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Forums Help & Support Is there a profile CSS guide?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 00:03:59 )
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◄ {There are some really nice profiles here, but I can't seem to figure out what exactly works here on Voltra.
I've had mixed results carrying over CSS code from my other profiles, with the vast majority of what I've tried not working. :viosweat:
However, I can't seem to find one? Please help. :vanora_sad: } ►

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 00:26:05 )
@zyqi: yup I've seen this and this

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 01:41:03 )

    If you're reading this, I am procrastinating...

    @Zyqi: Gonna sneak myself in here, hiii!! I am a profile enthusiast and feel I can help you out if you need anything.

    I haven't been active on the internet really, but my inbox is always open if you have questions about profiles ~

    My guides aren't too fleshed out because I have been hella stressed with IRL things, but I do lurk here a lot >u<;;


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 08:03:44 )
◄ {@Ixora:
Oooh, these are lovely, thank you~
It looks like Voltra's coding is in a similar vein to Gaia's, I just didn't know what the selectors were.

It's ok, they still help greatly! } ►

Donator — PrinCSS Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 12:52:11 )

    If you're reading this, I am procrastinating...

    @Zyqi: Inspect element is a great friend for Voltra profiles, and thankfully lots of the elements have names- sometimes they can be hard to find/get so let me know if you need to know the names of things or Prodigy might have it more fleshed out. Glad they help at least, whoo - and welcome! ^_^



Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/28 15:25:56 )
@Zyqi: definitely. I believe it was Aly who had sample profile codes out?

But yeah they're pretty similar but when I was playing around with mine even though I never finished it, I used inspect element so much. I guess the difference is that there's already so many resources for gaia profiles but when you already know the selectors, should just be the same stuff mostly.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 09:19:05 )
◄ {@ixora:

Inspect element, got it!

I'm a hobbyist coding newbie, so every little bit helps.} ►
Hiatus until further notice.

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