My current hobbies are mostly just drawing (which I don't do nearly as much as I used to) and writing (which I do even less than that). I like cooking, baking, and cake decorating, which I also sometimes do, but not as much as I'd like.
Other interests that can or will be put into practice include crafts like sculpting and jewelry making (I have fiddled with a couple of things and have a small amount of supplies, but lack of time and space has kept me from doing much with this so far), taxidermy (something I don't have the resources or time to learn, but I like to collect what little I can get my hands on), plants/gardening/landscaping (which will be great to learn about once I have my own place), magic (mostly just reading for now, but will put more into practice when possible), and pretty much anything to do with nature/outdoors (I would love to go hiking or camping someday, and I take any opportunity I can to go fishing). I'm also planning on learning to play the banjo. I have an interest in prop making (everything from masks and prosthetics to animatronics and set pieces), but I don't know if I'll ever get around to actually learning how to do it. I guess it depends on time, space, and money, like everything else.