Hello everyone! My name is skettiyeti~ I usually open up art shops when I start on an avatar site, but this time I will do it a bit differently than normal. This will be a bribe shop, and I probably won’t have more than one slot at a time, mostly because I am a busier gal than I was in the olden days...
I would also love for people to stay and chat! I may even give out goodies or have raffles and contests as we go along!
I also accept RLC, and if you are interested in that, please PM me and we can take that conversation offsite (I am not sure if it’s allowed on Voltra, so just to be safe).
Please send a trade after I have confirmed that you have the slot. I will not accept until the art is done!
| Intro | Samples & Pricing | Slots | Completed | Wanted Items | Reserved | Open |

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