stage and approaches him for a reminder, which she delivers in a
kind and quiet way.
“Brother, did you forget already? You said you’d interview the
others this time…”
Without skipping a beat, as if it was his intention all along Spark continues
with his boasting. “But of course I know why we’re here! Although I, Spark,
am the most interesting figure in our beautiful land of Voltra, I’ve decided to extend my
privileged screen time with the others!”
Frizz sighs, but with him back on track, she jumps off the stage and leaves to continue her own activity.
“That is to say folks, I’ll help you get some juicy answers out there! Just ask our very
interesting citizens your questions and they will answer!” He smiles brightly, but then
frowns. “Unfortunately, my siblings will be preoccupied with their own activities. And I
must hold back for the sake of others.” He sighs, but doesn’t seem the least bit sad.
“I know… As the most interesting subject you’d want to ask me some questions too, but
it’s ok my friends, just wait on for my autobiographic film. I’ve been acting it out for some
time now, all my secrets exposed. I know you’re all dying to see my beauty routine—Oh,
but I shouldn’t give away too much!”
The camera moves towards Vanora, who’s to the side shaking her head. She looks at the
camera with a nervous expression and laughs awkwardly.
“Sorry to say, there’s no film… he just acts it out on his own without cameras last I heard…”
Sparks waves frantically, and the camera switches back to him. “Alright, alright! I can
see we’re getting anxious now! No need for that friend, Spark is here to help you on this
endeavor. So ask away, surely they’ll all be excited to share their life stories with you.
Who wouldn’t be!?” He nods to himself, then his face lights up.
“Ah! And of course, if you’re too shy to ask something, let your friend Spark know.
I will truly make your questions shine!”