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Forums Vibrance Festival 2019 Chapter 1 - Making Time For Family

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 21:03:59 )

His hand ached as it resisted being clenched around a pen any longer. “Almost there...just a little bit more…” He lied to himself, choosing to ignore two towering stacks of paperwork beside him.

“Now to just sign my name...Volkan! There, good enough!”

He slammed the pen down and spun in his chair triumphantly. “Haha, take that, evil paperwork!”
Before he could rise to perform his victory dance, a rhythm of knocking rasped; followed by creaking.
A familiar and sweet voice chimed from behind the door.

"Hello mister mayor-dude-dad, may I pop in?"
His daughter would typically use this sort of tone when she wanted something, but he was pleased to have her company nonetheless.
He extended his arms out in welcome.

“Of course! Please, please! Come in, come in! Have a seat on the sofa!! Go ahead and nibble some cookies~."

Vanora smiled and happily prodded the small but adorable variety of cookies before plopping one into her mouth. He sat beside her, noting her good mood. “And to what do I owe the pleasure? Hmm?” Vanora took a rapid swallow of water to clear her throat, then tossed her hair over shoulder while withdrawing a rolled-up flyer. She handed the scroll to her father who raised a skeptical brow before reading it: Vibrance Day Celebration! Join us for our yearly celebration of watching the Blooming March and tea-brewing ceremony.

Vanora looked down at her lap while twiddling her thumbs. “I understand if you can’t make it, but it’s kinda sad that so many Volties don’t know who their own mayor is, ya know?”

Unintentionally in for the kill, she gasped at her father’s pain-stricken face. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like tha-”

Before she could finish, Volkan slammed his fist down on the coffee table causing their drinks to rattle and startle her. His eyes at first glared past her at a wall; but then a glistening determination filled them as he stood up straight. “My child you are RIGHT! The people need to know their own mayor!” He pointed to the ceiling staring at whatever heavens he imagined. He was passionate with every annunciation.

“I shall not disappoint my own daughter nor the citizens of Voltra. This Vibrance Day, I will make my appearance and leave a long-lasting impression to those of all generations! Oh-HO!”

Vanora clasped her mouth to muffle a giggle, her father was a passionate individual she had always looked up to - though his reactions always were on the eccentric side, if not confusing... “Well, I'm glad I came then! You've been so cooped up lately, a day out of the house will surely refresh you. Swing by our place tomorrow and we’ll have a pre-event luncheon! I have lots to share with you!”They embraced and fist-bumped before parting ways, but he over-contemplated her final statement. “...Lots to share, hmm? I wonder what it could be…”

The next day, with a luxurious and costly fruit platter in hand, Volkan hesitated to ring the buzzer to his daughter’s home.

“I haven’t even been to her new home yet. Feels like yesterday she was living in a dorm….she’s still with Ms. Harper...I hope?! She was so cute...that one."

He had been unintentionally speaking out loud when the door opened for him. “Why, hello Mr. Aria! I knew I heard your voice out here. Please, come on in!” Vivienne’s sunshine face brought his passing doubts much relief. “Call me Dad if you like!” He beamed back at her before handing over the beautiful fruit platter and making himself comfortable within their living room.

“Vanora is just finishing up her makeup, she’ll be just a second.”
Vivienne left to check on her as Volkan went to prepare the fruit platter to serve; but was taken aback by the drawers not opening.

“Hmm?!” Quickly, he realized all cabinets in the house were baby-proofed and his face lit up bright like cayenne.
“N-No way...could Vanora be?...” His eyes darted around nervously.

“Could Vanora be what, Dad?”
Vanora sarcastically crossed her arms and rubbed her chin inquisitively. His anxiety didn’t permit him to skip a beat:


Vivienne almost choked on the water she had sipped. “WHAT?!”
Everyone was blushing now in mutual confusion and internalized chaos. Embarrassed by his statement he desperately tried to clarify.
“Th-the baby lock thing-a-majigs!” His hand clasped a drawer as he repetitively jammed them in and out to emphasize his point.

The ridiculousness of the situation lead Vanora to let out a cackle, mean while Vivienne sighed as Vanora explained. “....No that’s for our new cat, Timberland. She’s….oh no…” Her eyes trailed off sideways and he followed her concerned gaze. “Oh no, what?....” Seeing what she saw, his mouth dropped agape, and a spirit may as well left his body.

The beautiful fruit platter he had purchased at quite a hefty price... looked ravaged by beasts. Several slices of cantaloupe in particular were missing. “Food-obsessed…” Vivienne finished Vanora’s thought, and just like that, everything made sense to him. He shook off his shock and began the search with the girls to locate the cat before she overate, and left fruit to rot in some desolate corner of their home.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 21:04:32 )

Fruit Sudoku

Finally getting time off from work, Voltra's very own Mayor Volkan was excited to spend much needed time with his daughter.
He purchased a wonderful fruit platter to share, but it seems she has a new cat that so happens to be food-obsessed.
With the plate ravaged, concern is raised for Timberland in what she is eating.
Help Volkan, Vanora and Vivienne locate their cat Timberland and retrieve the stolen food.

Pick up the pieces of fruit scattered around the kitchen while the gang finds Timberland.
Finish the sudoku puzzles with the fruit from the platter!
Ping me with your completed puzzles to ensure they aren't overlooked in the tide of conversation!

Sudoku is a puzzle in which the pieces are numbers 1 through 9. Each number can only be in a row, column, or square once.
Every puzzle only has one correct solution.
Instead of numbers, these puzzles will be using fruit, meaning each row, column, and 2x2/3x2/3x3 square only has 1 of each type of fruit.

Tips for sudoku solving:
  • Copy down on paper and use pencil or something erasable if
    you’re not comfortable using something more permanent like pen.
  • Don’t want to copy it down? Try Paint or Google.
  • Change the fruits into numbers if you’re better with numbers than pictures.
  • If you’re stuck, list out each fruit (or number) possibilities for each square.
    You might’ve missed something!

    Move quickly as some of these foods could cause digestive problems for Timberland!

    Please remember to put your solved sudoku puzzles within SPOILERS to be considerate to other Volties who may wish to play and not wish to accidentally gaze upon the answers while scrolling through this thread.

    Sudoku Puzzles:

    Participation Prize: 1 Event Goodie Bag to be received at the end of the event
    For completing all Sudoku Puzzles: 1k Volts
  • Report

    Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 21:05:33 )

    Timberland stealthily evaded both Vivienne and Vanora, running between their legs, but as she approached Volkan, he snapped his legs shut like that of a military man. She paused in her step, cantaloupe rind hanging by her little fangs.
    “Little kitty, you should drop that.” His tone was kind but he still managed an air of authority that, to everyone’s amazement, worked. Timberland dropped the cantaloupe slice and backed away.

    “Now, now. No need to be fearful, you’re a good girl for dropping it, and a skilled one for stealing it in the first place, ho-oh!” He slowly reached down trying to not scare her off. Sniffing at his hand she eventually gave an approving headbutt before flopping over on her side and exposing the belly.

    "Awe, that’s so sweet.” Vanora playfully elbowed her dad who was elated at the animal’s affection.

    They reconvened to enjoy what was left of the fruit platter and Volkan was thoroughly filled in about the past, containing a plethora of events he had missed during diplomatic travels - as well as how they came to adopt Timberland during Solstice.

    Vivienne filled the water of a vase of roses that sat on the table in front of them while inquiring with the mayor.
    “I had asked Vanora, but she told me it was best hearing from you...could you fill me in on the Blooming March?”

    A concerned look weighed on Volkan’s face as he disappointedly faced his daughter. “You don’t remember, Vanora?” She shook her head. "I only remember the basics... it’s been a long, long while since we lived in the Realm of Sound-dude.” He pondered the thought, counting the years on his hands.

    “Indeed it has been. Alright! This will be a refresher for you then!”
    Clearing his throat, and snagging the nearest pen, that his hand still dreaded holding, he began to draw out his thoughts and explain.

    One of the legends that the Realm of Sound holds dear, is the story of Chunhua. She is said to have been the first and original guardian of Sound. However, her inherent form was not that of a animal - but of a great tree. The people initially saw her as inefficient and were ultimately unappreciative of Panthalassa’s creation. After a short few generations, knowledge of her was abandoned and her sobs echoed in the forest, alone. Despite neglect from humanity, her instincts and convictions as a guardian never changed - she was to infinitely love and protect the Realm of Sound with all her might. Unable to move, she focused all her magical energy into growing her roots and spreading throughout the entire realm.

    Generations later, famine struck, and the forest life that once flourished rapidly decayed by an unknown dark energy. All plants and most animals withered and died, with the exception of her that stood so brilliantly - resistant to the darkness. She became a symbol of hope to the people, people who were fully unaware she was a sentient being. People traveled far to water her, pray to her branches and attempt to nourish the surrounding soil.
    She could feel the woe of the people, deep within the earth - their desire to carry on, and adoration of Chunhua left her searching for a greater purpose to help. Using the inherent intelligence bestowed to her from Panthalassa - she came to a conclusion.

    It was mid-March, when her green leaves burst into an array of colors - flowers bloomed into a wind storm that covered the grounds of the entire land - their seeds sprouting new life. New creatures that could fight back against the dark energy, new plants that resisted it as well. In a short time the forests of Sound were restored, fruits engorged and the land was green once again. The three largest blossoms that bloomed would become the Guardians the Sound Realm knows today. Chunhua’s spirit left the tree; her life and magical energy going into the guardians, but her former vessel remains alive and well, in the very center of the Sound Realm - the largest tree in the entire world. In the same forest, smaller trees of the same nature grow, and they are named the Blooming March, as they endure their full bloom on a random day in the month of March. Volkan, being born in the Realm of Sound, harvested one of these trees to bring to Voltra. He and four others founded Voltra, it was a resurfaced Forgotten Realm, and the ruins from a destructive past remained. By bringing in a Blooming March, it helped turn the soil fertile again.

    “It bursts into a romantic bloom, and people make tea from the blossoms. Believing that sharing a cup with a loved one will bind their souls even closer, through the spirit of Chunhua. It’s such a beautiful tale.”

    Reflecting on the symbolism, Vanora closed her eyes and warmly envisioned every bloom she had seen over the years.
    Volkan felt a bit homesick while reminiscing, but Timberland leapt onto his lap, coiling herself and nuzzling in to purr.
    She quickly slipped into a sweet sleep and her comfort helped remind Volkan that Voltra is just as much his home as the Realm of Sound is - and all the people within Voltra were now his family.

    Still, another sadness tucked his heart as he felt alone. Wondering where his fellow co-founders were and why were they all too busy to invest in Voltra. The thought reminded him that he had to pay a visit to a certain shopkeeper before heading to the festival grounds.


    Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:05:22 )
    she looks to the sky to build herself

    *runs around after Timberland*


    Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:11:35 )

    did this using mspaint yay

    will do the rest later
    月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光
    カイル • WISHLIST

    Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:14:10 )

    My first time EVER doing sudoku.

    Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:15:48 )
    I feel like sudoku with fruit is way less intimidating than sudoku with numbers. :D
    Please ping! I get distracted easily.

    Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:16:45 )
    Oh gosh. Sudoku. D:

    Donator — Trash Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:17:20 )

    Wow I havent done sudoku in ages, should be fun :).


    Art Thread | Garage Sale

    Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:17:23 )
    she looks to the sky to build herself

    @kent: you can do it! i believe in you~


    Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:19:46 )
    she looks to the sky to build herself

    @kairu: You almost got it! Remember, only 1 fruit or number can go within each of the small box groups.


    Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:21:58 )

    Donator — she, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:25:27 )
    Here in the darkness I know myself

    I am excited it is fruit and not numbers and I need paper and a pen, lol. After errands I shall attempt.
    Can’t break free until I let it go.
    Let me go..

    Foever in my heart
    Spookums 11/25/18
    Angus 6/23/19
    Mom 6/29/19
    Dad 11/29/2021

    Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:26:10 )
    My try for puzzle 1


    Donator — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:28:37 )
    Oh no, I'm horrible at Sudoku. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained...

    ╍╍Gʀᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢꜱ Fʀᴏᴍ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍Tʜᴇ Lᴏɴᴇʟʏ Cɪᴛʏ╍╍
    Pʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ @ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴏɴꜱᴇ.

    Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:34:47 )
    she looks to the sky to build herself

    Looking good @lizard breath: and @voltraman:
    I like your hustle!

    @terror 404: you can do it if you put your mind to it!


    Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:35:13 )
    Ah-ha! I'm absolutely delighted to see you Volties collecting the scattered fruit already, why, by the time we've caught Timberland, I daresay you'll have outshone us by a mile!

    @Kairu: I admire your enthusiasm and enjoy the colorful sight of the fruit you have presented, though perhaps I should tell you that each fruit should only appear once in each of the 2x2 squares, oh-ho!

    Donator — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:43:40 )

    Y'know, Ive Never Actually Played Sudoku. Always Wanted To. Glad This Site Gives Me An Excuse To Play Lmao


    Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:45:11 )
    Does this work? I drew it on my phone. XD

    Ash 8/7/19
    Kate 1/9/22

    by YukiThePanda <3


    Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/14 22:46:55 )
    she looks to the sky to build herself

    @kent: VERY CREATIVE, you win in my book xD

    @ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
    looking to buy: ARIES

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