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Forums Role Playing Vampire Chaos (1x1)

Voltie — Them/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/6 14:48:08 )
Name: Chris Vonheimer
Race: Pure blooded vampire with a demon inside his body
Gender: Male
Job: Singer
Hometown: Berlin, Germany

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/6 15:15:18 )

Age 25
Female, Waitress

She grew up in a small town in New York that no one had ever heard of, with a dream to travel the world. Poor, and unable to afford college or a passport, she started small, choosing to explore her own country first. So one of the first places she started with was New Orleans. Not only was the food their delicious (or so she had heard, and only tried recipes on her own but it wasn't the same as the authentic stuff) but she had heard about the heavy believe in spirits there. She'd been raised to not believe in anything supernatural, ghosts, monsters, cryptids, it was all part of her imagination.
But with so much evidence, and so many people around the world believing in them, she couldn't shake the idea that maybe, just maybe, their was a hidden world that was being kept secret from the nonbelievers.
So when she got enough money saved up from working at home she said goodbye to her parents to move to New Orleans and experience the culture there. Her plan was only to stay for a couple of months, but she has been working there for a couple of years and really loves the area. Eventually, she'll move on, but for the moment she is content.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/6 15:15:50 )
Krista leaned over the railing looking out across the Mississippi river. Moving to New Orleans hadn't exactly been the picture perfect place she had dreamed of visiting. True, it was still beautiful, but somehow, she had never pictured it as a city, more of a large small town spread out across a lot of land. She hadn't imagined that their would be structured streets everywhere and tall buildings.

Shame that it had ruined that fantasy of hers, but it made up for it with the things that it did still have. The music that filled the air in many parts of town, the French quarter, the trees, even wandering the road by the old plantations, all the little things she discovered when she went looking were amazing. Her neighbors... Not so much, bunch of pretentious hipsters that thought they were to cool for school and therefore were a bit stupid. The kids that smoked at the other end of the long road she lived on, though younger, we're smarter than her idiot neighbors. A breeze blew across from a local fish fry place and her mouth watered. Perhaps she should go out for a bite to eat.

Voltie — Them/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/6 15:32:45 )
(I understand how that is so don't worry about that.)

In a mansion in New Orleans, Chris was waking up for the night. The vampire yawned as he opened his coffin, that he kept in the basement of the building so when someone came to his place they wouldn't find out what he was, and rubbed his eyes. “Another night of fun.” The male said with a thick German accent as he climbed out of his bed and closed the lid. After he was done combing his hair, Chris picked up one of his shirts that was laying on the floor and put it on before the male got his boots on, grabbed his keys and headed out the door to his cycle. The vampire then hopped of his Mike and started it up and headed down the street to a club that wasn't too far from where he lived.
When Chris got to the club called Noir, he parked his cycle, got off the bike and headed inside, where he found a stool at the bar and ordered himself a tall glass of wine. “I hope no trouble will come to me tonight.” He said softly as he waited for his drink.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/6 15:45:16 )

Krista acted on whims constantly. Now she was sitting on a bench under a streetlight savoring every bite of her fish and chips she'd gotten from the food truck and was feeling the music from the nearby club pound through her soul. Her head bobbed gently as she sat enjoying the music and her food. There really was never a full night in New Orleans.

Her toes started tapping out the beat by the time she was halfway through her meal, and by the time she was done eating, and looking for a trash can to throw out her paper bowl she wanted to move. Hey she didn't work tomorrow, the restaurant she worked at was closed on the weekends, it couldn't hurt to go check out a club, right? Already practically dancing in her steps now she moved to the bar and paid her cover charge to get in.


Voltie — Them/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/8 14:37:13 )
Chris was looking at the dance floor while he waited for his wine and a small frown was on his pale lips. ‘You should have fed before you came here.’ He thought to himself as the bartender placed his drink near him. Suddenly a female came up to the bar to pay her fee. “Hey, why don't I buy you a drink?” The vampire asked her. He needed something to do instead of worrying about his hunger that was growing at the pit of his stomach.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/8 15:16:42 )

(oops I meant bar as in club location. XD my bad I didn't even notice I typed that wrong. Cause at clubs there is always a cover charge at the door. This works though.)

Krista looked over at the man who had spoken up as she paid her cover charge. Innocent enough looking, though he seemed to have a touch of money to him which could be annoying later if he was one of those types that thinks he could get anything he wanted just because he had money. But a free drink was a free drink. And free was good when you were trying to save up and also liked to buy things on whims.
"Sure, I'll take a free drink." She said cheerfully and turned to the bartender, rum and Sprite please, and not the coconut crap okay. Make it kraken or Captain Morgan, one of the rums that actually tastes good." She turned back to the man. "Thanks for the drink, I appreciate it."


Voltie — Them/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/12 12:05:53 )
(that's okay no biggie hehe, it happens)

Chris took another sip of his wine while the female accepted his offer before he sat the glass back down and pushed the drink aside. “Make that two, please Morgan for me.” The vampire said with a slight frown. 'why did I buy wine in the first place?’ he asked himself as he started to feel the alcohol take its toll. When he companion said thank you, the man smiled a little bigger than he should have and showed a little fang. “Welcome darling.” Chris said before looking over at the darkened dance floor. “After the drink would you like to be my dance partner?”

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/12 12:49:32 )

The drink clinked on the table as the bartender finished making it and Krista picked it up gingerly as a still tactic to reply to the man about dancing. It couldn't possibly hurt to have a dance partner, it was always more fun to dance with a group than by yourself. But she was pretty sure she had just seen a fang.
A very sharp, more defined fang than most people had. She took a large dip of her drink and savored in the flavor as it ran down her throat and warmed her up from the inside. She believed in the supernatural, but she had figured that vampires couldn't possibly exist. People got modifications to their bodies all the time. This must be just one of those cases. She finally smiled at him and lowered her drink after debating quickly in her head. "I think a dance partner would be delightful."


Voltie — Them/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/15 16:58:02 )
Chris watched as the female took a big drink of her alcohol before she said she would love to be his dance partner. The male smiled before he downed his own drink and got up from where he was sitting. “My name is Chris by the way.” He said with a thick German accent as he held out his black leathered gloved hand for her to take. “I'm on vacation from Berlin.” The vampire said as he waited for her to take his hand.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/16 14:45:51 )

Krista sipped again at her drink with her eyebrow raised. "Well I guess it's true what they say about Germans, you really do love to drink. I don't think I've ever seen anyone chug a rum and Sprite like that before. It wasn't a shot." She laughed and with a shrug and a "what the hell" chugged her drink and set the glass back on the counter.

Her eyebrows raised again as he held out his hand, another German thing maybe? This guy had been to a club before right? Cautiously she took his hand and followed him to the dance floor.


Voltie — Them/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/16 15:06:59 )
Chris laughed slightly at what the she said, “Ja true.” He said as the alcohol started to make his head seim a bit. Vampires can and do get drunk, the male laughed again remembering the time he slept in the bar and how he almost didn't make it home before the sun started to rise. Chris then came back to reality as he saw her chug down the rest of her drink and she took his hand and the vampire lead her to the dance floor.

After a while dancing Chris's hungry was getting worse and the pain started to slightly tug on his gut. “I'm so sorry for the short dance but I have to go for a bite to eat. Would you like to meet again tomorrow night same time same place?” He asked her with a soft smile.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/18 21:13:40 )

She loved to dance, and the techno beat of the music pounded through her and had her moving to the beat as soon as they were on the dance floor. The alcohol that had loosened her nerves of dancing in front of people helped, of course, so she thoroughly enjoyed herself for the couple of songs that they danced through together. She pondered his question for a moment and went over her work schedule in her head.

"You know what, sure, I think I can make it out here again tomorrow night. I take it you're not used to clubs here." She laughed, still moving lightly to the music as they talked, "bars serve food, but not clubs. Clubs only serve drinks. Have a good bite to eat and thanks for the dance and the drink." She tapped the side of her head, "Should probably remember to eat before you head to a club though, otherwise it's a double entrance fee, and that's just no fun."

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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