I come from the blinding white snow...
It's impossiburu to keep a shop open at this time since I only have a week or two off after the auction ends!
That said I should have time for one picture?! Right? Right..!?
t e r m s
Hi hi! I drew up these cheeber bases a while ago and wanted to get some use outta 'em. I'm offering a fully colored single cheeb (or more depending on the bid) like the sample below the bases! Quality is relative to the price.

There are 2 slots! =)

completed sample

auction ends on: january 24 / 11:59 pm voltra time
starting bid: 1000

minimum increase: 100

allowed bids: ohms or volts only
protip: gimmie a ref of who you want drawn so we can make sure I have enough EXP pts to draw what you want!
bid-chan / slot 1:
1 cheeb fully colored
1 cheeb fully colored
current bid: Millet - 2000

bid-chan / slot 2:
1 cheeb fully colored
1 cheeb fully colored
current bid: Millet - 2000

winner / slot 1 : Millet with 2000

winner / slot 2 : Millet with 2000

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