Omg, that's hilarious. I'd love to meet the Fungal God, and Hilde. They seem like a mischevious pair.
Juniper is similar in that she absolutely thwarts the DM's plans.

Initially, she wasn't supposed to get arrested so soon... So, the town Juniper & Devrin are in (it's a 1x1 between me and DM so they have parallel stories) is cut off from the world, & has been for 20 yrs or so.
It's got 7 factions, technically, but 2 only kinda count. She's from the slums, and while mom & dad were out, probably killing people, she went to her neighbor's and took a joy ride to the beach. She meets strangers, who ask to check out the Slums since anyone not originally from there gets killed by "phantoms", and she says, "Okay, I can give you a 20 minute tour."
Yeah. That essentially caused a ferocious battle between her parents & these new found friends over territory, which involved mum summoning a tornado.. So she got arrested, since she was on the scene. This was supposed to span 2 maybe 3 sessions instead of the single 1 it ended up being.
I keep forgetting to write down excerpts of the shenanigans. Maybe this can be the new place for it! Bwahahaha!