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Forums Vibrance Festival 2019 Chapter 3: Vaughn Mard'Gear

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 01:36:43 )

Volties crowded over to the docking area, enamored by the substantially sized airship that hovered overhead. Beautiful marbled wood beams extended from the base as it lowered itself into position, creating a “whoosh” of wind that pelted out before the propellers slowed and the internal rustling of gears came to a resistant halt. Three clacks rang out, the heavy door to the airship fell forward, unfolding itself into a narrow steel trimmed staircase, and a few moments later, a man surfaced above. Before descending, he shouted heartily and waved hello widely to the onlookers.

“Oi, how goes it Voltra! My gods, it has been too damn long!”
His was an unfamiliar face to most, but to Frizz and Static their expressions lit up with anticipation. Static gestured his hand forward excusing himself to the people he had to brush past. Frizz on the other hand, firmly pinching at Spark’s jacket, dragged him forward like a jet, jerking him past the sardine can of Volties as they were mutually buffeted by varying shoulders and hand bags.

“Look who decided to show his face after so long! I think I might have almost forgotten you, old man!”
Frizz puffed her chest and cheeks while tapping her toe against the pavement. The gentlemen crowed a raspy laugh before dropping his leather sack to the ground, paying little care to it.

“The piggy would forget me? Gonna call bull on that one - and who ye’ callin old?! I quite think my age is well hidden, no?” It was true, he was a handsome man who aged like wine; the afternoon sun kissed his chiseled and gruff complexion as he turned to give a bold smile to the guardians. He outstretched his arms, grunting between the cracks and pops of his tired joints; and Frizz took the opportunity to happily clobber him in a warm and welcoming embrace. He stumbled a bit, but caught his balance back in a jiffy.

Static shook his head adoringly.
“It’s nice to see you again, Vaughn.”

He placed Frizz back down and approached Static in a way that suggested he was willing to pick up and twirl him in the air as well. Static shook his hands semi-frantically pleading no, and so Vaughn reached out his hand alone instead. Their arms became a blur of motion, Vaughn shaking so rigorously you’d think Static’s arm might have popped up with it. The three of them laughed and teased before Spark gave a sheepish cough to call attention to himself.

“EH-hem! Are you two going to introduce your big brother,
or am I gonna stay in the dark all day watching you guys have fun without me!”

Spark laid a playful hand on the shoulder of each of his siblings before raising his sunglasses up to get an accurate visual of mister popular.

“Spark, this is Vaughn, he is a traveling merchant from the realm of Metal...and one of Voltra’s founders. Vaughn, this is our older brother Spark. He was in a coma within that giant orb that used to be here. Now… he’s a radio celebrity…”
Frizz giggled at her own description.

“Aye, I knew from the start that orb was a magnificent source of power. I can only imagine the sort of magic you possess, lad. If you mind not me askin’ what creature are ya?”
Vaughn politely reached his arm to shake Spark’s hand, which was happily reciprocated.

“A phoenix.”
Spark intended to say more but he was caught off guard by the hard, heavy and cold hand he grasped. Looking down, a metal prosthetic glimmered Spark’s reflection back to him. Little divots and scratches on the otherwise well-polished and sturdy mechanism revealed a hardworking man who takes great care, but he innocently wondered for but a moment too long how Vaughn came to lose his arm.

“Spark! Don’t stare, that’s rude!”
Frizz smacked the back of his head, sending stumbling Spark forward before he looked back up apologetically.

“Oh, oh my bad, my bad! I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful. Honestly the craftsmanship is stellar and distracted me is all. I swear!”

Vaughn took no insult whatsoever, pulling his arm back and flicking open a panel that revealed multiple useful gadgets. Its movement was fluid, and as the fingers one by one curled into themselves and stretched outward again, the metal made small clicking sounds as the position adjusted to whichever form of mobility he’d deem useful.
“Ye’ like it? Day comes you guardians work too hard and need a prosthetic, you’ll let me know.”
Vaughn teased patting Spark on the back before another familiar voice piped up in the distance.

“I suppose that means you will be staying a while then, old friend?”

The voice was just the slightest bit strained. A sheepish smirk crawled up one side of Vaughn's face before turning to see the mayor. The gentlemen gave each other a half hug and shoulder pat between loud celebratory chatter, like college buddies who couldn’t control their volume and overjoyed to be reunited once more.

“Volkan, always a damn pleasure. Not sure I’ll ever adjust to you wearing a suit and tie though. How ya been, mate?” Vaughn's own voice strained a bit, desperately holding in a cry. He pulled a cigar out from his pocket to offer up to the Mayor, but he declined.

“Actually, I quit.”

Vaughn rolled his eyes. “Hogwash.”

Accidentally chewing the cigar down, he lit up, pretending it was better than usual - just to tease. The mayor averted his eyes and maintained his willpower.

“I have been busy beyond my brows, but well. I’m glad I caught you just as you arrived. I do kinda have to scamper off here to meet up with my kiddo as promised. You better attend the festival later, and with your kiddo in hand after you two make up...for breaking YOUR promise..."

Vaughn took a long drag before releasing the smoke away, his face obviously painted with a pained but also blissful curiosity.
“How’s my pumpkin?”

The quick character shift from a bad influential bro into a doting father was charming to anyone who knew Vaughn. The mayor smiled warmly, and gestured Vaughn to follow him. They both bowed their heads to the guardians who dissipated within the rest of the thinning crowd. The Mayor and Vaughn walked in the same rhythm while enthusiastically continuing their discussion.

“Since you have been….missing for so long… she took your old shop and revamped it into her own thing. Took her awhile to open but her first quarter has been very profitable. I actually just dropped off a small acknowledgement for her.”

Vaughn's brows flitted upward, and his goggles dropped from his forehead to his chest comically.
“Her own shop, eh? I know she’s a mechanical genius but I don’t picture her the type...good with upkeep’?”

The mayor stopped walking at the fork in the road, having to clear an awkward cough. Vaughn's statement was too accurate, but the mayor deflected for Val's sake:
“Why don’t you go see for yourself?.... It’s been far too long though.... I wouldn’t expect a warm happy welcome. You’re lucky you got one from me.”

Volkan’s expression was suddenly serious, but Vaughn brushed it off, only letting out a regretful sigh with a knot of guilt over his little girl.
“Wouldn’t expect a warm welcome even if I came home quickly. Fiery one, that she is. I appreciate the advice friend, and I promise to catch you up on everything later. What's important is I'm here to stay now. I'll meet ya at the festival later. Until then, mate.”

They fully hugged this time, and as they pulled apart both failed to hide their tears.
“Damnit, don’t look at me.” Vaughn choked.

Volkan chuckled, wiping his own face. “Yeah, don’t look at me either.”
Vaughn sniffled through a laugh... and made his way to Reduce, Reuse & Reinvent.
He smiled at the name and thought to himself:

“Rather considerate business perspective for the likes of her. I more anticipated a ‘Wreck, Ravage and Rabid’ sorts.”

The sign said CLOSED, but the door was unlocked. Technically the shop was still in his name, so he wasn’t reluctant to let himself in. Immediately a scurry could be heard as the shop bell rang announcing his presence.

“Val?...s’that you?”

He took a moment to view the scenery - it was a hot mess as expected. Nonetheless, charming and clearly all of her time and effort goes purely into her work rather than the aesthetics of the shop itself. He’d have to teach her the importance of both. However, fatherly lessons would have to wait: it was evident she was avoiding him.

“Gonna play this game, are we? Aight kid, ready or not. Here I come!”


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 01:37:20 )

Break through different rooms to find Valentina!

Yeah, it's about what Vaughn expected. He went up and missing for two years, leaving
his clueless daughter behind with absolutely nothing, forced to fend for herself. He deserves this.
His old shop Mard'Gearz has been renamed Reduce, Reuse, Reinvent and Valentina went and booby-trapped it
for the day when Vaughn came back home. Kids, huh? He won't be able to explain himself and make amends stuck like this.
So Vaughn sucks it up and tackles solving Valentina's puzzles.

You will be presented with a set of pictures that you Volties will be able to investigate.
Ask questions, and solve puzzles or riddles as they appear.
Vaughn won't mislead you, he wants out of this just as much as you do.

(GAME COMPLETE!) Thank you everyone!

Decide together what you would like to investigate first.
Note: To start, simply ask "Tell me about _____" concerning objects in the room.
Once you have found something, Vaughn will inform you if it is useful or not.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 01:38:59 )

A failed whisper caught Vaughn’s attention from the washroom.
“Stop ya’ scurryin’ Bernard! You’re tickling me!”

Vaughn played coy as he opened the door to the washroom and quietly climbed on top of the dryer Valentina was hidden within.
“I doubt she’s in here. That girl probably doesn’t even know how to do laundry!”
He slyly reached his hand to shut the door while remaining in position.

He could hear her pout, insulted, before she slowly crept out of the dryer, taking care not to make any sound. Her pink head revealing itself first, almost like a newborn, as she dragged her hands and knees on the floor without a next step to her plan.
Vaughn rolled his eyes, disappointed. “Now, that’s a familiar sight.”

Valentina shot straight up in a shout, Bernard’s antennae frantically swirling along with the commotion as if to convey “what do we do, what do we do!” She quickly armed herself with the nearest broom in a threatening pose, teeth snarled like the wild child she inherently was.

“How offensive. Ye’ think a broom’s gonna take me down?

Just as quickly as he spoke, she swiftly sent the broom against his skull with a hard thwack. He raised a judgmental brow at first, but before his eyes the broom transformed into a mecha spider of sorts.

His arms covered his face defensively, kicking himself closer to the wall in a pathetic attempt at escaping. It completely restricted him, holding so tightly it forced him straight into a log, then rolled him off the dryer and onto the floor like a tumbleweed. His face stuck in his own arms, he could only barely muffle out words.

“Val... of allf the bloofdy fings to make.”
He looked up at her reddened eyes and trembling lip, the sight dragging his heart into multiple guilty directions.

“Where have YA BEEN!”

Her tone was uncontrolled, shaky like a wind wisped twig. Vaughn sighed desperately, wanting to make his case.
“I canf speak lie dis.”

She condescendingly kicked her boot to deactivate a single clutching leg, allowing him to free up one arm away from his face.

“Speak.” She commanded.

He felt panicked, breathing harder than usual to maintain a normal oxygen level.
“Truth be told kiddo, I didn’t intend to be gone so long. Honest! I couldn’t have predicted that I would be ARRESTED and held in prison once I made it back to Metal…things happen I guess…Wouldn't let me write any letters...I tried...”

Her face untwisted itself to reveal concern. “...Prison?....”

He quickly noted her worry, and jumped at the perceived opportunity, bearing no shame for his manipulative streak coming about now. He pouted his lips and gave puppy dog eyes the best he could before theatrically pleading.

“Yes, yes! Prison. It was HORRIBLE! Thankfully, I ain’t on the run though, from you or the law. So perhaps, you could spare some mercy for your old man who has missed you so much? Unshackle the guy who is awfully tired of being restrained to cold, hard...and dirty…floors?”

She somewhat gave in but remained guarded. Crouching forward to deactivate the arachna broom and free him, she tossed it aside before immediately lunging backward to the door, blocking the exit, worried he’d try to flee. Vaughn sighed looking down at his feet, all it took was two years to destroy a ten year relationship. He hesitated in speaking.

“ know I had two stops to make before I could retire with ya. I didn’t forget my promise - I still intend to do so. Figured I’d give ye’ some alone time, space, independence sort of thing. It was only supposed to be three months... First I had to stop back at the sound realm to exchange some gems. Was hesitant to bring ya to be honest, because of the last time I brought you there…."

Both of them reminisced back to her as a younger girl, she hadn’t realized the vines she took were sacred and private property. She engineered them into electrical cables and created a small army of robots that all looked like kitten-sized Bernards. Equipped with metal detectors, they scurried all around the primordial gardens - digging holes at every detection and damaging several protected animal burrows. Vaughn face-palmed at the memory and its costliness, while Valentina smirked at it.

“After that, I headed back to Metal. To drop off the final goods and finish packing up my apartment. Noticed something strange immediately though, there was cyber security seemingly everywhere.”
This perked Val’s attention as she cocked her head sideways as if asking ‘why’.

Both she and Vaughn knew that the rich and ever climbing 'Cyber Elite' of Metal, preferred to keep their fancy new technology reserved just for the upper class. The massive class divide is all thanks to the Electric Realm who only recently decided to slowly outsource their goods. What was once a moderate bracket dividing the classes was now a heavens length away due to the wealth cyber technology pours in. Metal sates the lower class with pathetic trinkets and flash cyber accessories teasing that soon it'll be mainstream to them all, but its no secret they want to use it as fuel to get ahead and maintain their precious structure for as long as possible. For them to invest and incorporate Cyber Security into steam districts sounded either too generous or too assertive. Val raised her hands up confused and desperate for clarification.

“Well turns out there was a kidnapping of a kiddo from the elite, one of the big four families to boot.”
Vaughn’s tone and posture dropped, revealing a more seriousness and slightly bitter-hinted perspective. He gave Valentina a smug and unamused look, annoyed she hadn’t caught on yet.

“What child? Did they catch the perpetrator?! You still haven’t answered why you were in prison.”
She was completely oblivious, and Vaughn crossed his arms defensively.
“No word on the kid or the perpetrator. I was detained within my own apartment and brought in as a primary suspect. Guess other realms reported they saw her with me. She look familiar to ya’?”
Vaughn reached into his bag for a paper scroll and tossed it over to Valentina, who unraveled it. Stomach sinking into a bubbling nausea, and her face lit up cherry bright from spiked blood pressure, she clenched the scroll back into her hand. Several long moments passed as they both let several emotions come and go.

Once tears began splashing up from her fists, Vaughn instinctively leapt over to her. He paced himself slowly, in case she recoiled from his touch but she did not fuss as she let herself sink backwards into his arms.

“I promise not to leave you like that again Val, but we both...gotta be open with each otha’. Fully and completely.”

Bernard crawled out from her hair, flicking a tear off her cheek as Vaughn embraced her tightly with concern. She choked out the sobs she had been fighting back. “So Tinker ain’t ya last name then? This isn’t some look alike after all?”
He asked softly between her sniffles.


She managed to take a deep breath in, and spoke more coherently on exhale. Her hair stuck to her face from sweat, he gently pulled it back to tuck behind her ear. “I am sorry I never told ya’ the truth Vaughn...I am Valentina Diorite.”

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 01:39:56 )
And you're free to help me out, mates! Fraid' I'm feelin' a bit rusty in this puzzle business though.
Damn kid. " "

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 01:59:16 )

Some nice armor she forged - it's conveniently in my size too. But that's not important,
what's important is that it is hiding a small box that requires a password.
"____ ____ ____ ____ ____" She has a bad memory so I assume the doofus went and hid
it somewhere in here.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:00:34 )

Out of the event, is that Minecraft?

Item QuestHangoutSales

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:03:57 )
It's my kid's work shoppe!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:05:01 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@little crane: lol yes it's minecraft~

Is that a crate or chest on the left-most side? o:


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:06:39 )

Fancy locked storage table, looks like there is a puzzle we need to solve.

Hmm. There's an icon in the right hand corner. I think it wants us to try and craft that using the items listed on the top and bottom.
Any ideas folks?

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:09:49 )
Let's try to solve the current puzzle that just popped up before explorin' any furtha.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:10:41 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

I'm definitely thinking we might need the cords cause I think we're trying to make headphones o:
just don't know the other one/s


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:12:09 )
I won't be able to confirm or deny until we test a full formula unfortunately.

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:13:02 )
What’s all this!? O:

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:13:39 )
@Kent: My daughter went and rigged her shop to trap me in. Kids, amiright?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:15:56 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

OKAY OKAY OKAY I think I got it:
sound, drums, cords, and... the colors? is that construction paper? idk


Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:17:31 )
So Valentina is hiding from you?
Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:17:54 )
@Deaa: It sounds like it WANTS to click open but it doesn't.
The colors are hard plastic, which makes sense to me.
But one of ya items I think ain't correct.

@owl: Correct, mate.

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:18:24 )
@Kent: Yeah, I don't blame her though. I kinda....up and left her without much notice....heh. #fatheroftheyear

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:20:21 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

WAIT YALL it's pillows for the cushion?
drums, pillows, sound, and cords!

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/19 02:20:50 )
Well why don't we break down togetha' what encompasses over ear headphones, shall we?

Describe em'.

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