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Forums Role Playing {IC} A Pirate Is Free - 1x1 RP with Shadami

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 08:26:14 )
What's a pirate crew to do when they accidentally get attached to the person they've kidnapped? A whole lot of shenanigans, that's what.

In the land of Dramda, off the coast of Ismit, there sails a crew known to be the most ruthless and willing to do anything for money. Contracted to kidnap the princess of Ismit by their greatest enemy, they care little for the war this will start and only about getting paid.

The princess, however...might have other plans.

Map To Be Added Later...

[size = 30 ]My Characters[ / size]

Character Name:

~ Notes
[ spoiler = *Basic Info* ]
Date of Birth:
[ / spoiler ]

[ spoiler = *Appearance * ]
Voice Style:
Sexual Orientation:
[ / spoiler]

[ spoiler = * Personality * ]
Favorite Things:
Hated Things:
Found in these Locations:
Favorite Quote:
Happiest Moment:
Worst Memory:
Relationship with Family:
[ / spoiler ]


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 08:33:36 )
My Characters

Character Name: Zakal

~ Notes

Pronunciation: Zack-all
Nicknames: Zak, Z, Leu
Gender: male
Date of Birth: 5th Month, 12th Day

Skin: tan (HOW?!)
Eyes: dark green
Hair: bright orange
Height: 6'3
Weight: 148lbs
Outfits: ---
Voice Style: playful, but can get cold and dark at the drop of a hat
Sexual Orientation: pansexual aaaaye

Habits: biting his lip, playing with his rings or arm band
Hobbies: eating, getting in his captain's way
Favorite Things: the sea, sapphires
Hated Things: being on land too long, stuffy royal people (all royals, as far as he can tell)
Treasures: a box of gold and sapphire jewelry (possibly his moms'. Don't ask him. Instant death.)
Other: ---
Found in these Locations: Crows nest, behind the wheel
Favorite Quote: --
Happiest Moment: joining the navy...and then quickly joining up with the pirates who attacked their ship.
Worst Memory: his mom dying
Relationship with Family: dad is a no good dirty rotten-------- anyways. Loved his mom, loves his half-sibling, can't stand the rest of his dad's kids OR his dad's wife. Or his dad, at all.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 01:08:45 )
My Characters

Character Name: Princess Lisa Rae Summers

temp until i draw her
~ Notes

Gender: female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: August 10th

Skin: pale with the slightest touch of tan
Eyes: blue
Hair: Auburn
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125
Voice Style: soft and warm but can be filled with fire.
Sexual Orientation: doesn't know, she's never been interested in the pampered men she's been presented with to expand her family.

Habits: fiddling with her jewelry, sticking her nose in the buisness of others
Hobbies: painting, reading, horseback riding
Favorite Things: getting away from the royal court
Hated Things: the royal court
Found in these Locations:
Favorite Quote:
Happiest Moment:
Worst Memory:
Relationship with Family: She is of age and still has not chosen someone to marry to combine their families in some kind of union that will make the family stronger. She has younger siblings that are following in her parents footsteps and are more inclined to better their position. Lisa could care less.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 07:11:46 )

Zakal huffed, carrying what appeared to be an unconscious girl bridal style into the cave his crew called home. She was pretty, for a noble; but then, they all looked pretty before they opened their mouths. Just remembering all the vile things the nobles used to say about his mother had his teeth grinding. He treasured his hair and eyes, the only things he really had left from her aside from the jewels, and everyone thought they had to comment on them.

'Your hair is so bright! Mother must have been an Ismit ---' was a common one, the second half often mumbled to their companion as if being part foreigner meant his hearing was gone. His lips formed in a snarl at the thought, he roughly dropped the princess onto the pile of straw that was to be her bed while she was staying with them. No silk sheets and fluffy pillows here, and she better get used to it.

"Tell me when she wakes; no need to bug the captain with her just yet, aye?" With a nod to the two closest men who he’d just decided were to guard her, Zak walked away, back to his office. Whoever said pirates didn’t have paperwork was a dirty rotten liar.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 06:48:17 )
Lisa woke with a very unlady like groan some time later. Her head pounding as she tried to sit up and reorient to her current situation. As she sat up her eyes still closed the one hand not holding her head, brushed the hay when she pushed herself upright. Her eyes sprung open and she swatted at her face and hair where even more of the hay was stuck. What'd she do fall asleep in the barn and not remember it? She blinked.

She blinked again.

"Who the heck are you and where am I?" She blurted out crossly to the two guards standing around her, her voice like fire. She stood up brushing her skirts off from the remainder of the hay still sticking to her from her sleep and looked around her surroundings;making no attempt to move except on the spot of course. Cave, cave, and more cave. boooorrrrrrring. She scowled around her and than plopped back down into the hay, hitching her skirt up so that she could sit cross legged to await a response to her questions. With a raised eyebrow she realized she was in her horseback riding skirts. No wonder it'd been so easy to plop down. What happened again? She held her chin up with one hand as she thought back, resting the elbow on her knee.

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 03:45:43 )

One of the makeshift guards came running up to him about an hour or 2 later, finding him mopping up the last of his stew with a piece of only slightly stale bread. Holding up the hand not currently in use, Zak stuffed the bread in his mouth and chewed quickly. Once he’d finished, he made a ‘continue’ motion with his hand; he assumed this was about the Princess waking up, but who knows – maybe she’d tragically died in her sleep. A snort escaped him, soft and barely noticeable, as the ‘guard’ drew breath to speak; with a somewhat weary look, the man began.

“S-sir, the gir-I mean the woma-the Princess is awake, sir!” The man; no, wait, upon closer look, he was more of a boy; stuttered his way through his words, apparently unable to get out a simple sentence under pressure. When had he joined the crew? Most of the members knew he wasn’t really the one to be wary of, the majority of the time. Hm, no matter; he’d surely get over it quickly or die before it caused too many problems.

With a dismissive nod to the kid, Zak got up from his rock-turned-seat and calmly sauntered over to where he’d left the girl. He noted, with some curiosity, that she was sitting rather commonly, without her back as straight as possible and her nose so far in the air she’d have trouble breathing.

“Good morning, Beautiful.” He smiled roguishly, staying out of easy striking distance but close enough that they wouldn’t need to raise their voices to talk.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/9 00:54:20 )

Lisa rolled her eyes when someone finally approached her to talk. 'Good morning beautiful' Ugh, doesn't any guy ever have anything more interesting to say than that. "These idiots don't know how to talk but you clearly do. Where am I and who the heck are you?" She rested her elbow on her knee and propped her chin up to stare up at man who'd walked over and started talking. Headband, loose shirt and pants. Pirate. Clearly a pirate. She sighed deeply and watched him, waiting for an answer.
It was pretty obvious that the where was a cave, and than she wasn't likely to get an answer of the who beyond what she could already guessed by what the two guards and the speaker looked like. But get someone talking and maybe she'd find out at least a little bit more. Like how she had wound up in the cave in the first place. She had racked her brain while the one guard had run off but she was coming up blank, she barely even remembered going out for a ride that morning.
It had only been that morning right?


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/6 01:45:47 )

He rolled his eyes at her brisk tone, the smile settling into more of an amused turn of his lips instead of the teeth displaying wideness it had started it. A feisty one, this princess. Good; maybe she’d be marginally less annoying to deal with until they could hand her over to their current ‘employer’. At least until she found out why they’d taken her and where they were going, but they could burn that bridge when they got to it.

”Oh dear, how forgetful of us! Currently, you’re in a cave, which is in an island, which is…about a 3 hour swim from the coast, if you’re a good swimmer. I’m sure you could test it, if you wanted, though you might not get very far. He winked at her, having noticed how she seemed to hate being flirted with and trying to rile her up. The playfulness dropped a moment later, his face transforming into a cold and cruel mockery of himself, a cruel glint to his eyes. As for who I am…Well, I am Zakal, First Mate aboard The Mistress.”

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/7 20:46:40 )

"Cave, on an island, three hours from the coast. Yeah that is so incredibly helpful." She rolled her eyes and stood up absently dusting the hay she'd been carelessly tossed in from the back of her skirts. Pointedly ignoring the wink, "But I'll take that as a challenge, point me in the direction of shore and I'll just go for a nice swim." She of course had no intention of actually going for a swim, three hours in unidentified waters with no sense of directions was bound to turn into an entire day and her death. But she brushed past him and headed for the mouth of the cave anyways.

Just to needle him back for the flirting she called over her shoulder, "First mate huh? I'd watch out because your mistress clearly is not being faithful." Yup, he had just confirmed her suspicions, she had been abducted by pirates when she was horseback riding. "Nice to meet you pirate. I'll see you around." She waved her hand casually. Really, she was just looking to see what kind of reaction she could get out of these pirates. She was growing very bored.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/2 03:33:28 )

Zak let the act drop as the girl walked past him, turning to watch her go with an amused tilt to his lips. She was an unflappable one, this Princess. Shame she wouldn’t be sticking around for long; but then again, they never did. He barked out a laugh when she commented on their ship’s name, finally moving to follow after the silly woman as the crew looked up, giving her alarmed looks and some even reaching for weapons. Wouldn’t do to have her hurt simply because some of the crew were a bit twitchy still.

”Princess, I’m insulted you think I’d miss the spectacle of you trying to swim in to shore. What kind of man do you take me for, hm? Clearly not a clever one.” He caught up with her just outside the cave, his longer legs meaning he didn’t need to hurry much to manage it. He gestured to the trees around them, dense enough that it was hard to see trough them most places, while others looked so crowded you could barely tell one tree from the next.

”Would you like a guide to shore, your Highness, or did you simply plan to trapes around until you got lost or found your way out?”

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/13 06:07:44 )
Lisa raised a single eyebrow at the pirates as they very obviously drew weapons with jumpy nerves. But she kept right on walking towards them without missing a beat in her pace. When she heard the first mates foot steps coming up behind her she made a sudden movement at the closest pirate and yelled "AHHH" before laughing and continuing on her way. "Oh I'm sure you would be delighted to see me swim as long as I wasn't drowning and costing you what I'm sure is a lousy fortune that you're hoping to get off my kidnapping. But since you offered oh so kindly after I asked than point me where shore is and I'll take the quicker route and go the opposite direction."
She eyed the trees around them nervously, oh yes it would definitely be the quicker route. She wouldn't make it far in this god awful riding skirt she was stuck in, it would sink like a brick as soon as it got wet, pulling her down with it, not to mention if she even made it to shore through the trees when most of them like oked exactly alike. As beautiful as they were, not exactly very helpful.

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/27 00:11:06 )

Zak snorted as the princess yelled, fighting off a full laugh at the pirate she’d spooked. Poor kid looked like he wasn’t sure if he should run away or draw his sword, and had ended up in a frozen half-crouch with his hand on the hilt. As he passed the unlucky sod he ruffled his hair, using the hand to push him back onto the makeshift chair he’d made out of…what looked to be crates that they used for food.

”Well, my Lady, I shall do you one better.” So saying, Zakal darted forward quickly and scooped up the princess bridal-style, starting to walk as soon as she was even vaguely in his arms. Hopefully she would settle, but well. If she flailed around and got herself dumped on the ground, that was her problem.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/16 17:28:10 )

Lisa screamed and showed the first signs of being a "typical princess" the moment her feet left the ground. She gripped the closest thing to her in a death grip. Which happened to be Zak. Her arms went tight around his neck as she clung for dear life.
Sure heights weren't a problem for her... As long as her feet were touching something. All the fight in her attitude left in her terror as she started shaking from the irrational fear of being lifted and in someone else's control.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/15 21:55:04 )

Zak hummed as he walked, though inside he was wincing at the grip she had on his neck. So maybe picking her up hadn’t been the best idea…It was still amusing, though. Even it she was currently trying to imitate an octopus.

The ground was eaten up by his long stride, and in a few steps they had reached the shore. He let go of the princess unceremoniously, bending over slightly as he dropped her feet in case she didn’t let go of his neck quickly enough. He had no desire to be ‘accidentally’ chocked and pulled to his sandy doom.

”We’re here, Highness.”

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/24 02:52:23 )

(again, super sorry this took so long!)
When Lisa's feet touched the ground ungracefully she took a sharp intake of breath and tried to steady her beating heart. Slowly coming out of the terror and releasing Zakal's neck. "Oh, that's good." She turned slowly and looked out at the water and pointed vaguely with a wave of her hand, "Shore is that way right?" Her voice still sounded shaky and far away, and the proof that she hadn't quite recovered from her terror came only a few moments later as she gave a giddy "Okay than," took two steps towards the water and had her legs turn to jelly underneath her as she sat hard in the sandy beach.

"I think I'll just go wherever you're heading after all. I'll just sit here for a bit while I recover though if you don't mind."

As she laid back, not caring that her hair was getting coated in the sand as she just wanted to appreciate the solid ground beneath her and being in control of her own body again she added as an afterthought, "Oh, and don't call me highness. It's such a ridiculous title."


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 20:56:30 )

Zak watched the girl carefully, and so lurched forward slightly as if to catch her when she stumbled before pulling back at the last second. Maybe he was pushing his luck; she hadn’t tried to attack him yet, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to. Just because she was cute and being agreeable…he really shouldn’t let his guard down. He snorted slightly at her proclamation, taking a couple steps to be standing over her slightly to look at her face.

”And what, then, am I supposed to call you? Princess, while accurate, seems a bit condescending, given the situation, and the orders very conveniently did not include your name. Though I did very nicely tell you mine.” Zak winked down at her before moving to sit to her left, seemingly staring out at the ocean, though he kept a subtle eye on her through his peripherals.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/13 13:30:13 )

"pssh" She scoffed weakly, still a slight tremor clear in her voice, "don't even know who you're kidnapping." She closed her eyes for a few moments to let the terror pass completely and get her breathing finally under control.
Opening them she stared up at the clouds and enjoyed the sight of them moving overhead. Besides getting lifted up, she was actually... enjoying this. No one was screaming at her to be proper. To keep her dress clean. To stand straight. "My name is Lisa." She said finally, and stood up to look at him. "So where are we going first mate?" Her eyes twinkled with joy at the little rebellion she'd put into the question to show it was annoying to be referred to as only titles.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:38:27 )

Zak snorted, shaking his head at Lisa’s ability to remain flippant even when stressed. He kept half an eye on her as she regained herself, though most of his focus was on making sure no ships were on the horizon, possibly looking for their errant royal. As she stood up, he craned his neck back to look up at her, one side of his mouth ticking up in a small, amused smile at her cheekiness.

”Well, first we have to go back to camp and assure the captain that you haven’t bested me and run off. After that…we sail west, towards Kelmin? The rocky land mass about a week’s trip away.” He signed, not happy to be heading out that way, though he’d never tell the captain that or let the crew know he disagreed with the assignment. Lisa was to be delivered to the king, to be ransomed, killed, or wed, and they would be paid well enough to not have to worry about another job until after the stormy season. Which…judging by the fluffy looking clouds that could turn deadly quickly looming in the north, was approaching faster than he was comfortable with. Hopefully it didn’t hit before they were safely at port…even if the port was in a less than ideal location.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 16:37:40 )

(I hope I'm reading this correctly that Kelmin is another nation xD and as a princess she would know that. Sorry if it's wrong)

"Kelmin!?" She choked out in shock before she could stop herself. She closed her eyes and let out a slow long breath. Finally she smiled brightly opening her eyes once more, "well of course, a strong pirate against a proper princess never allowed to do anything for herself off in a strange land. Of course you haven't been bested." She paused, trying not to sigh and still put at much enthusiasm into her speech, "well off to camp than shall we."

Internally she was groaning. Why Kelmin, their delegates were always so stuffy. Granted she hated most everyone that came to court. She'd have to figure out some way to divert their plans of reaching Kelmin. Her eyes fell on the possible storm Clouds in the distance, muttering under her breath her mind began to whirl, "hmmmmmm, maybe..."

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/18 00:24:14 )
(@Shadami: a reply for you! and LOL correct, sorry! Should have put in an OOC comment saying that xP)

Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, he pretended to be too focused on the clouds himself to notice her oddness. Neither of them seemed to like the location they were heading towards, but Lisa seemed to have a very different hope for the incoming storms. Snorting to himself, he turned back towards camp.
”Better get a move on if we want to avoid a search party.” He started walking, not looking back to make sure she was following. She’d already voiced her unwillingness to swim, there wasn’t anything else he needed to be worried about. Not so soon, at least. The only benefit of the oncoming storm was the decreased chance of her people sending out a recovery team of their own. Based on her attitude, though…maybe that’s not something they had to worry about at all, storms or no storms.

Fae | 27 | They/Them
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