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Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 00:02:28 )

That is me. but i dont wanna take a nap i'll be up all night. i need to pretend i sleep normally.
Plus i got monster of the week in an hour. By the time i get to snoozin, i'll have to get up again.

//angry vermin noises ù nú

Speaking of monster of the week, anyone play any tabletop rpgs or whatever?


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 00:50:56 )
I do a homebrew of Pathfinder, and it has some DnD 5e elements. Lotsa fun :D

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 01:18:01 )

Ooh, interesting. O:
Don't think i've ever done pathfinder before? I've done a couple DnD games with friends, but both died out SUPER quick. Like, just a few sessions in for one reason or another.
I find i really like MotW tho. I like the mystery of it!

Do you dm then?


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 01:40:31 )
@Vermii: It's a more lax version of 3.5e from what others say. Yeah, I only have minimal experience with real groups, and if they last long: There's usually discourse that happens. Altho, that prob has more to do with strong personalities & random people.

I do a 1x1 with my fiance as DM. We are on campaign #4 now. The first 3 had died from hiatuses. xD Maybe we'll go back & explain what happened lmao. The old characters show up in other campaigns tho, since it's a linear story/plot spanning across campaigns!

Voltie — cat IRL Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 03:26:17 )
I can never take naps either or else i'll destroy my sleep schedule x__x

and I'm currently in a couple! a pathfinder game that's kind of on a hiatus, and then a new 5e D&D campaign. I'm having a lot of fun in our current game so far :3

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 17:27:04 )

rip. i think the only problems we really had was conflicting scheduling.
Altho there was one friend who liked to really take his time and drag things out and that kinda made people lose interest one campaign lol.
love him to bits, but i don't think i'd do that with him again

oh, nice! it seems like it would ten times easier to handle with only two people lmao.
last night our dm admitted trying to keep us together and on track was like herding cats.

rip nap time.
that's good to hear! to be honest, i'm still fairly fresh to this whole tabletop rpg nonesense.
It was only last year a friend finally convinced me to try it out. it was a rocky start, but i'm into it lol.

do you have favorite characters you've used and lost?


Voltie — cat IRL Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 17:52:31 )
@Vermii: no naps for me ever T___T RIP
i think it's always a bit of a rocky start, wrapping your head around all the rules and such can be difficult. and then level one characters have like....6 hp lol. it's scary
but it really is fun once you get going! i'm glad you've been having fun with it :3 i'd never heard of MoTW before, but it sounds really cool!

and i've been really lucky so far, in that i haven't lost any characters (...hopefully not knocking on wood here hsfjd)
we lost one of our party members in our pathfinder game, but we were a high enough level(and rich enough) to bring him back to life
i'm a little worried about my newest D&D character, because she has a whopping 8 hp at the moment. she was a regular cat that got transformed into a sorcerer cat, and i love her a lot. i hope she doesn't die T___T

have you lost any beloved characters?

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 18:10:38 )

yeah, that was one of the things that almost put me off at first lol.
also, numbers and i go together like cats and water.

same to be honest, I haven't lost a single character yet.
There was one time during my first ever MotW games I was purposefully trying to kill off my character cause I wanted something different, but it happened to be during the time I was getting really high rolls. xD

There was a scenerio where our party was inside this old tomb, and a pillar was coming down on two other characters. I figured I'd just have my character run at it, but i rolled a 12 so she ended up fuckin' bodying the pillar and saving everyone's life.


Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 19:26:07 )
@Vermii: Yeah, I've learned that if I ever do a group again: We will be having a mandatory course of player & dm etiquette because there's been many a scenario where basic etiquette seriously lacked.

Hahaha, that's a good analogy. Some will follow, others will only follow if conditions are met, and then there's the others who won't no matter what.

DMing is def a tough job. I can kinda do it, but boi, I'm only okay at it when drunk it seems, lol.

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 20:18:59 )

and yeah, in our case though, most of us just end up goofing off lol.

i imagine. i dunno if it's something i'd do. maybe later down the line when i get more comfortable with the whole thing in general, but probably only among friends lol.


Voltie — cat IRL Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 15:57:53 )
@Vermii: uuuugh yes, I feel you with the numbers thing lol. that was my biggest hurdle with pathfinder.....the math x___x

and omg. of course it'd be when you were trying to fail you'd roll really high instead! and whenever i need a high roll i alwaaayyysss roll low
that's amazing though, i love how she just ended up casually saving everyone lolol
art by me

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 18:42:42 )

yeah, that and i get a lot of brain static when there's too many voices at once and im tryna think about what i wanna do next and shit.
so when it gets to be my turn people are like, "were you paying attention?" well, yes and no.

that's usually when the session drags on too long though.

i feel like it always goes that way tho lmao. keeps it entertaining of course.


Donator — Any Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 19:07:38 )
I want a nap. Can you lay out my little playmat?


Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/30 05:05:08 )

yes, here it's all laid out for you


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