Donator — They/Them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 03:16:49 )
@MoodyBats: Hey, that's still better than nothing. Simple patterns are fun sometimes, at least.
But really... You just get into this stubborn mindset and like... Bruh. It ain't realistic.
At least sometimes experimenting can be fun, so there's that.
— Moody
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 03:26:54 )
『 Batsy Says. . .』 ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅
@Professor Shadami: His videos will totally help.
@Kaybit: Understandable.
Lately, i've been trying to figure out blending and value.
once i defeat those, i will feel so much less stressed out.
Value is like the final boss for me tbh. :vanora_xd:
@terror 404: Yeah true. though i think i am addicted to these circles with the sparkles.
I did it in my last piece even.
So next time I will do a different shapes....A SQUARE.
the only bg i managed to do before was a girl sitting on a giant pumpkin.
that's as far as backgrounds as i did.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 03:29:39 )
@MoodyBats: Haha I'm so bad at blending tbh ^^;
I hide behind cel shading xD Which....isn't good and I should learn xD
And value is a tricky lady :vanora_xd:
Donator — They/Them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 03:32:58 )
@MoodyBats: A heart would be cute too... But those are a pain to get even unless you cheat.
(Copy, paste. Mirror. Flip. Whatever. I'm a cheater cheater pumpkin eater.)
If you did a flower, you wouldn't have to worry about it being even. And it would be very spring-y.
— Moody
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 03:36:02 )
『 Batsy Says. . .』 ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅
@KayBit: Value is so hard.
Even harder when like, there isn't a more depth videos about it on youtube.
but i guess it's just something you have to learn on your own maybe.
I am trying so hard to blend.
and switched programs...again since PS drains my tablet's battery pretty quickly.
@terror 404: Ooo that's a cute idea.
And I totally mirror and flip so I too am a cheater pumpkin eater
That is true. But I suck at flowers.
I've only drawn one flower and it was a rose but not a very good rose.
For this drawing in the first post i wanted to draw Peonies but idk flowers are tricky. :vanora_sweat:
Donator — They/Them
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 03:41:31 )
@MoodyBats: Maybe it's just me but I love the frills and tiny details of flowers.
They are deff hard to get right but once you get a good bit of practice in, it's fun.
— Moody
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 04:03:30 )
『 Batsy Says. . .』 ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅
@KayBit: eventually i will get it.
I switched to krita.
It has some texture brushes and a blender tool of some sort.
So maybe it'll make me practice more.
I really need to try to draw flowers more :vanora_xd:
@terror 404: ah, i don't think i've seriously tried drawing flowers tbh.
I should try with my next drawing or this one.
Whichever comes first.