In the words of @Totalanimefan: "So yeah. Go crazy. Just don’t break the rules"
& in the words of @Tuijp: "Yeah don’t go to crazy. That’s my job"
So! Please remember the rules, try not to go too too crazy & tell us what you're currently up to!
Let's also get to our milestone!
Whatcha currently up to my dudes?
Currently for me?
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I'm sketching out one of my OCs via my sketchbook
I usually do digital but I'm tryna get back into different aspects creative wise
Used to draw a lot via pen in high school but fell outta it once I got enough $ for my laptop & my 1st wacom tablet (rip)
I have inglourious basterds on as background noise but am gonna change it to something else - dunno what yet but something else via background noise
Also playing pocket camp & will probs tidy up a little later - then will head onto either steam or console to game for a little ouo
how about you guys?