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Forums Role Playing [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 15:36:25 )
You can die anytime...

Over the next few days, Julia worked on getting ready for the dance, making sure to get her dress robes prepared, making sure she had all the things she would need to look nice that evening. She was really excited and hadn't been expected to be asked to any kind of dance at all since she was such a bookworm.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/15 17:20:59 )

"No. I'm not telling you." Jason grumbled for the umpteenth time. "If you want to know who she is you have to go to the ball."
His last few days had been spent being constantly badgered by his friends who wanted to know who he was going with. They had even started slyly asking the other Slytherin girls to see if they were going with anyone, specifically if they were going with Jason. Though Max did ask one out to the ball when he found out that she didn't have a date yet.

His evenings were filled with homework and working on a charm that he hadn't quite perfected. He was working on a color changing flower that matched the outfit being worn. So far it was only dying when he tried to change the color, so he needed a different point of attack to get it right.

When he had classes with Julia he'd blush and give a small wave.


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/15 20:01:45 )
You can die anytime...

When Julia saw Jason in class she offered a smile and a wave as well before getting to work on whatever coursework they were doing that day. She tried not to pester him too much, not wanting to bother him

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/17 21:25:35 )

Finally it was the Friday of the ball. Jason took a quick look at his schedule for the day. "Charms, Care of Magical Creatures Lab, Divination, Defense against the Dark arts, and finally Muggle studies."
The day ended on one of his worst classes, even though it was one of his favorites. He paced in his dorm room as he pulled on his socks. Or more like he hopped around the room on one leg because his mind was elsewhere as he tried to put his socks on while standing up instead of sitting down like a sensible person. Should he skip the classes? No. Did he want to because of how badly his stomach was churning with nerves? Yes.
He checked his schedule a second and a third time. Not really sure he'd put the right books and homework in his bag. The only class he wouldn't see Julia in was lab, since the labs seperated the houses still like in the ancient history of the school. But within the classroom things were still rather seperate, house sat with house. It was all really juvenille and ridiculous.
He picked up the jar with his finished charm inside it and stuck it in his bag. Muggle studies. He'd give it to her after muggle studies.

(I'm just kind of throwing in random blah to pass the time. feel free to do the same ^^;; I'm completely making this up as I go.)


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/21 23:25:50 )
You can die anytime...

((YIKES!! I'm so sorry! I swear I thought I posted! And your doing just fine~ ^^))

It was the Friday of the dance and Julia was really excited for that night. She had been looking forward to it, even though her friends were shocked that a Malfoy had asked her to the dance. She had shrugged them off, telling them that they were friends and that there was nothing wrong with them being friends. The families were over the rivalry that was started a long time ago, at least they were as far as she was aware of.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/8 19:07:54 )

Throughout the day Jason struggled to get his emotions under control. When classes mixed he couldn't bring himself to approach her with so many people around. It was silly. What was wrong with him? She was his friend and this shouldn't be an issue.
The day dragged on as he made mistake after mistake in front of the various teachers who wondered where his head was at, which of course got him teased by his friends. When muggle studies rolled around and he still hadn't given her the gift he pretended that he needed to talk to the professor to escape his friends. "I'll see you in the great Hall during the feast before the ball." He called after them, before turning to look around the room for Julia.
"Hey Julia..." He started, than coughed clearung his throat feeling like his mouth was sandpaper all a sudden. "I uhhh made you something for tonight." He pulled the jar out of his bag and held it out to her. Inside was a small black flower that looked somewhat like a cross between a rose and a Lily. "I really hope you like it." He mumbled feeling heat rise up his neck.


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/21 23:20:45 )
You can die anytime...

When Julia saw him she smiled,"Hello there." She said, listening to him when he had spoken. She saw the beautiful flower inside the jar and smiled,"Wow... It's so beautiful~" She said, blushing lightly as she looked at him,"This is so kind of you, Jason." She gently took the jar from him and carefully tucked it away in her bag,"I was actually working on something for you too." She held out a really neat silver serpent with deep green eyes that seemed to glow once she handed it to him,"I charmed it to have its eyes glow when held by a Slytherin. I know it's kinda silly but I hoped it was something you might like. The snake itself is something I made at home with clay."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/27 05:44:11 )

"I didn't know what color dress you were going to wear so it will change to match Anything you wear so it is always as beautiful as you..r outfit" The heat turned into a full blush as he stuttered out the last part of his quick explanation. "I'm ..I'm glad you like it , but you didn't have to get me anything. I was trying to make up for not doing anything for you over the summer."

He stopped as he took the silver snake from her and it's eyes glowed green. His amazement silenced him. "It's perfect." As he looked up from it at her his eyes were filled with emotion. "I love it." His heart pounded as he looked at her. She was amazing to him all the time. It was time to acknowledge to himself that the girl he considered his best friend had turned into the biggest crush of his life. He wanted to do so much to make her happy, but instead she always knew just what to do to brighten his day. But how could he tell her what he was feeling.

((I half want to make one of his friends ruin the moment xD Jason is now officially crushing hard on Julia))


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/27 13:27:15 )
You can die anytime...

(Awwww how cute! XD You could if you want. Julia is a little oblivious but does have a crush on James too XD)

Julia smiled,"This will be perfect then~" She said, looking at the flower,"I can't wait until the dance. I've been really looking forward to it since you had asked me to go." She looked over at him when he mentioned the snake and smiled a bit bigger,"I'm really glad you like it. I was worried it might have been something little silly and I wasn't sure how much you would like it. But I thought I might as well. It took me a while to work the spell to make the eyes glow green like that but other than that I think that it came out really well. I might work on sculpting a Raven, Badger, and Lion and doing the same spell to make them light up according to house."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/27 22:22:57 )

Jason nodded in thought. "I bet you could make a buisness out of charms like these. Cute little trinkets or even ones that glow when they're given to a friend or lo- oof" his last word was cut off as his friend Max jumped on his back.

"Come on Jason what's taking you so long, we gotta get down to the feast and than get ready for the ball. I've got a beautiful date remember." The boys eyes roamed to the snake in Jason's hand up to Julia Potter. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What's going on here? Is that a cursed toy or something?"

Jason shook him off embarrassed and annoyed. "No Max, it's a gift from my friend."

"Wait... You two are friends?" He stepped back to look between the two of them and saw the blush still creeping up Jason's neck. "Oh my God. You're taking Potter to the ball?!?"


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/28 00:46:05 )
You can die anytime...

Julia blinked, listening to the words between the two. She looked a bit surprised at the reaction his friend was having,"So what if we were?" She asked his friend, sounding purely curious,"Would that be the weirdest thing to ever happen at Hogwarts? There's nothing wrong with us being friends in the first place." She was just surprised by it was all. She looked over at Jason,"I should go..." She said, starting to wonder if he still wanted to go with her,"I'll meet you outside the great hall this evening." She grabbed her things and headed out of the room, starting to wonder if she should just skip it and stay in her dorm. She knew she couldn't though, as she had promised herself she would go if someone asked her.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/29 20:49:34 )

Jason turned and watched her leave in shock. His embarrassment turned to anger and he spun on Max. "What the heck man! I know you guys don't like her because she's descended from the famous Harry Potter but I do! She's my friend and I think I even like her more than that. It's why I haven't told you guys about her before now. I know how you won't give her a chance and it's not cool! She's really smart and kind. I'm taking her to the ball tonight and we can hang out with out you and Alex if you're not going to accept this as my friend. You can support me as my friend with my decisions or I can look elsewhere for friends."

His eyes widened and he covered his mouth when he realized he'd been screaming. Max was staring at him in shock. "Dude, I didn't know you felt that way. Why haven't you said anything. Is this why you've been so secretive this year?"

Jason stepped away from Max slowly. One step, than two. His face flushed. He'd just embarrassed himself. Confessed the feelings out loud for anyone to hear. He hadn't even acknowledged them to himself before that point. He felt tears well up in his eyes and he turned and ran out the door.

Max called after him "Hey wait!" But he was already out the door.


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/29 20:56:50 )
You can die anytime...

Julia had gone to her room in Ravenclaw Tower, gently setting down the flower that Jason had created for her. She decided to sink on her bed and relax for a little while before getting ready for the ball. She was still unsure if Jason still wanted to go with her or not, but she was going to go either way and meet him like they had talked about it before. After taking a quick nap, she got up and started to prepare for the ball, changing into her dress robes and starting to brush out her long red hair.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/16 17:44:24 )

Jason based back and forth in his dorm room. He'd slipped into the great Hall to snag a plate of food and than quickly gone down to the dorm rooms so that he wouldn't have to face his friends. He was so nervous he could barely eat the couple things that he'd taken.
He really did like her. He had a crush on her. Why had he not realized that before now. Should he tell her? What were the rest of his so called friends going to say when they found out.
He hit the baths and than returned to the dorm clean and slipped into his dress robes. God he felt so foolish. He'd fought with his friends, and fallen in love with the most hated person of his family. His fingers ran over the snake she's given in him and his worries melted away until the door to the dorms burst open.
Alex and Max bent over double panting. "Good you're in here."
"Why the hell didn't we bloody check here first." Alex added gasping. "Whoo. That was quite the workout. " He straightened up and caught a look at the glowing snake in Jason's hand. "Oh hey, that's pretty sweet. How are you going to wear it?"
"Uh...?" Jason was taken back in confusion.
"Oh I got it." Alex snapped and than waved his wand. A thin chain appeared and he quickly fashioned it so that the snake could be hooked on through one of it's coils. Than he slid the chain over Jason's neck."We're sorry we didn't notice how upset you were getting. We're your buds man. Screw your parents. Go get your girl."
Max looked sheepish by the door, he hadn't come any closer. "We can still stay away tonight if you'd prefer. I made a right arse of myself didn't I."
"Yeah you did... If Julia is cool with it... We'll come find you." He looked Max over. "Don't you have a date as well? Shouldn't you get ready."


Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 11:02:41 )
(Sorry it took so long to respond. My laptop is dead and I've been so busy x.x)

Julia had gotten cleaned up and washed her hair, pulling it up into an elegant bun. She changed into her dress robes, which were a beautiful sapphire blue with a bronze colored sash. She checked herself in the mirror and smiled,"Wow..." she suddenly remembered Jason's gift and retrieved the flower from her bag. She gently pinned it to her dress robes and, after making sure she was all ready to go, headed down to the great hall.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/1 03:22:19 )

(That's typical life right now. i completely understand. I myself will get to replies as soon as I can. I won't just give up without saying something ^^)

Jason's heart was pounding when he finally arrived upstairs in the entrance to the castle. His dress robes were straightened twenty times or more as he fussed over himself. Fixing his collar and making sure his beautiful snake charm was showing on his chest. He didn't know what he was going to say when she arrived. Then, suddenly, it was too late. He saw her descend the stairs and it felt like his vocal box dropped into his stomach.
"I.. uh.. wow. You look beautiful Julia." He managed to choke out feeling head crushing his cheek bones. He snapped his mouth shut and lifted his arm for her to take to lead her into the great hall.


Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 11:28:21 )
You can die anytime...

Julia blushed slightly with q smile,"And you look very handaome." She said. She smiled a bit wider seeing her snake charm,"That us a clever idea; wearing the snake like that. I wish i had thought of doing that when i gave it to you." She smiled and took his arm, letting him lead the way inside the great hall. She didnt know what the rest of the school would say or do about seeing them this way...but she didnt care. She was tired of worrying about others would say.

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/22 14:43:35 )
You can die anytime...


but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 16:32:20 )

"I didn't actually think of it... Alex made the chain as an apology." Jason looked down at the charm and ran his thumb over it briefly before placing his hand on hers as she took his arm. His stomach summersaulted, ignore the school, ignore my parents wishes. He caught her eye as he led them into the great Hall and felt more confident.
He was with Julia who knew him better than his best mates and she was beautiful, and he had a crush on her and she had said yes to him! He stood a little straighter as he led her over to one of the tables around the edge of the dance floor. The music hadn't quite started yet while everyone was arriving.

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/26 22:17:11 )
You can die anytime...

Julia smiled and let him lead the way, a bit nervous but more excited than nervous. She looked around the hall in wonder as it was decorated beautifully. She looked over at the table they were going to,"It's so beautiful in here~" She said, looking at him,"What do you think?" She waited to hear what he would say, wondering if any of her other friends were there. She thought about introducing him to them and she also wondered if he would meet his other friends.

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

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