A large sign reading "FILMING TODAY, need contestants!" was plastered across the large
metal doors. Curious about the festivities, you waltz right in but the room is very dark. "Hello?"
you call out struggling to see. After a few steps forward dim lights on the ground lit up to guide the way.
After a few short turns you find yourself on the stage within an auditorium. You call out once more: "Is anyone here?"
Suddenly! Intense music blares off and one by one the large stage lights snap on temporarily blinding you.
Before your eyes is a full house audience, and by your side people dressed formally.
"We have our final contestant folks! Let's give them a round of applause!"
Velvet stands up from the table ahead of you and begins to clap, the audience following suit and cheering out.
You had wanted to ask questions first, but it's too late right now. You accidentally signed yourself up and the show
has begun. Flying camera's pan over each contestant and you give a nervous smile and hesitant wave.
"Contestants from all over Voltra have come today to battle it out in our Fashion Stadium.
We have an array of prizes to be won, but be mindful of mistakes or else you'll get CROPPED!. Our judges
are YOUR FELLOW VOLTIES who will judge on: Creativity, Cohesiveness, and representation of the items in
your basket. CONTESTANTS, you may open your baskets now!"