(he's gonna throw a fit, but he's not gonna injure himself to do it, so he will very carefully lay down and then continue his fit.)
He claimed his leg was hurting and that he needed an x-ray. His leg wasn't hurt at all, I promise.
Anyway, being the extra mom that I am, I said "Oh no!" and then scooped him up and put him on the couch. I "scanned" his leg with my phone while secretly searching for an x-ray of a leg and then showed it to him, telling him that it was his.
So, now I've had to "x-ray" everything with my phone.
All. Evening.
I have no idea where he learned about x-rays. He's never had one and has never injured himself other than a scraped knee.
Last week, he kept wanting to go to the doctor for various things (like sneezing- "This has got to stop. Let's go doctors".) Luckily, we did have his 3 year appointment last week too. It was like a dream come true going to the doctor.
I'm going to have to keep a folder of stock photos of x-rays on my phone like a weirdo.
Having a toddler is wild.