She was silent as she stood there, staring at the ground in front of her. There was a stone tablet there, a grave.
He'd been one of her best friends.
He'd been one of the few people that she'd actually been able to get close to, one of the few that were a-ok with the no-touching rule she had. It was refreshing,a nd he was a rarity.
She couldn't believe he was dead. He was only 19. How the hell was it that he'd had a heart attack in his sleep? That didn't make any sense, and it was something that she didn't dare let sit as it was. There was something about the details that was far too ... unusual. It seemed no one was willing to admit that painfully unlikely that he would have died as he did. There was no way that it would be left by the wayside by her. She'd put her own time and effort into it, because honestly? It did not sit well to her. He had been in nigh on perfect health.
She made her way back home after the funeral and burial. Kicking her shoes off and making her way through the house, she just sighed lightly.
"Hey kitty." She said to the white feline that came to say hello to her. She had no idea if she was home alone, but at the same time didn't really care.