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Forums Role Playing A Fateful Intervention

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 06:37:21 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Vincent just nodded, and the two of them left the lounge, making their way through the empty halls, and towards his car. Once they got in, they buckled up, and he started it.

"Right." he said as they pulled out.

"Where do you work?" he asked her.

"I'll contact them and tell them about this." he said.

"Because you are in NO condition to work."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 06:42:52 )

"The Starbucks in Masonville." Madison answered, revealing that she was working somewhere clear on the opposite side of the city than she lived.

"And thanks." She added, realising that he was right, that she really couldn't be working considering how she was feeling.

Of course, she didn't say much else. For the moment, she had to worry about staying on her feet as they made their way to his car.

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 07:03:08 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

'Dear lord...' Vincent thought as he drove.

[i]"I see."[/b] he said.

"I'll tell them." he told her.

They made their way to the hospital, where she was checked in.

"I'll visit you soon." he said to her.

"See how you're doing."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 07:04:53 )

Madison nodded before smiling softly.

"Of course. WE can have tha tconversation you wanted to at tha titme too." She said, proving she didn't forget it, but she wasn't complaining about this chance to dodge it for the moment. She had a feeling she wouldn't be too keen on that conversation, whatever it was.

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 07:48:32 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"Indeed." he responded.

"For now, concentrate on recovering." he told her.

"You need to get back to full strength, after all." he said.

"You still plan to give me those two reports." he chuckled.

"Though I'll understand if they're a little late." he added with a smile.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 07:51:46 )

Madison just nodded.

"I do. Assuming this doesn't kill e." She told him honestly.

"Because with how I feel, it might."


Sometime later, Madison had been, in fact, admitted to the hospital in order to make sure she survives. And it wasn't easy, either.

No one there seemed to be able to identify what it was that was killing her too easily, either.

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 08:12:32 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

The fact that this was happening to her was very concerning to Vincent.

So much so, that he had confided this to his sister, and they had spoken briefly about it.

However, after about a week or so, the woman noticed that she'd not heard from her brother over the phone on the day he said he would call her.

And when she called him, his voice sounded horrid.

"Hello?" he said, before pausing.

"Oh, sorry Hollie, I forgot I was supposed to call you."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 08:19:49 )

Hollie was silent for a moment.

"Oh Vincent, what's wrong?" She asked, concern in her voice.

"Seriously... you sound absolutely horrible." She added.
b]"You ok?"[/b]

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 08:29:07 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"Feeling a little under the weather." Vincent replied.

"Almost like a flu? Kind of?" he said further.

"But at the same time, not." he went on, before pausing.

"If that makes sense." he said.

"Medication for flu symptoms doesn't seem to be working, though." he then lamented.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 10:38:09 )

Hollie was silent as her brother said all he did.

"Vincent... perhaps you should get yourself checked by a mage." She then said.

"That's part of why I called today." She continued.

"There's been an outbreak of essentia devorare in your area." She told him simply.

(devourer of essence in Latin)

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 21:32:40 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Vincent froze when he heard that.

"...excuse me?" he asked.

"That virus that targets active mana mages, and eats away at said mana?" he asked her.

When she confirmed, she heard him smack his own forehead.

"I am an idiot, why didn't I think of that!?" he exclaimed.

"Very well, that would be in my best interest." he said further.

"Any recommendations for a mage doctor?" he then asked her.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/21 23:42:01 )

"I have one, but you aren't going to like it." Hollie answered.

"Who?" Vincent asked.

". . . REne." Hollie responded after a prgnant pause.

"He works with the council and Triad, I know he's trustworthy, but I also know you don't really like him."

"I've already contacted him and gotten the right gears in motion for him to have a temporary transfer to where you are."

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 00:14:11 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Even though Hollie couldn't see it, she just knew her brother was grimacing right now.

"....Calder, eh?" he finally responded.

"I see." he said.

"Very well." he muttered, obviously dissatisfied with this information.

"I will... make sure I see him." he told her, before there was another pause.

"Wait..." he said quietly.

"Wait a second..." he mumbled, realization in his tone.

"Hollie, when is Calder going to be in this area?" he asked her.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 03:08:48 )

"On Friday." /Hollie answered.

"If you think there's a reason to get him there sooner, someone that won't survive the three days until he arrives, just say so and I'll get him there tomorrow." She added. She realised that it was possible about Madison, but for all they knew, she had been discharged from the hospital and was fine. He wouldn't have been contacted in that event, she was sure.

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 03:27:36 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"Hollie, Madison has similar symptoms as I do." Vincent told her.

"And none of the doctors here have been able to diagnose what's wrong." he continued.

"Also, I started showing MY symptoms shortly after being in close proximity of her." he went on.

"I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this." he then told her.

"She's already been sick for a few days, Hollie." he finished, his tone having an underlying urgency to it.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 03:29:12 )

"I'll get ahold of Rene and get in there tomorrow then. I can't get him there earlier than that, as he has a prior commitment." Hollie told him.

"But Madison should be all right for th enight, right?" She asked, concern in her voice. She'd get Rene there that night if she had to, yes, but she really didn't want to interrupt his night.

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 03:56:30 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"Given what I've seen, yes." Vincent replied.

"The virus has stages, and she's nearing the end of the first stage." he said.

"The second stage is worse, but still treatable." he then mused further.

"So if he cannot make it out here until tomorrow, Madison will still be here." he assured her.

"...and this should prove once and for all if Madison has mana or not." he then added.

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 03:59:15 )

"Actually, I'd say that we've got the proof that she does have mana as it is." Hollie commented.

"Considering she's obviously caught it herself." She continued.

"She literally couldn't catch it otherwise."

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯

Voltie — The Dude Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 04:36:03 )
One.. by... one.
They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

"This is true." Vincent agreed.

"...I feel so bad for her." he then sighed.

"It's clear she's not getting the care and love she deserves." he told Hollie.

"...but I digress. I won't hold you up any longer." he then said.

"Thank you for your help in this."

Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 04:40:54 )

"Take care of yourself Vincent. I just need to know one more thing." Hollie started.

"Do you want to go to the hospital to be taken care of, to fight this bug, or would you prefer I sent Rene to you?" She asked, her voice curious, concerned. She wanted to know what it was that he'd prefer.

♯When you hear the following tune, You'll know, you'll know. When you hear the following tune, you'll know that I'll be with you soon♯
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
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