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Forums Serious Talk My great grandpa is dying.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 03:01:14 )
I feel like this is a little heavy for this site, but I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it so...

Or at least, that's what we can all safely assume since he's become sickly and bedridden and needs pretty much round the clock care, is on morphine, etc etc. He's also a hundred. Literally, turned one hundred not too long ago, and his health has been steadily declining since he hit his 90s.
And here's the thing: I don't wanna go see him. Not like this, not at this stage of my life, not under these circumstances. Not only am I very uncomfortable with the idea of visiting over there right now for several reasons that I won't get into here (but let's just say it would be extremely unpleasant for me even on a good day), but that is not how I want to remember him. The last time I saw him was at his hundredth birthday party. He was happy, able to get around at least a little, telling stories and playing his harmonica. And he didn't recognize me at the party. I made my peace then and there with that being the last I'd see of him.
I'm supposed to be moving out soon, but there have been delays on top of delays with getting my house ready, so I'm currently stuck living with my grandma. I can't avoid the topic; she will come find me in my room and tell me all about it. I have to see and interact with her whether I like it or not, and whatever she's doing, I don't have a choice but to be part of because I'm stuck in this house. Maybe what I'm saying sounds insensitive, but I do not have a good relationship with anyone in my family. I love my great grandparents, but I haven't been "close" to them since I was a little kid. They don't really know me any more; no one in my family does. And no on in my family tries to get to know me, and I'm fine with that as long as I can go on my way and do my own thing. But this sort of thing forces me to be right in the middle of something I really can't handle and want no part of.
He's not alone. The family members who see and talk to him on a regular basis, whom he actually knows and recognizes, are with him every day. I'm an outsider in this family, and the only reason I'm even visible in the margins is because I can't afford rent anywhere else and have to wait here until my house is ready and I can finally leave everyone and everything behind for good.
My mom sent me a text message today basically trying to guilt me into going to visit him, with the old "If you ever want to see him alive again..." But I saw him alive at his party. He's barely living now. I don't want my last memory of him to be a dying husk of a man hooked up to tubes in a hospital bed, looking at me but not knowing me. I can't do it. And I shouldn't have to. But I don't know how to avoid it without bringing more guilt and tears from her and my grandma. I only have the excuse of being at work four to five days a week.
I want to get away from all of this, and all of them, so badly it's making me sick.
But what am I supposed to do? I'm barely clinging to my job as it is; I have my own issues that I'm dealing with right now, that no one else really cares about but me, that are causing my life to fall apart around me. I really wanted to be moved out before this happened so I wouldn't have to be in the middle of it and forced to put myself through that not even for his sake or my own, but for the sake of shutting up family members I don't want anything to do with. That's not a good reason to do anything, much less this. But that's the only reason I'd go: to avoid hearing for weeks on end about how I "didn't go visit Pop on this deathbed". I DON'T WANT TO.
I don't know what to do. I just want away from all of this.

Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 10:05:39 )
A lot of people could not understand why I didn't want to see my father hooked up to life support far after he had died. They also could not understand why I didn't want to see what a good job the coroner did. I explained myself, in much the same way you did above, by stating that wasn't the memory of him I wanted to stick with me. While they didn't fully understand my feelings, they respected them because the grieving process is different for everyone.
If you have not tried saying most of what you said above to your family, give it a shot. If they still don't respect your personal grieving process, you should not be made to feel bad for not respecting theirs.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 10:20:57 )
I agree with Glume you should tell them. I have seen loved ones in that state and it is rough. </3

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 10:40:02 )
Unfortunately, just given the way my family is about everything, I can almost guarantee that nothing I say will change their minds or behavior. Respect for others or for different viewpoints are completely foreign concepts to them. I also don't know if I can emotionally handle having that conversation with them right now, with everything else that's going on in my life. Come to think of it, I don't know that I can handle being in this house when the inevitable happens, either. But short of a miracle, not sure there's anything I can do about any of it.

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 11:30:14 )
We&rsquo;ll carry on

I’ve seen several family members in that state and beyond. Seriously I can’t blame you for not wanting to see that. I’m still pretty much traumatised by the last time.

As for your family members: if they don’t respect it, ignore it. This is your life, you’re a grown up (right?) and it doesn’t concern any of them.
This is something between you and your great grandfather.


Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/17 21:09:18 )
Ignoring them would be fine if I didn't live with them, but as it is, I can't really escape from it if they decide to hold something against me. Which I feel is gonna be the case in one way or another no matter what happens, because I'm not gonna be able to provide any emotional support for my grandma, either. My mom doesn't live here, but she comes over whenever she feels like it and I can't tell my grandma not to let her daughter visit just because it makes me uncomfortable. And if she doesn't visit, she'll send me texts. I can ignore the messages, but not her and my grandma when they confront me about "missed messages" in person as they tend to do. I may be an adult, but as long as I live with my grandma, I might as well be a damn child.
There is no getting away from them unless I move out, which I don't think I'll be able to do any time soon. The woman I'm supposed to be renting the house from is my grandma's best friend, and she's been helping out with my great grandparents for a while now, so on top of the issues with the contractors, now she's got this to deal with. She hasn't answered the texts I've sent her, asking about the progress of the house, all week. I don't know if she's even read them. I'm sure if I did get hold of her, the answer would be no anyway.
I can't afford anything else. My job doesn't even pay me enough to afford that house on my own, but my friend who is waiting to move in with me will also be contributing to the rent so that we can both afford it. While her job looks secure and will offer her more than I'm currently making, my own job is currently in jeopardy because of my health problems and the stress of what's going on around me. And my job is pretty much worthless as it is, so if I were to find a new one, I could only really expect more of the same. So finding another place to stay, especially on short notice, doesn't look like it's gonna be happening. The only temporary places to stay without having long waiting lists to get in would cost two to three times as much as my expected rent for that house. I don't have other friends or family to stay with, either. So I feel like I'm stuck here until my house gets done, which who knows how long that will be.

Edit: In related news, my grandma rushed out of the house around midnight last night to go over there, saying "this could be it". She didn't come back until some time in the morning while I was asleep, and she's gone now that I'm up. She may have gone to work; I heard her talking on the phone and doing dishes, so maybe that's a sign that it was a false alarm, but I won't know what really happened until the next time I see her... or get a text from my mom about it... We have opposite schedules and she's always out of the house, so I don't actually see her all that often.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/19 22:32:24 ) I just got a text from my grandma saying "You haven't asked, but Pop died Wednesday night. Funeral is Monday at 12. I would expect you to be there."


1: why didn't she say anything WHEN IT HAPPENED, or at least soon after? Why did she wait almost 3 days to tell me this???
2: Why would someone, who loves taking things for granted as she tends to do, not assume that I would expect her to TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED when she went rushing over there in the middle of the night? Is it not common sense that if she doesn't say anything afterward and appears to go on as "normal" that I would take it as a sign that he was still hanging in there and it was just another health scare? He's had so many of those it's become commonplace, to the point you never even tell me about them most of the time, so of course I would assume it was the same when you didn't come telling me, you know, he died.
3: I literally can't go to this funeral. If I miss another day of work, I'll lose my job. I don't know if they'd excuse it or not, especially since he's a great-grandparent and they only like to give you time off for "immediate family" like your children, legally married spouse, or parents.
4: Passive aggressive much?

I don't know what to do right now I really, really don't
"you haven't asked"
screw you.
"I would expect you to be there."
screw that, too. This isn't about you.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--I just don't know any more
this is actually worse than how I was expecting it to go.
and no, I really don't want to go to any goddamn funeral. But no, my decision will not be remotely respected if I don't go, and no, I cannot escape my family's crappy attitude unless I get my friend to help me pay for a hotel room and just never come home after work on Monday or something.
is that crazy? Is that a crazy thing to do? I'm an adult and I'm literally thinking about running away.
AKA Count Trashula

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