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Forums Hangouts The Grazing Pasture

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:07:02 )
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.

Welcome to the Grazing Pasture!

It's nice to meet you, whoever you are. I am Fellowsheep, and you can give me ~nearly~ any nickname you want. I'm 22 & from Texas. The hangout here can have any topic, and even if it seems bustling: Don't be shy to post at least a hello! The topic can change anytime, too.

Some topics I enjoy: Plants, gardening, history (especially medieval), writing, fantasy, DnD/pathfinder, sewing, movies, and paranormal!

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:10:12 )

The Blog Barn!

Recipe of the Time:

Cider's been around for millenia, and today, I'll share an 18th century inspired recipe. I always thought of apples as a fall fruit, but it turns out they're usually bearing fruit at start of summer & start of fall.

Anywho, what you'll need is a 2qt stock pot, 5 apples of choice, 1 to 1.5qt water, 2~4 cups of sugar, and a quarter cup of yeast.

For other flavorings consider spices like ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, star anise, citrus fruits, lavender flowers or leaves, and more.

First add the water, and sugar to your pot on high heat. While it begins to boil, chop your fruit in quarters or halves, skins & peels left on. Once it's bubbling, add the fruit & spices. Stir occassionaly, and shove it in an oven at 200f~275f if you prefer.

Once it's a loose syrup, with soft & browned fruit: let it cool to body temp. If you can easily spray on your wrist, and it feels lukewarm: perfect! Start straining, and you can keep the fruit aside to make apple sauce.

Get 2 cups of juice, and add a tbsp of yeast. Does it bubble in 5~10 mins? If yes, dump it back into the stock pot & add the other 3 tbsps of yeast.

After it gets the foam, you can seperate it into containers. If they're not specifically made for releasing gas automatically (which is fine) then loosen the lid a little until you hear the "psssfftttttt" every 12 hours or so.

Do it too little: it will explode. Do it too much: you & your entire home will be wetter than Spongebob's house with sticky hard cider.



Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:11:23 )

The Prize Stall!

  • List Item

Give Aways!
All prizes will be chose randomly!
First post on page 10 gets:
4 Commons (Hair, eyes, tops, etc.)
2 Miscs

Person who posts a Joke I really like by June 1st, 2019 gets:
1 Rig
4 Commons


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:11:37 )

The Library!

Featured Historical Document: N/A

N/A. Will write later.

Current Reading List

  • N/A


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:11:55 )

The Rumor Mill

If you see anything about you, that you'd like removed: Please PM me!

I heard a rumor Totalanimefan is hosting a giveaway for posters on Voltra! Maybe it was here?

Could it be true that DelphicDreamer is a psychic, and they found out when they predicted when Ryan Reynolds would fart on screen?

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:13:26 )
Open! :frizz-celebrate:


Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:20:11 )
I too play D&D. Tell me of your character?

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 14:42:30 )
@Glume: Ohh, sweet! :D I have 2 player characters that I alternate between. One's a teenage girl, and the other's a middle age man.

Teenage girl is named Juniper, and she's a duskwalker psychic. This means she had been alive previously, and essentially got reincarnated. She was reincarnated in an 8 year old child's form in a graveyard, having awoken to seeing the dead around her, with a vague idea of what happened.

There's one particular soul that she's bonded to, named Darryl. He's essentially the, regularly ignored, sound advice in her head who happens to suck at phasing through objects like walls. She got adopted by some badasses, and the family dynamic is pretty mafia-like. Well, she's in her teens now, so she figured it was time for her rebellious streak.

She's a really sweet girl, poor decision maker (lacks some serious foresight & long term consequence understanding), seeking human validation and acceptance. Her life style is originally very restricted, as she got adopted by some shady people. Due to making friends with some hotheads... That gets turned upside down, and she's finally starting to relearn caution is important.

The middle age guy is a human guy named Devrin, and he's got a position as The Eagle in the heirarchy of the town. A waylayer rogue is what I used to come up with his class skills. A skilled, and professional stalker investigator who is very obsessed with his ex-wife. Making her love him again is pretty much his main reason for living, although, he's living a surprisingly almost normal bachelor lifestyle. (He's hoping if he pretends he is happy & normal without her she'd come crawling back. Yeah. He got divorced for many good reasons lmao.)

Not really a bad ass, and he's not ridiculously charismatic either. It's more so he's got a good intuition, and pays decent attention to details.

Oof that's a lot. I tried to keep it concise without being boring! What about your character/s?

Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 17:00:56 )
Right now I only have one group of people to play with and one game, every week when we can make it. I'm a (pink!) dwarven lass who once had a rather impressive beard (but the DM keeps burning all her hair off) whose family came from dwarves living around and in a volcano (hence the pink) that is basically a god. Her family had a disagreement with those in charge so they moved to an above-ground keep in the swamp before Hilde (me!) was born. Hilde and her brother played in the swamp when they were not supposed to, and only Hilde came back. Hilde had a knack for making things grow, and nobody spoke of the incident after many failed attempts to find her brother. Hilde went off on her own for a little while and got seduced by a fungal god of decay, but also got the desire for world travel (an urge sent by said fungod with no explanation. She has a LOT of these, but only recognizes it as her own intuition.
BRUNHILDE HAMMERFALL ENTERS THE GAME. I rolled chaotic-weird, which is appropriate because Hilde is constantly foiling the DM's plans in the most brilliant ways. We were immediately recruited by a trickster god, and set off to do questionable things in questionable ways. In our adventures, I've gained: the ability to turn into a demon-snake which I used to eat three live men on two separate occasions, a giant easter bunny that throws chaos-eggs and has a doom-jump, I got possessed by a demon and went evil for a while (but I got a lovely lace glove keeping him mostly at bay now), I stole a set of panpipes with the ability to cause lust or jubilation, and in a later campaign I used said pipes for an impromptu bard battle with a nemesis... long story short I won despite lacking any bardic skill and accidentally became REAL good friends with my nemesis, and maybe also accidentally started an orgy in the monster-fighting/goddess-feeding arena. oops.
She also has a pet wiener dog with lightning powers named "Zazz!"
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/22 18:05:46 )
Omg, that's hilarious. I'd love to meet the Fungal God, and Hilde. They seem like a mischevious pair.

Juniper is similar in that she absolutely thwarts the DM's plans. Initially, she wasn't supposed to get arrested so soon... So, the town Juniper & Devrin are in (it's a 1x1 between me and DM so they have parallel stories) is cut off from the world, & has been for 20 yrs or so.

It's got 7 factions, technically, but 2 only kinda count. She's from the slums, and while mom & dad were out, probably killing people, she went to her neighbor's and took a joy ride to the beach. She meets strangers, who ask to check out the Slums since anyone not originally from there gets killed by "phantoms", and she says, "Okay, I can give you a 20 minute tour."

Yeah. That essentially caused a ferocious battle between her parents & these new found friends over territory, which involved mum summoning a tornado.. So she got arrested, since she was on the scene. This was supposed to span 2 maybe 3 sessions instead of the single 1 it ended up being.

I keep forgetting to write down excerpts of the shenanigans. Maybe this can be the new place for it! Bwahahaha!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 00:38:08 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

hello there!
@fellowsheep: cute hangout thread you got here ^^~


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 17:06:03 )
@Deaa: Thanks! I'm glad it turned out well. :D I'll slowly be adding stuff in the reserved posts for fun, wheeeee. Welcome to the hangout thread~

What's your favorite food recipe? Or food in general~

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 19:13:49 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@fellowsheep: yea, it's looking good, i like your graphic~
My favorite recipe?? probably be my family's baked mac and cheese
but my favorite food is either light-sauced pastas, seafood, or vietnamese dishes with rice

@bum: lol hey what's up with you?
it's going by kinda slow, but not too bad~

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 20:56:13 )
@bum: So far, so good! I'm not used to being awake when the sun's up for so long tho. I did some food shoppin', so now it's time for some indoor chores & gamin'.

How's yours?! :frizzhappy:

@Deaa: Ohhh those are good! I don't get to have that often since my fiance isn't as big a fan. Vietnamese food mmm~. I'mma try a Thai inspired dish either tonight or this week. Peanut butter, & toasted sesame seeds & red pepper flakes sauce~.

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 21:19:23 )
@bum: Congrats!! :D Is it a ranking type of promo?

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 21:32:01 )
@bum: You're getting there at least, hahaha. Just takes practice. What kinda character do you play? I obvs don't play myself, but if I did, it'd be a spellcaster probably.

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 23:01:22 )
@bum: Ranged mages are the best, no? Haha, now I wanna game. Not sure what I'll play today altho I downloaded a few new ones.

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:11:46 )
@bum: Thankk youuu. But of course I instead got a kick to create a few more wordclouds for my thread Outside's so nice so this is a perfect combo =u=

Almost done.. Just got one two more

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 00:17:51 )
Fae Says --->

do you do lit roleplays too? :Y or just DnD/game?

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Closed ATM~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Fae | 27 | They/Them
Please Always Ping!
RLC Commission Prices

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/24 01:07:18 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: I also do lit rps. Just not too often anymore. I've been considering on starting a possible small group one on here, but I'm not sure what the plot & setting would be like yet haha.

At the very least, I am sure I'll have a 1x1 thread going sometime soonish~

Im guessing you also do 'em? If so, what's some of your favorites?

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