@Priestess of Pie: It's one of my favorite series, and I tried playing all of them, but only got up to Rogue, I think?
I actually don't think I finished Revelations, oops...
I own Unity and Syndicate, but didn't get very far into the former, and definitely didn't finish the latter.
My friend was kind and mailed me his copy of Origins, which I actually really enjoyed! Definitely was a challenge getting used to the combat, though. xD
Don't see myself playing Odyssey any time soon, tbh.
As for the Chronicles games, I only played some of China, but I own all 3. I actually suck at being stealthy and this game wasn't as forgiving as the others about that. xD
Anyway, I hope you like the Prince of Persia soundtrack! It's such a beautiful game, imo, and it puts me at peace. :)
the ending, though, lmao