Good morning, good afternoon, and good day, Volties! The world’s a-spinning, the birds are singing, and love love LOVE is in the air! Viv here with one heck of a surprise for all of you~! We’ll be learning about the first love of one of our very special friends lined up below~ 

The winner will be getting their very own EXCLUSIVE COMIC! Say-wha? I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering who their first loves were! Who or what could it have been that caused it yet also ended it? You're curious too, right? But whose story will it be? That's where you come in! :vivihappy:

The winner will be getting their very own EXCLUSIVE COMIC! Say-wha? I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering who their first loves were! Who or what could it have been that caused it yet also ended it? You're curious too, right? But whose story will it be? That's where you come in! :vivihappy: