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Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/21 19:37:53 )

    @Totalanimefan: Eww studying. Me too. I have an exam this Wednesday and another one next week. ; o; I am glad they are spread out and not during the same week lol. Good luck with your studies and have fun with Pokemon Go! c:
    How's the weather where you are? Is it getting chilly yet?

    @Deaa: Right? More poses to equip especially if it's from a fav item!
    Ooh, I want to use the cyclops eye but I dunno how to work it into an avi. ; o; But it is cute. c:
    Dealing with people can be such a pain. :/ I definitely understand that since I've worked in customer service jobs for a couple years. Not fun lol.

    Lol, it's alright if you can't. Just teasing ya. xD
    Have you narrowed down which projects you want to focus on? I know how you feel about that. I have so a few art wips i really need to finish too. But I keep starting new projects or sketching new ideas down and...never touching it again LOL.

    LOLOL crazy weather last week! It was in the 80s last Sunday for me and then it dropped to mid 40s-50s the next day. xD I'm not complaining about the cool weather but damn the sudden weather drop really caught me off guard. And I felt like i almost got sick too
    I'm excited about the fall/winter holidays too.
    You're too flattering. xD I haven't accomplished anything yet! Lol, it would be a DREAM if i could help cure a disease annnd have friends bragging about me. xDD

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 14:33:03 )

    @Totalanimefan: Ew Midterms. Good luck with them!
    Whoa, nice! Sounds like you got a lot done for Pokemon Go. o uob I stopped playing it about a year ago. But it was fun while it lasted for me. xD

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/23 02:26:31 )

    @Totalanimefan: Wow, that's a lot of updates since I quit. But I'm glad they've made added new stuff and gens to the game!
    You can do it! Study hard and don't give up! o uob

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/24 04:07:07 )

    @Totalanimefan: Gotta catch 'em all, right? xDD
    Ooh nice! What are they doing for the Halloween event?

    Ugh labs. xD I just had my chem lab this morning, and i was able to finish a bit earlier than usual since it was easy this week lol.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 16:16:20 )
@yixing: the cyclops eye was the first face item i bought! it was so cute
i wanna keep making little monster avis~
woooaaahh i see somebody is bring the amazing color clutter and balance to voltra! thank you for your service

lol i'll let you know if i can, i forgot to ask and have to in a bit!
NOPE i have not even picked my focus projects. I'm the worst ever. OTL
hopefully you have more luck than me *aggressively sends you good vibes and best wishes*

YIKES that's quite the drop lol I almost got sick too! It's dangerous out here xD
well i mean yea, you're still a student, you gotta learn more to be of more help!
you'll get there! i mean i'm already bragging about being your friend, so you're halfway there

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 16:17:07 )
ignore this accidental post that I can't delete

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:02:58 )

    @Totalanimefan: I'm guess the Spiritombs are hard to catch? But wow, more gens and shinys always sounds great. You'll always be busy trying to catch them all. xD And double candy is always a plus. c:

    I had to find the equilibrium constant for the reaction of Iron(III) ion with thiocyanate ion. The lab part was easy, but the majority of it was calculations.
    Yikes, two hours sounds about right though. What was yours about?

    @Deaa: Love your use of the cyclops eye on your current avi! Does she have a story too? Kind of like your roli avis?
    Haha thanks! I recently bought the Messenger and wanted to use the hat/headdress pose. xD I love using items that cover faces lol. It was a challenge because of the different color combos included. ; o;

    Choosing can be hard! xD But I hope you're able to choose one to focus on unless you're like me and like to....procrastinate. xD Lol keep some of the good vibes and wishes for yourself too! You'll need them as well. Honestly, I still haven't worked on any personal projects yet. I thought about it wasn't happening. I spent the whole weekend just watching or finding horror movies to watch on Netflix with my sister LOLOL.

    It was, but now it's back to the 70-80 degree weather. :( So much for the sweater weather. xD
    Yikes, try not to get sick!
    True, I'll get there...eventually lol. And then you get all the bragging rights LOL
    I'm just so done with all the studying. ; o;


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 16:46:56 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@yixing: thanks! she doesn't necessarily have a story, if i think up a monster story, she's gotta be wearing more pastels and have horns~
yyeaaa so you must be really excited about Io's event item o: he's got those cute bandages!
well it paid off quite well. do you have or plan to have an avatar vault here?

YEA i think i have an idea of the ones that would be more fulfilling to finish, but idk if I can commit to them o: #noncommittal
ok but that alternative sounds super fun and makes sense why you would do that instead xD
i'm sure you'll work on something, you seem much more proactive and less of a procrastinator than me!

OMG SAME, we're back to high 60s/low 70s, like i was just getting used to being cold all the time, turned my heat on and everything, and SUDDENLY, i'm burning up again. like we get it, Earth, you're volatile and finicky! but chill
ALL THE BRAGGING RIGHTS :'D oh yea studying is the worst i never did it


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 02:23:18 )

    @Totalanimefan: Sounds like programming stuff? How's that going so far?

    @Deaa: I love your avatars! They're always so elegant or cute. c: And when you change, I always try to guess what her story is before I glance at your sig...on Roli anyway. xD
    I actually haven't looked at Io's item yet. But I do want! * v* I want all of them tbh. They're all so cute! xD Do you have a fav one so far?
    I haven't thought about making an avatar vault. I probably won't because I feel like i'd forget to update it. Do you have one?

    LOLOL COMMITMENT STRUGGLE IS REAL I FEEL YA XD But also, you can do it! (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧
    uhhhhhh are you sure about that? I'm such a procrastinator xD but i do try when i feel like it LOL

    Yooo these temperature changes are kind of frustrating. xD It dropped to the low 50s today which is nice, but got back up to the 70s around the evening. D:


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 18:17:56 )

    @Totalanimefan: That really sucks for your Python class. :( Have you tried going to tutors or outside help for it?
    At least, your Unix class is going well for you. c:

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 03:03:47 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@yixing: oh thanks ; u; it's so funny cause I always wish I could do more colorful avatars that fit a lot of items in one!
yea idk if it's enough space in the signature, but definitely could work it into my post layout~
oh yeah you'll def like the Io item, trust and believe me!
I don't have one, too new, I'd be very empty lolol

I'VE FINALLY STARTED WORKING TOWARD SOMETHING! and by working toward something, I of course mean I made one google spreadsheet and wrote questions to answer about my characters from one novel I want to write, but it's something!
I know I know, our whole gang were the biggest procrastinators in the world, and still are i'm sure
how about you? o: anything yet?

it's a weird semi-cold right now, but I can wear my sweaters without a jacket so i'm cool with it~


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 20:11:23 )

    @Totalanimefan: That's good! At least, you have someone to help you! c:

    @Deaa: It doesn't hurt to try! c:
    Yea...the limited amount of characters for signatures is a bit disappointing (only because I wanted to add all my art social media links LOL). Hey, working it into your post deco works too especially with the limited space in the sig lol.
    And you're right! I love the Io item so far! I love the blindfold and the new arm mods and the tarot cards!
    Lol, that's understandable. Guess ya gotta build up your closet first huh? xD

    Yay! It's definitely something and progress! Keep it the awesome work!
    I am SUCH a procrastinator...on art anyway LOL. I haven't touched any personal art, but i did start a commission on here for an item...if that counts. xD

    Nice! I love weather like that. It got cold again this week. It's super windy today (which i didn't like ). At least, I wasn't sweating walking to class like two days ago. xDD I'm hoping it stays cold or cool for Thanksgiving holiday when I come back home too.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/28 15:38:58 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@yixing: whenever i try, it's either good color balance and not cluttered, or cluttered with no color balance lol i'll probs try again tho!
yeesss we love all the links! what all would you have linked? like tumblr and deviantart?
hahahaha i knew you'd like it!
no, I really do! slowly making my way to gaining some items, just need to work on my quest more~

i started a new draft of a prologue! i'm finally feeling better about myself, just a bit~ need to do more
heck yea that counts :'D have you done anything else in the 3 weeks it took to get back to you? xD

I gave up on nice weather, we've had two smallish snow storms, which means the big one is coming soon, the one that freezes over all the roads and puts a big pause on life in the city


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/30 04:30:24 )

    @Deaa: The struggle is what makes it fun. xD
    And yea, I would have linked my art social media lol. I don't make enough threads to link any. ^^;
    Yep! And I finally decided to change my avi after 13730 years. xD Currently, I really love the oracle eye pose!
    Saaaame! Once winter break comes, I'll have more time to post and earn more volts! And buy more items! ; u; And good luck with your quests!

    Hey, that's a good start and progress! Kick that procrastination outta here. xD
    Uhhhh...besides working bit by bit on the one art commission...NOPE LOL. xD I thought about it during Thanksgiving break but i just ended up binge watching this anime my friend got me into. xDD

    Ooh, that doesn't sound too good. If it does come, i hope it's not too severe for you espeically if you have to drive in it! ; o;

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/20 01:50:42 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@yixing: yikes all of a sudden it's been 3 weeks since you posted o3o;;
ahhh I wonder if I follow all your platforms o: I won't be able to follow you on tumblr as I deleted my app cause of the changes
it was great! I also like your new one~ is this one based on a character, even loosely?
has your break started? I miss the breaks I'd get from school ; u; I could just go home and not have to do much of anything the next few days/weeks

LOL it's still hanging around, just making small little bits of progress
good luck on the commission! (unless you've finished it in the time it's taken for me to reply)

the big one hasn't come yet, so I'm still very cautious and skeptical of the weather rn lol
I'm supposed to have a few parties in the next two weeks and with my luck the snow will fall heavily on those days.


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/21 02:09:56 )

    @Deaa: Nah, you're fine. xD I'm pretty bad at posting too. xD Time does fly though!
    Well, besides tumblr I have an art insta and twitter which I'm more active than insta (I just retweet a lot of art lol). xD
    My current avi isn't based on any characters, but I have gotten the same response from a friend lol. I just threw on items i thought looked good together. xD
    Yes! I'm finally on winter break and I'm so happy! I manage to binge watch eight seasons of a tv series LOLOL. My first accomplishment during break xDD I feel ya though. Having breaks from school is so nice...when they last xD. Will you be able to take some days off for the holidays?

    A little bit of progress is better than nothing at all! o uob
    I haven't finished it yet. Currently waiting on the commissioner's feedback on the lineart wip. It's my own fault for taking a while with the lineart anyway. ^^;

    Let's hope it stays calm for you especially since your parties are coming up! :O But also I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy them!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 01:32:14 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@yixing: haha did it again! you're better at it than me!
ooooh o: can you drop your handles? i'll follow~ im more active on insta than twitter, but when I do drop by twitter, I heart and retweet a L O T and then disappear for another week... then again on insta I only post like 1 picture a month MAYBE. I usually don't like my pictures and I mostly take screenshots xD
well it looked good, like it really looked like it could be a character o: just had those vibes lol
BLESSED BE! I already took my off days cause I didn't know PTO disappeared at the end of the year and was hoping they rolled over. they do not, so I had no plans to take off or go anywhere. Plus, I was basically the only manager in the office the last 2 weeks and didn't wanna leave my leasing agents alone. ; A;

haven't done much since my last update, but i'm restless from not working on anything D: sooo i'll probably work on something soon
lol that's how it goes~ I'm sure since you put so much time and thought into it, it's going good! if there's one thing that comes from procrastination without a deadline, it's thoroughness and perfection!

SURPRISE! no snow and it's #1 of my upcoming 3 parties
i'm still very suspicious and skeptical, but will at least enjoy tonight!


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/1 05:06:18 )

    @vintage: Hope you don't mind the ping lol.
    And thank you! I'm gonna try my best to draw more in 2019!

    @Deaa: I gotta answer those pings xD But I try.
    Yea! It's all "Kenopsiae" for my twitter and insta. Lol, I don't post much on insta, but i do browse thru magnifying glass tab a lot (whatever that part is called LOL).
    And what's yours?
    Hmm I do want to try cosplaying my OCs...when we have more items on here. xD Or they could just dress casually LOL
    Oh wow, it's too bad your PTO doesn't carry over. :( But hey, a break isn't too bad.

    I know that feeling all too much! It also starts to feel so surreal when you get so much done too! I finally finished the art commission, finished art for the secret santa I'm participating in, and finished an art trade with a friend this month! And I haven't done much art related things this past year. xD So I hope you're able to work any of your projects until the new year! c:
    And you have a point! xD I do have the time to go over it and to make sure it's perfect when it's finished! I still feel bad for taking so long though.

    Nice! The roads are still safe from ice, and i hope the first party goes well for ya!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 03:30:55 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@yixing: I let mine sit sometimes when I log in the the daily chance xD *is terrible*
oooh that's a fun word, how'd that come to be? o: LMAO YOU MEAN SEARCH?
im likefrozenrain cause my last name is sleet and I don't have a real nickname
OOOH yea you should do that! I've always wanted to cosplay as one of my OCs, but idk how to make clothes lol
yeah, it's a bummer :/ I would've used more if I had known!

yeah I hope I find some energy, im just so drained nowadays from work D:
I'm going to find more time to be creative this year! Life sucks without it :vanora_upsidedown:

OKAY the first party was pretty fun buT THE NEW YEARS EVE PARTY WAS AMAZING!
like I never have as much fun as I do until that annual party with my crew

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 22:27:37 )

    @Deaa: OH SAME...sometimes. I get distracted so easily and forget when i have multiple tabs open. xD
    YES THAT'S WHAT I MEANT. BRAIN FART *ahem* when i was typing that reply xDD
    Lol that's a clever username though. annnnd followed. Also you are so pretty!!
    One of these days, I'll start cosplaying my OCs on here. You should too! It would be a nice break trying to make a matchy-matchy avatar lol. I struggle ; u;
    Well, at least you know they don't carry over now! Make good use of them this year! c:

    Yep! I'm so proud of myself! And I also gave out a bunch of freebies too. The satisfaction of being able to finally sit down and just art lol.
    And I hope you're able to write more this year in-between work! I know what you mean when all you do is either work on just focus primarily on school. It is so draining! :( Like they say, new year new you lol.

    Nice! Glad to hear you enjoy the parties!! And a wonderful end to the year too! c:
(ง •̀_•́)ง

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