I'm in a waiting room for a doctors office and I over hear this conversation: (her tone was genuinely patronizing tbh but I guess her intentions were good xD)
Woman (prob 60s): Quin, I'll always love you no matter what. But all you do is play videogames. You need to understand that you have a future you need to invest in.
Quin (like no older than 10): I love you too Grandma.
Woman: Well loving me isnt good enough haha. How do you plan to get a car?
Quin: Idk
Woman: or pay for a house a mortgage, food, a family!
Quin: I-I dont know.
Woman: that breaks my heart quin. Look at yourself youre glued to your Nintendo switch
Quin: what am I supposed to do its a waiting room, run laps-fight crime?
Woman: I just want you to take a serious look at yourself and remember that video games won't pay for your future.
Quin: sometimes it can. Not saying that's my goal tho
Woman: well what is your goal?
Quin: right now just being a kid!
Woman: and you don't find that childish?
(I laughed and awkwardly had to turn around and quin laughed because I laughed)