Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/5 03:12:52 )
@Mousy: I knoooooowwwww!
Honestly instagram and pinterest can be incredible pools of inpiration and ideas, but it call also be a soul sucker because not everyone has the kind of skill or time to dedicate to things like that.
BUT the important thing to remember is that your journal is for YOU and no one else.
It took my awhile to not hate my bujo, but I just kept telling myself the same thing I still tell myself "if you don't like something, change it".
So I have gone through a TON of designs for monthly and weekly spreads.
And if I don't like something, I'll change it next week, or month. (I kinda draw up months at a time instead of single weeks at a time, so sometimes I have to wait. lol)
YES! $5 HAD ME! It's why I bought one monthe before my old journal ran out, and then I literally just stopped using the old on to switch to the new one cos I couldn't wait any longer. XD
I love 'books to read' pages.
They're so cute.
I currently have just reading log pages and a "book bingo" page, kinda neglect the Book Bingo though.
I filled it with books I own that I haven't read yet, trying to encourage myself to read them and well.... Didn't work out to well. XD
Mood trackers are relatively new to me.
I put one in my Feb spread this month, so we'll see how it goes; if I like it or continue to use it for the whole month.
Ah, yeah. Page movement is something I'd like too.
But I'm also not sure I'd like a binder style one. lol
But hey, experimentation is key.
Though my current journal is probably going to last me through the entire year, so I'm not going to worry about future journals right now.
Just pages and spreads!